Min CC 05/20/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 20 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Sig Swenson 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Pro Tem Swenson, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Little; Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Jo Nirider 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None; Hazel Bode Mondin was a guest. 5. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Little) moved the minutes of the May 6, 1982 meeting be approved as read. All approved. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. The meeting with W.H. Mullins, Engineer, which is set for May 25,1982 at 7:00 p.m. was discussed. It was decided to make it a special council meeting. Bill Little (Jo Nirider) moved the meeting be a special council meeting so that any decision made can be voted on. All approved. B. Cibobo North Unit Three Subdivision After the Council re-discussed the sewer pipe size for the lines in Cibolo North Subdivision Unit Three the following action was taken: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made the motion that the city revise the decision of the May 6, 1982 council meeting and allow Vaughan Companies to install 6" sewer lines instead of 8" sewer lines on the lines leading into the 8" sewer line on Buffalo Trail. For: Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz; Abstain: Bill Little. Motion carried. C. WATER DEPOSIT REFUND The refunding of water deposits was discussed. The Council asked the City Secretary to write a policy concerning the water deposit refunding for discussion at the ndxt meeting Tuesday, May 25. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Fred Niemietz (Bill Little) moved the telephone at the park be installed at the place the telephone company decides is the best place to install it. All approved. B. CITY EMPLOYEE POLICY A committee for study on a city employee policy was suggested. Four of the councilmembers present volunteered; they are Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz and Bill Little. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the Council form a committee to study the city policy and work on the drafting of the policy. All approved. C. "Little Towns of Texas" book was discussed and tabled. D. Cookbook drawings were discussed, and tabled. A suggestion was made that a contest fnr kids in the area to draw the pictures for the cookbook (due to the fact that the original drawings were lost) . The subject was tabled until the 6/3/82 meeting. E. Insurance for City Council and Employees was discussed and tabled for discussion at a workshop meeting. F. Mrs. Emeteri6 Perez has asked when (or if) they can expect wewer service on Haeckerville Rd. It was suggested that Mrs. Perez contact her neighbors to possibly share the cost of extending the line from FM 78 to several houses on Haeckerville Road. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9m ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 p.m. SIG SWFI AYOR PRO TEM CITY , TEXAS BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED - MAY 20 1982 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-9900 53.26 658-8735 15.77 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE GRFATER RANDOLPH AREA ANNUAL DUES 114.00 ` CHAMBER OF COMMERCE % SALES TAX 131 -00 275.00 RADIO SHACK CASSETTES 22 .99 BILL LITTLE REIMBURSEMENT AACOG MTG 10.00 CITY HALL GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 48" FLUORSCENT LIGHTS 28.32 CITY PARK GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 96" FLUORSCENT LIGHTS 41 .88 SCHIATHERS INC . CHLORDANE 39 .50 r 1' FO LICE DEBT MARTINS UNIFORMS NEW POLICE CHIEF UNIFORMS 237.43 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL 10 DAY RABIES QUARANTINE 36.00 & EUTHANSIA (2 dogs) WATER & SETnIER. GARCIA & WRIGHT GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY CORP 329 .00 RATE STUDY GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY PURCHASED WATER 95.57 C.0.M.A . SEWAGE TREATMENT 990.66 •