Min CC 06/17/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ling 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Ding 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers: Sig Swenson, Fred Niemietz, and Bill Little; and City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel 4. MINUTES: A. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) made the motion the minutes of the June 3, 1982 Council Meeting be approved. All approved. B. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) made the motion the minutes of the June 3, 1982 Public Hearing be approved. All approved. C. Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) made the motion the minutes of the June 14, 1982 Special Meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A. Mr. Don Jaeger attended the council meeting to discuss: (1 ) The City having 2 employees reading meters when only one is necessary in his opinion. He feels the Council could hire a younger man and pay him more money. Mayor Ling replied that the one employee was teaching the other where all the meters are and that when this was done, the employee would read the meters alone. He also stated the city had had younger employees before and the jobs were not handled satisfactorily and the employees the City has now are very conscientious and more experienced. (2) Mr. Jaeger stated there seemed to be be a discrepancy in the street mowing. Mr. Niemietz replied thre are certain places that need to be mowed with the riding mower rather than the shredder and when these places are reached, the shredder is not used and the employees-come back later with the riding mower. Mr. Jaeger was told that the matter would be checked. (3) Mr. Jaeger also questioned the cost of maintaining the former police car. (4) Drainage problems were also mentioned by him and he was told by Mayor Ling that the entire Council had input into priorities concerning the street paving and drainage. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. A discussion on street paving and drainage was held. Priorities were reviewed and the following streets were decided as streets that could be deleted as low priority, with the possibility of being additive bid items. (1 ) Rawe St . $ 1 ,276. (2) Wiederstein St . 3,215. (3) Pfeil 22,119 . (4) Meek 2,521 . (5) S. Main 5,660. (6) W. Schlather 5,165. (7) E. Schlather 3.,180. (8) Pecan 12,733• $56,169 . No final decision was made on street paving and drainage due to the question of easement rights on property belonging to Watson, Flannery and Steves now in sale negotiations. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) moved the Drainage and Street Paving Issue be tabled until July 1 , 1982 Council Meeting when all members will be present. Motion passed. t'age Z --uibo.Lo uu F nuties" dune 1 (, 1 yo/ B. Slab Foundations were again discussed for clarification. Combinations of slab covers and slab sizes were considered. Patio w/o cover will be 4" thick as established on June 3, 1982. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved accessory buildings (excluding garages) be 5" minimun thick with 6x6 #6 mesh or #3 rebars 12" on center both ways." Motion passed. t Driveways on city property will be 1concrete, 5"/siaFwl"�`ith #3 rebars 12" on center both ways with expAp,si,4joint every 25' and false joint every 51 . Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) made the motion that (1 ) Patio with aluminum cover on aluminum framing; (2) Patio with aluminum cover on wood framing; (3) Patio with fiberglass cover on aluminum framing; and (4) Patio with fiberglass cover on wood framing have footings as described on attached form showing requirements. All approved. i Sig Swenson (Bill Little) made the motion the following enclosed patios: (1 ) Patio to be closed in without masonry; (2) Screened in area on wood framing; and (3) Screened in area on aluminum framing; follow the requirements on attached form. All approved. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ord. #295 voiding Ord.- #131 and dis-annexing property in the Martin and Walker Survey #113 was read for first reading. B. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) made a motion the seminars on planning and zoning be approved at a cost of $300 .00 per evening meeting with two meetings planned and an option for a third. All approved. C. Fire Marshall Ordinance was discussed. Fire Code manuals were reviewed. The Fire Marshall ordinance in existance will be amended by council.- 8. ouncil:8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Sig Swenson (Fred Niem-ietz) made a motion the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: 11 :00 P.M. I- n ED LING.9 M,,A OR BARBARA. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 17 JUNE 1982 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-9900 30.30 658=8735 9.60 1 OFFICE & AIMINISTRATIVE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY 36.00 HERALD NEWSPAPER GROUP PUBLISHING ORD 61 .10 WUESTS SUPPLIES 7 .39 GUADALUPE APPRAISAL DISTRICT THIRD QTRLY PAYYYgNT 361 .58 POLICE DEPARTMENT MARTINS UNIFORMS JACKET & LINER 33 .52 SAFES SAFES AMBULANCE SERVICE QUARTERLY PANT 173.55 TRUCK SIPPELS HARDWARE 1 CASE OIL 27 .86 G-0's AUTO REPAIR STARTER & VOLTAGE REGULATOR 36.00 PARK CIBOLO LUMBER. CO . PARK RESTROOM 357 .23 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. PARK RESTROOM 20 .99 CIBOIA LUMBER CO. PARK RESTROOM 37.12 WATER & SEWER GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY PURCHASED WkTER 88.78 FROST NATIONAL BANK WATERWORKS & SEWER SYSTEM REV. BONDS SERIES 75 COUPONS DUE (14) 1 ,605.00 FEE (BASE) 60.00 1 ,665.00 C.0.M.A. ShTAGE TREATMENT 13009.66 POLLUTION CONTROL LABS ANALYSIS WATER SAMPLE 60.00 •