Min CC 07/15/1982 CITY OF CIBOLO - JULY 15, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ed Ling 7:00 P.M. 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ed Ling; Council-members Bill Little, Sig Swenson, Fred Niemietz, Marge Smith; City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel 3. INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) moved the minutes of the July 1 , 1982 meeting be approved. All approved. OID BUSINESS: A. Annexation. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) made a motion that Ordinance #295. establishing a public hearing on the annexation of 41 .174 acres in the James Gray and J.M. Cardena Surveys be held at 6:30 P.M. on August 5, 1982 at City Hall, 109 S. Main St., Cibolo, Texas. B. Sewer Easement. C.C.M.A. Representative David Dennis attended the meeting to present the sanitary sewer easement to the City that had previously been granted C.C .M.A. by Watson, Flannery and Steves. It was brought to his attention that there is a city sewer line extending from the east end of Santa Clara to the C.C.M.A. line that crosses to the,Town Creek Lift Station. David said he had not been aware of this line. The easement states that Watson, Flannery and Steves gives an easement to C.C.M.A. C.C.M.A. had presented the line to Cibolo in 1978 but it had not been finalized. He presented Exhibit A to the C.C.M.A.-Cibolo Contract stating that C.C.M.A. relinquishes the lines to the City with the point of entry at the manhole immediately upstream of the Town Creek lift station. This agreement will make the line part of the City's sewer system and the City will be responsible for its, upkeep. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) made a motion the Council accept the sewer easement and sewer lines from Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. All approved. David Dennis also provided the Council with copies of a report on channelization of Cibolo Creek and informed Council he will return at a later date to brief them if they would like. No date was set but it was decided to have him return. C. Fire Prevention Code. The adoption of a fire code for the City was discussed. Bill Little stated the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Dept. has discussed the fire code also and would like a work session with the Council. Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) made the motion the City Council adopt the Standard Fire Prevention Code (with certain sections to be amended later) . All approved. D. Fire Marshall. Bill Little was appointed by Mayor Ling to be the City fire marshall. The Council approved appointment with Bill Little abstaining. E. City Car. Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) made the motion the City vehicle, a Dodge Polara be sold with sealed bids; the Council reserves option to refuse any or all bids. F. Municipal Judge Seminar in McAllen was discussed. Bill Little Marge Smith made a motion the City send the City Judge Ed Kneupper to seminar. For: Bill Little, Fred Niemietz, Marge Smith Against: Sig Swenson Pg 2 - CC Minutes 15 Jul 82 G. Privacy Fence. The privacy fence at A-1 Transmission was again discussed. Bill Little (Sig Swenson) moved the matter of the fence be tabled until Mrs. Nirider is present to elaborate on her motion at the meeting when the fence was first decided on. All approved. H. Speed Limit. The possibility of having the speed limit on the curve between Elm and Wiederstein streets was discussed. Chief Marin reported that the last time this survey was done by the State Highway Dept. in late 1976 and the survey resulted in the Dept. wanting to raise the limit to 40 MPH. After negotiations with Mayor F.S. Schlather the Dept. agreed to leave it at 35 MPH. The Council was polled concerning whether or not they wish a survey to to be done. Bi71 Little - Yes Sig Swenson - No Fred Niemietz - No Marge Smith - No It was decided not to request a survey. I. Paving on F.M. 78 Right of Way was discussed. The City has plans to pave the streets and the question of who paves on the Highway right of way was discussed. Mayor Ling will contact. Leland Woods of the Highway Dept. concerning the matter. 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) made the motion that the bills be approved. All approved. &. ADJOURNMENT: The mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:40. ED LING, MAYO Q BARBARA. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 15 JULY 1982 UTILITIES G.V .E.0. CITY 70.53 (Paid 7-2-82) PARK 119 .00 COM BLDG 35-49 225.02 SOUTHWESTERN BELL CITY 658-9900 45.37 658-8735 15.67 MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS HILLERT AIRCONDITIONING CITY HALL AIR CONDITIONING 25.00 CITY TRUCK CIBOIO SELF SERVE - GAS & OIL, TIRE REPAIR 13.00 TRACTOR CIBOIO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 13.20 LAWNMOWER CIBOIO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 20 .61 POLICE CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 150.00 PO LICE CAR CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 143.84 WILLIE'S GARAGE STATE INSPECTION, 48.00 SERVICE A/C, FIX DIMMERS CIBOLO SELF SERVE TIRE REPAIR & 3 BATTERIES 1 .97 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE HERALD NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING PUBLIC HEARING 37.80 TML DUES 10.00 (This is a regional dues for Region 7. A separate due.) WUESTS SUPPLIES 11 .59 gTBQL ,,,SELF SERVE GAS-CITY CAR 5.80 SIPPEL HARDWARE CASSETTE TAPES 1 .79 WATER & SEWER C.0.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 13130.21 POLLUTION CONTROL LAB, INC. MINERAL ANALYSIS OF WATER 60.00