Min CC 02/04/1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING- February 4, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:04 P.M. by Mayor Ling :+ 2 . INVOCATION: Jo Nirider 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ed Ling; Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Swenson, Niemietz and Thurman. Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin. 4. MINUTES: Jo .Nirider (Gerald Thurman) moved the minutes of the January 25, 1982 Public Hearing, Joint Council/P & Z Board meeting and Council Meeting be approved. All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. A resolution and service plan on previously annexed property was discussed. City Attorney Hrncir had advised that due to the fact that the city had failed to hold an on-site hearing and provide a- service plan, in order to make it legal, it should be done again. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved the city pass Resolution # 1049 and Service Flan. All approved. B. An electrical ordinance fot the city was on the agenda for discussion. Mr. C-.P. Vaughan and Mark Vaughan of Vaughan Crest Inc., and Mike Absher of G.V.E.0. attended the meeting to address themselves to this ordinance. Councilmember ,Sig Swenson had requested the ordinance be reviewed and discussed by council. He feels Cibolo needs an ordinance pertaining to electricians - that they should bq qualified and licensed in order to assure proper installation of electrical wiring. C.P. Vaughan stated he waO in favor of G.V.E.0. doing inspections on his houses . Make Absher stated the rules and restrictions on G.V.E.0. inspections.. He stated that U.V.E.0. would be more likely to know if changes in wiring were done because of blown transformers and requests by homeowners/contractors to cut off electricity to work on wires. After considerable discussion the motion was made to table' the ordinance. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the consideration of this ordinance be tabled until a later time . All approved. C. The zoning on property owned.by'Ruben de los Santos on Lamar St. was discussed. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) moved the Broker handling the property and Mr. De los. Santos be notified by letter that the original permit was a special permit for the landowner (arid not the land) and that a new land owner would have to apply for a new permit to operate a garage on the property. (This is due to the property being zoned residential when the zoning map and ordinance was passed.) All approved. D. Due to a meeting in Seguin being held by the Guadalupe County Appraisal Board on Feb. 18 (Regular' Council night), the,City Council discussed the possible changing of the r'e.gular council night. Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) moved changing the Council Meeting from Feb 18 to Monday, Feb 15. All approved. E. Copies of the proposed Planning & Zoning maps were passed out to the council members for them to take home and study. Discussions and suggestions will be accepted at a later date. l Page 2 -- Feb 4, 1942 City Council Minutes F. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved the camper shell thatwas picked up by the city be sold for $100.00 If it cannot be sold for that, advertise in paper. All approved. 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved bills be approved. All approved. 7 . ADJOURNMENT: 8:33 P.M. EDWARD LING, MA R BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 4 FEBRUARY 1982 UTILITIES G.V.E.C. COMM. BLDG 49.66 PARK 7 .65 CITY 68.07 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY -HALL (W&S) 23.00 PARK (W) 21 .20 OFFICE AND ADMILVISTRATIVE SIPPEL HARDWARE 2 KEYS 1 .38 SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 63.28 SEILER FIRE EQUIP. INC. ANNUAL INSPECTION 2.50 CONTRERAS FLOWERS FOR A.TOLLS 31 -00 (MOTHER-IN-LAW) SOUTHERN BLDG CODE 3 COPIES OF BLDG CODE 15.50 CIBOLO SELF SERVE CITY CAR (GAS) 31 .86 CITY TRUCK G-0 AUTO REPAIR STARTER 81 .10 SIPPEL HARDWARE SUPPLIES FOR TRUCK 21 .95 WALTER KELLER CO BATTERY 47.65 CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 27-56 TRACTOR HEIMUTH BRAUNE REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRACTOR TIRE 12 .50 REPAIR HERTZ TIRE SERVICE, SEGUIN CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 9.24 POLICE SO. TEXAS PRINTING CO LETTERHEAD AND ENVELOPES 70.65 SIPPEL HARDWARE SCREWS ,64 DAVIDSONS LOCK PICK, INSTRUCTIONS, ETC 37.05 POLICE CAR RANDALL A. JENKINS REMOVE LIGHT BAR, RADIO, 4TA/SIREN 70.00 FROM OLD CAR AND INSTALZ IN NEW CAR CIBOLO SELF SERVE CS OIL, BATTERIES 30.05 %TER SO TEXAS PRINTING CO. WATER CARDS 12 .90 C.0.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1071 -38 CITY OF S.CHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 1P138.12 GREEN VALLEY WATER CO PURCHASED WATER 45.19