Min CC 04/15/1982 APRIL 15, 1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Mayor Ed Ling 2. INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Swenson, Niemietz, Little; Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary 4. MINUTES: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the 4/1/82 Meeting be approved with the clarification of #6-E. All approved. #6-E should read: Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) moved Garcia & Wright Engineers be authorized to proceed as previously outlined to update a proposed contract for water ser- vices with Green Valley Water Supply, Inc. (A copy of letter from Garcia, & Wright and. the city response is attached.) 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD/GUESTS: Hazel Mondin, candidate for County Clerk; Susan Schmidt, candidate for County Judge, Sam Millsap, candidate for D.A., Bexar County; Steve Gawlik, Diane Kardys, Cathy Ferrell, Wendy White, Mary Ann Krueger, Lou Ann Schuetz, Sheryl Kenney, Diane "odriguez, Craig Holmig, Ben Shefman. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. The request of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shuetz to have variances granted to the Subdivision Ordinance was presented by Craig Holmig, Engineer. Mr. & Mrs. Schuetz have purchased property on Tolle Rd. and have plans to develop it into a subdivision. The first plan was for mobile home tracts - 20 in number. Mrs. Schuetz stated they have decided to lower the number of homes thereby having larger lots. Mayor Ling explained to the Council what variance the Schuetz's are request- ing, reading a letter from Mr. Holmig to that matter. The developers are requesting permission to put the road in the subdivision in according to the County specifications rather than the City specifications. The P.& Z. Board Minutes concerning the P.& Z.decision on the subdivision was attached for reference. Chm. of P.& Z. Claude Smith was present to explain (if it were necessary) any decision by the P. & Z. Board. The P. & Z. Board recommended the City Council grant the variance to the Subd. Ordinance allowing the Schuetz's to put in the subdivision with the road according to County spec. with the following specifications: 1. Water: a) 6t, water line (AWW-C900) connected to a 411 line b) 3 flush valves to be installed (1 at entrance; 1 midway; and 1 at the end of subdivision) ;these flush valves cannot _ look like fire plugs. c) 2� fire hose connections for flushing purposes 2. Road: a) 611 base-crushed limestone double coarse penetration b) 20' pavement c) 60' right of way d) culvert at entrance to subdivision 3. Drainage: a) the watershed is not to be changed b) abide by county specifications on septic tanks The council discussed the subdivision with Mrs. Schuetz, her lawyer, Ben Shefma,n and Craig Holmig, Engineer. After a long discussion a decision was reached. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made the motion the City Council accept the recommendations of the P&Z Board and grant the variance to the Ordinance with the added specifications concerning water, road and drainage. Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz voted for, Sig Swenson and Bill Little voted against. Motion carried. B. Cibolo North Unit 3 was discussed by the Council. Mr. Vaughan had presented the plat to P&Z Board and. the Board recommended Council approve it. It was suggested that the utility easement run along the front of the property rather than the entire easement coming from one property owner at the rear of the property. It was.-decided to table the matter until MV Vaughan could be consulted. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) made a motion the Council approve a meeting between Mayor Ling, C.P. Vaughan and G.V.E.C. to discuss the possibility of putting utilities in front yardof property. All approved. C. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved a letter be sent to U.A. Columbia. Cable TV requesting the reason cable service has not been provided for new subdivisions in Cibolo. All approved. D. The mayor read the ordinance annexing 46.074 ac. in the James Gray Survey for the second time. E. Jo Nirider (Bill Little) moved the drainage work on North Main be scheduled subject to approval by the lawyer as to the legality of hiring a private concern that has a, contract with City (T&F Construction) or open the job for bids, contacting the property owners across the street through which the water will drain and a more definite cost from T&F Const. on labor and cost. All approved. F. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved the engineers be notified to proceed with design of paving and drainage on entire city. All approved. G. Mayor Pro Tem. Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved Sig Swenson be elected Mayor Pro Tem for another year. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider moved Sig Swenson be elected Mayor Pro Tem by acclamation. All approved. H. Councilmembers were assigned city departments: Place 1. Bill Little - CCMA Meeting - Sewer Dept 2. Marge Smith - Zoning 3. Jo Nirider - Zoning, Cable TV Adv. Board, Main St. Texas 4. Fred Niemietz - Park - Water 5. Sig Swenson - Police - Streets I. Land Use Seminar to be held in San Marcos, Tx on Saturday, April 17 was discussed. (Marge & Claude Smith attended representing City Council and P&Z Board) 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. S. ADJOURWENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. r EDWARD LING, MA v�b BARB GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 15 APRIL 1982 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-9900 47.6 658-8735 15.67 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE T.M.L. DUES 250.00 TRI COUNTY OFFICE MAINTENANCE KGREEMENT 45.00 EQUIPMENT 4-6-82 THRU 4-6-83 HERALD NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING ORD 113.00 MISSION SALES & JANITOR TOILET TISSUE & 25.00 SUPPLY INC PAPER TOWELS WUEST SUPERMARKET SUPPLIES 26.45 G-O'S CITY CAR 12.50 (OIL CHANGE & FILTER) CITY PARK MISSION SALES & JANITOR TOILET TISSUE & PAPER TOWELS 25.00 SUPPLY CO., INC ZIMMFRVIAN'S PHARMACY DRUGS & SUPPLIES FOR PARK 13.71 EMPLOYEE (CUT FINGER) CITY TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS, OIL, TIRE REPAIR 45.32 IAWNMOWER CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS 8.00 TRACTOR CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS 5.12 OTHER EXPENSES H.P. PRINTING INC . I.D. BADGES FOR COUNCIL 24.50 WATER & SEWER C .0.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1 ,022 .28