Min CC 12/13/1982 - Special CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - DECEMBER 13, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ling 7:00 P.M. 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Lang 3 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling; City Administrator Tom Brooks; Councilmembers Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz, Sig Swenson, Bill Little; Chief of Police L. D. Vanscoy; City Secretary Iva R. Amacker 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to provisions of ART 6252-17(g) concerning appointment of personnel. 5. RECONVENE: A. Bill Little (Jo Nirider) made motion that we accept Mr. Harvey Hardy as our City Attorney. All approved. B. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) moved that we hire Donny Stevenson as part time policeman for City of Cibolo . All approved. C. Bill Little (Sig Swenson) moved that due to the outstanding nature of the work performed that time requirements be waived and that Chief of Police Vanscoy be given a raise of $50.00 per month and that probation be left as stands . All approved. D. Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved that Ordinance "Establishing the position of City Administrator for the City of Cibolo, Texas, and Establishing Certain Responsibilities for said Position" be approved. All approved. 6. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 P.M. to RECONVENE in Workshop Meeting. W O R K S H O P 1 . Meeting with P&Z postponed due to fact that three members were unable to attend. 2. The tax rate has been calculated and will be published Thursday, December 16, 1982 . A date and time _6f special meeting to adopt tax rate will be scheduled at Regular Meeting December 16, 1982 . 3. Gun Ordinance was reviewed. Several councilmembers expressed opinion that they would like a change to allow use of firearms on property of large acreage outside residential area of city. 4. Utility Extension Policy - Policy was discussed in detail. It will pertain to new installations but will not change agreements that are in effect prior to acceptance of policy. 5. Mr. Brooks explained that Texas Dept of Health representatives had visited City Hall on their way to Darnell Estates, where they took water samples and inspected water system. 6. ADJOURNMENT: 9:22 P.M. Mayor Ling ED LINn. OR IVA R.AMACKER, City Secretary