Min CC 03/04/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 4, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER.: 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION: Ed Ling, Mayor 3. QUORUM: Mayor Ling, Council-members: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson, Thurman; Chief of Police Jerry Marin; City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel 4. VISITORS: Teresa Miller, Kathy Hernandez, Miguel Troncosa who are members of the Government Class at Samuel Clemens. 5. MINUTES: Gerald Thurman (Jo Nirider) moved the minutes of the February 15, 1982 meeting be approved. All approved. 6. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: - Trinidad and Wendy Medel attended the council meeting to complain about the cars speeding on Elm St . Mrs. Medel was informed that the street had been checked after she called the dispatcher and no cars were found speeding. Police Chief Marin stated he would continue to watch for speeders on the street. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Greater Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce Ken Boyd, representing the Chamber of Commerce, explained how the Chamber helps the area cities. He also explained a Contract of Services that the Chamber and Universal City have drawn up. Universal City pays .24% of its 10 sales tax revenue in return for services stipulated in the contract . Mr. Boyd stated the city generated $52,160 in sales tax and at .24 this totals $125.00. The City is already a dues paying member at a cost of $21 .00 per council member. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved the city give the Chamber &_.percentage of sales tax revenue in addition to the annual dues. All approved. B . ENTEX A letter from Entex explaining an increase in Entex gas rates was read by Mayor Ling. No action was required. C. DOG VACCINATION Fred Wiedxier-(who is in charge of the animal vaccination) had informed the City Secretary that the county is asking the the Cibolo Grange reimburse the county 8¢ each for the dog tags given out at the vaccination. Mr. Wiedner would like the council to share in this exp ens e. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved the City pay 8¢ for each tag issued to dogs of owners who reside in the city. All approved. D. CREDIT - GASOLINE FOR CITY VEHICLES Credit at local service stations for city vehicles was discussed. It was decided to set up a charge account with the Ione Star Ice & Food Store. (The City already has an account with Cibolo Self Serve.) The account with Ione Star Ice & Food Store was set up by City Secretary on Friday March 5 with all city vehicles eligible to obtain fuel on credit. E. TAX LIMITATION A letter from District 15 State Representative Jim Turner concerning a new provision to the State Property Tax Code was read by Mayor Ling. The new provision provides a 1 year limitation on excessive tax increases resulting from reappraisal. (A copy of letter is entered in the Minute Book.) Page 2 - Mar 4, 1982 CC Minutes 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the bills be approved. All approved. 9 . ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. L EDWTN G, BARBARA GLENEWINEEL CITY SECRETARY •