Min CC 04/08/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 8, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:02 P.M. Mayor Ed Ling 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Council-members: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson, Thurman; Chief of Police Marin, Ass't Iva Amacker, Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Annexation Ordinance 1st Reading 46.074 acres in James Gray Survey, property owners: Benjamin Pfeil, Henry Pfeil and Patricia Dean. B. Mayor Ed Ling read the Oath of Office to Josie Nirider, Marge Smith and Bill Little, Councilmembers places 4, 5 and 1 respectively. C. A Gertificate .of Appreciation was given to Gerald Thurman (outgoing Council-member Place 1 ) by Mayor Ling. Mr. Thurman has been a council member for the past three years. 5. ADJOURNMENT: 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ling. A short reception was held for the councilmembers and families . Tom Anderlitch, financial advisor for the city attended a workshop to discuss financing of street and water improvements . EDWARD LING, MAYO BARBARA GLENEWINKEL CITY SECRETARY