Min CC 11/01/1982 - Workshop CITY OF CIBOLO
NOVEMBER 1 , 1982
1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ling
2 . INVO CATION: Mayor Ling
3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling; Councilmembers: Jo Nirider, Marge Smith,
Fred Niemietz, Sig Swenson, and Bill Little; Chief
of Police Wayne Van Scoy and City Secretary Iva R. Amacker
A. Extension of Water Line
Mr. Ken Kroger,owner of Kroger Greenhouse, appeared to discuss pos-
sibility of extending water line to his business . Kroger
Greenhouses Inc . is presently being served by Green Valley Water
Inc . and the lack of sufficient water pressure precludes expansion
of their business . Further studies will be made as to cost,
sharing cost, etc .
B. T & F Contract
-- Contract shows no increase in price of equipment rental. Salary
increases are approximately 10%.
C. Fence A-1 Transmission
Council agreed that a letter should written to Mr. McKaskle
requesting that he construct a st s1x (61) foot privacy fence
around the transmission shop. Fence to start at front of building
(on property line) on north side and along west side of property.
D. Participation in Surburban City Day
The San Antonio Livestock Show has set aside an area for surburban
cities to set up display on February 20th. We are to let Kirby
know name of project office and phone number by 10 Nov 82 . Mr.
Ling will contact Lewis Borgf eld and inquire as to whether or not
Schneider Industrial Park would like to participate. Other
industries in town will be contacted.
E. Leave Policies
_ Employee leave was discussed. The Council is presently working
on policies setting forth number of hours of vacation leave, sick leave
earned by employees and number of holidays granted employees)
F. Darnell Estates - Water
Mr. Ling will ask Mr. Darnell to attend next Workshop Meeting
(Nov 15, 19 82) .
G. Discharge of Firearms in City
Chief Van Scoy explained that Sec 42 .01 (8) Texas Criminal Laws
would most likely cover discharge of firearms in the city.
(Note: It sppears from research of Texas Criminal Laws that
law is not specific enough to cover our squirrel hunters.
Converse City Manager is sending a copy of their ordinance
on firearms .)
H. Reserve Police Officer
Chief of Police Van Scoy introduced Mr. Joel Rosen to the Council.
Joel would like to work for the city as a reserve officer.
1 Nov 82
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5. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to ART 6252-17 Sec 2(g)) . Review of
applications for City administrator.
6. RECONVENE: No action necessary.
7. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P-M. Mayor Ling.