Min CC 01/07/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 7, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7 P.M. Mayor Ling 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, .Niemietz3 Swenson and Thurman; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. 4. MINUTES: Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) moved the minutes of the December 17, 1981 meeting be approved. All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS: k. Southern Pacific Railroad representative attended the meeting: Roy McWhirter, Ray Campbell, Matt Matrisciani, Art Henson. A long discussion was held concerning the 45 MPH speed limit ordinance passed by the city. The representatives were interested in the reasonings behind the ordinance. The council explained the concern over the speeds of various trains and the possibility of a derailment. Mr. McWhirter explained the train speeds and that certain trains had to travel at certain speeds in order to remain safely on track. Trains with dangerous chemicals are not carried at a high rate of speed and cars are spaced. Mr. McWhirter requested that the city allow the railroad to use their descretion in the speed of the trains since they had a good program for safety and maintenance. Train speeds are checked by computer and engineers violating limits between checkpoints are notified. Mr. McWhirter said they were not aware of the ordinance passed by Converse (the Ordinance used as a draft for Cibolo) . No decision was made on the Railroad Co . request they be allowed to use their own descretion. It was decided to bring the matter up at the next meeting for a decision. B. Mr. Joseph Burger and Mr. Waechter attended the council meeting to request permission to move a house onto Block 1 Lot 2 Green Valley Trailer Park, a subdivision in the ETJ of Cibolo . According to deed restrictions (Recorded at Guadalupe County Courthouse Vol III Pages 28 & 29) the City has the right to regulate the moving into subdivision any old houses or buildings. Flood plain elevations were discussed with Mr. Burger. The city is requiring Mr. Burger to abide by flood plain elevation requirements -- and that he also bring the house up to building standards. Mr. Burger discussed the flooding problems on Country Lane. Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) moved to approve Mr. Burger's request to move a house onto lot 2 Blk 1 in Green Valley Trailer Park with a letter from an engineer stating it is above flood plain and that house be underpinned and up to building standards and there be a time limit of 6 months on permit. All Approved. C. The problem of removing/damaging street and highway traffic warning signs was discussed. There is a $50.00 reward for information on the damaging of such signs. Mr. Swenson suggested Claire Gilbert, Herald Reporter, write an article on the problem. D. Southern Building Code Ordinance Amendment. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made a motion that Ordinance #52 be amended to bring it up to the current yearb regulations. All approved. Page 2 - Cibolo City Council Minutes, Jan 7, 1942 E. Public Hearing on Vernon McKaskle Property. Mr. McKaskle is requesting that lots 6 & 7 Geo . Schlather Subdivision be rezoned from Residential to Commercial. Mr. McKaskle wishes to put in a transmission garage on the lots. The Planning & Zoning Board has recommended the Council deny the request due to the fact that it does not go along with comprehensive plan of city. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made a motion that Council does not accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board and that a public hearing on the request be set for January 25, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall, 109 S. Main. All approved. F. Recreation Dept . Books Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the Recreation Dept record books be included with other City accounts for ,,-this fiscal year. All approved. G. Moving Radar Equipment Police Chief Jerry Marin requested the -Council consider purchasing a moving radar unit for the patrol car. A unit is available for $1185 and has been demonstrated. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) moved the council purchase the radar equipment. All approved. H. C.0.M.A. Connection Fee Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved the sewer connection fee be adjusted to reflect C.0.M.A. increase of $250.00 (C.0.M.A. $500.00- - City $50-00) . All approved. I. Smoke Test Results Smoke test results were discussed with pictures and descriptions. Letters will be written to' citizens with leaks in their sewer lines requesting the problem be taken care of within 60 days and notify City Hall when repaired so it can be inspected. J. Mrs. Nirider suggested the council meeting scheduled for January 21 be re-scheduled so the council (if possible) can attend the SCUC School Board Meeting scheduled for the same night. It was decided to meet on Monday, January 25th after the Public Hearing, since the Council will be here already. K. Authorize Industrial Revenue Bonds. Council is in agreement that they would be willing to authorize industrial revenue bonds if industries were interested in locating in area. 6. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: 11 :00 P.M. EDWARD LING, MAVII BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 7 JAN 82 UTILITIES GUADALUPE VALLEY ELECTRIC CO-OP COMM BLDG 31 -93 PARK 7.65 CITY 40-.85 80.73- CITY 0. 3CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.00 PARK (W) 18.50 41 .50 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 115.80 AMERICAN ASSN. OF SMALL CITIES DUES 25.00 SO. BLDG CODE MEMBERSHIP 10.00 A .A .0 .0.G. MEMBERSHIP DUES 133 -00 549 population @ .04=133.00 TEXAS COURT CLERKS ASSN. DUES - BARBARA GLENEWINKEL 10.00 UTEx SUPPLY KIT (SF 741 COPIER) 111 .00 TEXAS LUTHERAN COLLEGE TAAO TAX COURSE 310 - 50.00 BARBARA & IVA TRI CITY INSURANCE ADD 1979 CHRYSLER 61 -00 11 -23-81/1 -21 -82 RADIO SHACK CASSETTES 17,50 UNIVERSITY CENTER 1982 ELECTION LAW SUPPLEMENT 10.00 WUESTS SUPPLIES 7.39 SURVEYOR WM J . KOLODZIE PREPARE PIAT OF ETJ & 126.00 NEW AREA TO BE ANNEXED POLICE JAMES W. KEITH 8 WARRANTS SERVED @ 10.00 80.00 CITY OF SCBERTZ DISPATCHER GASOLINE HARTGRAPHICS NON RESIDENT VIOL COMPACT 11 .40 CITY OF SAN ANTONIO 911 SERVICE 90.00 WUESTS SUPERMARKET FILM & FLASH CUBES 3.34 SAFES CITY OF SCHERTZ AMBU;ANCE RUN 8-28-81 50.00 STREETS CIBOLO-LUMBER CO MISTAKE •IN BILLING 1 .00 RTN&FCO SUPPLY INC STREET SIGNS , DELINEATORS3 .3 TRUCK Clean ditch k haul material 3 0 RUBEN'S AUTO REPAIR FLY WHEEL GEAR & LABOR 45.00 # CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS, OIL, NEW TUBE, TIRE REPAIR 152.00 TRACTOR * CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 38.06 *Covers two months billing. BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT T & F INSPECTIONS 398.00 WATER & SEWER W. H. MULLINS SMOKE TEST 589.77 _ CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 848.04 TRANS-TEX SUPPLY CO 2" WATER METER 363 .02 12 EA 3/4" CURB STOP -200.52 C .C.M.A.. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1 ,152.10 T & F REPAIR WATER LEAK, REPLACE 166.00 VALVE AT TOWER, ETC.