Min CC 05/25/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING -- 'MAY`:25, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ling 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson, Little; Bldg. Insp. Andrew Tolle; W. H. Mullins, City Engineer.; .Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary 3. INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 4. MINUTES: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the 5/20/82 meeting be approved. All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Streets and Paving Mr. Mullins was to have a report on the cost for paving and drainage but due-to the fact that the engineer working on the cost request had been called for jury duty when it was 75% complete, the figures were not available. A general discussion followed on the different ways the water can be drained from the water around the north .end of Main St . The cost figures should be available by the June 3, 1982 meeting. B. Slab Requirements Slab requirements for Patio; Utility Bldg; Sidewalk and Driveway were discussed. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) made a motion the Subdivision Ordinance #6@ be amended to remove the option of 6x6 #10 mesh and concrete driveway must be 5" . (Detail drawing attached) Motion passed with Sig Swenson, Fred Niemietz, Jo Nirider in favor; Marge Smith and Bill Little opposed. C. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) made a motion that everything that has already been platted remain under the previous provisions or Ordinance slab requirements. All approved. D. The subject of having homeowners erect fences around swimming pools as a safety measure was discussed. It was decided that the landowner himself is responsible and if he wants to put up a fence or not was his prerogative. E. The Council decided to have Vernon McKaskle erect the privacy fence at A-1 Transmission separating the commercial property from the residential property. (Letter forwarded to McMcKaskle Jun 3, 1982) F. Discussion was held on Contractor's License. It was stated by Mayor Ling to let the minutes show that the contractor s permit shall be enforced. License have been issued but for contractors who have plans to do more than one job in the city. Homeowners have been obtaining their own permits and have not been required to obtain license and bond. Homeowners may hire someone on an hourly basis to do work but if a contract is let then person doing work should be licensed and bonded. Clarification of ordinance will be done as soon as possible. G. Resolution #1051 establishing a refund policy for the Customer Deposit account . A copy of the Resolution is attached. 6. ADJOURNMENT FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: 11 :20 P.M. Employee salaries will be discussed. 7. COUNCIL RECONVENED: 11 :25 P.M. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) made a motion that Helmuth Braune receive a raise of 50¢ per hour and George Sassman Sr. receive a raise of 25¢ per hour, both raises effective June 13 1982 . 8. ADJOURNMENT: 11 :40 P.M. ED LING, MAI'OR BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY