Min CC 06/03/1982 CIBOLO COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 3, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7 P.M. Mayor Ling 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson and Little. City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel 4. MINUTES: The minutes of the May 25, 1982 were approved as read. Jo Nirider (Sig Swenson) made the motion. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A. Dale Wilson and Albert Robison had the following list of complaints: (1 ) Wilson stated that he did not approve of the City Secretary who does not live in the City and he does not think pays taxes, being furnished a city car to drive to and from work ur as he was told it was seen at the school during a talent show. He said he felt his tax dollars should be spent in other ways and that he got no benefits from his tax dollars. (Mayor Ling and Councilman Swenson) responded by explaining that the City has decided to keep the Dodge car as a back up car for the Police Dept if the present Police Car had to be repaired and that the City Secretary was asked to drive it so it would not be left in the City over weekends, etc, and to keep up the battery; also, it was explained that theCity Secretary furnishes 90% of gas for vehicle- and thatthis had been discussed at a prior date. Wilson was informed by City Secretary that she did not drive the car to the Talent Show or to any other event. (2) Wilson and Robison also stated that they did not have any benefits from the City and had wanted to hook onto the sewer lines. (They were informed that they could hook onto the line with their neighbors helping share the cost of the lines being extended.) (3) House numbering was also a complaint by fir. Robison. (Planning and Zoning has map with new numbering and will approach Council as soon as possible.) (4) Robison wanted to know if there was anyway that pressure could be brought on the Ione Star Store with particular reference to customers of the store urinating on West side of building in view of Robison in his house. (He was informed that unless the person was actually seen, nothing could be done about public indec_epcy_ - that with his back to the street, the man could not legally be considered exposing himself.) (5) Drinking beer on premises was another complaint by Robison. (He -i&:as told that the owner of the business was responsible but they= had to be aware of the fact that this was going on before any charges could be brought . B. Donald Jaeger, Daryl Tolle and Ryan Faulk attended meeting concerning requirements for patio slab construction. They were informed that the patio requirements were on the agenda for mater in the meeting and their opinions would be cons dered. They felt that the 5" requirement was too much for a si4le slab with no building or roof to support. C. Terry Messick, Ruben Tanner and Don Muha of Green Valley Trailer Park attended council to request that something be clone about the two rent houses belonging to Ismael Carreon located on Hackerville Rd. Complaints are that the places are junky, have open holes at the ends of the septic tank laterals, have water standing causing mosquito breeding places, ,laces are run down and not in keeping with restrictions on trailer park. They said -that one of the families had even butchered a pig inside one of the houses • and hung it from the rafters, then washed out the house with a hose. They were informed by the Mayor that the City's attorney would be contacted to provide the city with it 's legal rights concerning subdivisions in E .T.J. and the citizens would be contacted. June 3,1982 Council meeting .continued.. . . 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. SLAB REQUIREMENTS: Bill Little (Fred Niemietz) made a motion the Council revoke action made concerning slab requirements during the May 25, 1982 meeting due to the fact that it was not on the agenda . All approved. B . Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) made a motion that the patio slab requirements be established as: 411 slab 6x6 #10 mesh or #3 rebars at 18" on center both ways . (This is a lighter slab.) All approved. C. Councilman Niemietz presented the council with a letter from the Cibolo Volunteer Fire. Dept. stating they will -provide fire protection to newly annexed and/or proposed annexed property into the City of Cibolo . Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) made a motion the Council set an On Site Public Hearing on July 1, 1982 at 6:15 p.m. on the property of Mayo D. Hogue on Green Valley Road. All approved. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Bill Little -(Jo Nirider) moved the Council accept the Planning & Zoning Board recommendation and that a public hearing on the re-zoning of 42 .382 acres of land in the A.S. Lewis Survey from Pre-,Development to Industrial M-1 be set for June 22, 1982 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 109 S. Main. All approved. B. It was brought to the attention of Mr. C.P. Vaughan that the weeds and brush in the area around the new subdivisions was becoming a nuisance. Mr. Vaughan stated that the tractor had been broken and was now repaiir6d and the area would be mowed. C. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) made a motion that a public hearing be set for 7:17 p.m. - 7:45 p .m. June 22, 1982 giving all interested persons the opportunity to appear and give input concerning the proposed 1982-83 city budget. All approved. D. It was decided to order copies of the Standard Fire Code and Fire Marshall Ordinance. E. Council discussed and agreed' that the City should support the Crimestoppers organization and that Jerry Marin and Sig Swenson be the city,s represent- atives at a meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on June 7, 1982 at the Randolph Bank of Commerce. F. The Veteran's Day Celebration was bridfly discussed and Mr. Swenson will obtain more information concerning possible events . G. Cibolo Paint and Body Shop was discussed. Jerry Marin will inforce the restrictions and have Mr. Watson removed junk from premises . H. The CCMA pumps at the Town Creek Lift Station was discussed. The Council requested that C.0.M.A. be contacted to set up a check on the lift station and the city be notified so a representative can be present. I. U.A. Columbia Cable TV was again discussed. A back up letter to the one sent on May 3, 1982 will be sent . The May 3rd wetter requested a possible date for services to the new subdivisions. J. The Council decided to have the City's attorney decide what legal actions the City can take concerning sewer leak repairs; whether or not the city can force someone to repair leaks . K. The water leak in alley behind O.C. Besch house was discussed. Leak will be repaired as soon as Andrew Tolle can schedule it. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. for an executive session to discuss salaries . June 3, 1982 Council meeting continued. . . 10. RECONVENE: Council reconvened at 12:51 a.m. June 4,1982. A. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made a motion that Fred Niemietz be authorized to hire part time help for manual labor with a salary of $3.35 per hour. All approved. B. Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) made a motion that the Council table all salary reviews until July lst executive session. All approved. C. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made the motion the meeting be adjourned at 12:53 a.m. All approved. ED LING, MAYOR, MY OF CIBOI05 TEXAS BARBARA GLENEWINKE L, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 3 JUNE 1982 UTILITIES G-V.E.0. PARK , 1-85.93 COM BLDG 32 .65 CITY 61 .05 279.63 CITY OF CIBOLO PARK (W) 40.30 CITY HALL 23 .00 63.30 OFFICE & ADMISTRATION TAMARAC SUPPLIES 3.59 SO TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 3.87 FRANK SCHMIDT RECORDING ORD 11 .00 POLICE CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 149-55 DISPATCHER 1 0.00 IMPOUNDING 6 CATS - 1 DOG 45.00 344.55 CITY CAR G-0 AUTO REPAIR TUNE UP 61 .65 CIBOLO SELF SERVE GASOLINE 13.00 TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL & TIRE REPAIR 24-44 TRACTOR CIBOLD SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 22 .32 SIPPEL HARDWARE OIL & GRFASE CARTRIDGE 2.28 MOWER CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 19.80 PARK T & F CONSTRUCTION CO RESTROOM AT PARK 189 .50 BEXAR ELECTRIC CO MATERIAL FURNISHED T & F 101 -70 IAIATER & SEWER. CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 1 ,1224.20 INFO ITEM GIADYS PFEIL BOOKKEEPING - 11/30/81, = 6/1/82 81 3/14 hrs @ 6.00 = 1490.50 Less SS 32 .86 WH 60.00 397 .6