Min CC 12/16/1982 MINUTES OF CIBILO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - DECEMBER 16, 1982 1 . CALL _TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ed Ling 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ed Ling, City Administrator Tommy Broobs, Council-members: Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz, Sig Swenson and Bill Little; Chief of Police L. D. Vanscoy, City Secretary Iva R. Anacker 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) made motion that minutes of December 6, 1982 Regular Meeting and December 13, 1982, Special Meeting and Workshop be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: Dobie Water Line Mr. Brooks informed the Council that Commissioner Ackerman had stated that the two crossings on Borgfeld Road cannot be cut, the pipe must be bored across road. As a result, this will be an added cost to contract . 7 . NEW BUSINESS: A. Water Line Connection - Darnell Estates Mr. Pete Darnell was present to request permission to buy water for his mobile home park from the City and to discuss problems inherent in connecting on to the City mains . He had sketches of his plans with him. He was told to contact Mr. W. H. Mullins, City Engineer, for approval of any plans . Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) made the motion that the City of Cibolo provide Darnell Estates with water after Mr. Darnell has completed plans that are acceptable to our City Engineer. All approved. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) moved that City provide one fire hydrant at City expense to be placed as directed by our engineer. All approved. Mr. Darnell will return for Council approval after completion of specifications . B. Establish time and date for Special Meeting to adopt tax rate . Marge Smith (Fred :Niemietz) moved that Special Meeting be held December 20, 1982, at 6:00 P.M. All approved. C. Utility Extension Policy Sig Swenson (Bill Little) moved that policy be approved. All approved. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved that bills be approved for payment . All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: 8:03 Mayor Ling c ED -11N6, MlfYOR • IVA R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 16 DECEMBER 1982 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-8735 35.91 658-9900 64.59 - 100.50 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO 911 CONTRACT 96.43 Texas Association of Membership - 25.00 Assessing -Officers, Iva R. Amacker ED LING REIMBURSEMENT - SOCIAL 2 .86 GUAD. CO. APPRAISAL DIST . 1st QTRLY PAYMENT 392 .19 HERALD NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING NOTICE- 60.00 CERT. OF OBLIG. H-P PRINTING NAMEPLATES 35.00 WUESTS SUPPLIES FOR SOCIAL 23.54 SEGUIN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 54-00 W CA CO IA DRINKS 41 -40 SIPPEL HARDWARE KEYS 3.16 UNIV. CENTER FOR COMM. SVCS ELECTION LAW SEMINAR JAN 19 35.00 (IVA R. AMA CKER) JAN 20-21 87 -50 ASSN. OF CITY CLERKS & MEMBERSHIP DUES - 15.00 SECRETARIES IVA R. ANACKER SO . BLDG CODE CONGRESS MEMBERSHIP 40.00 BOARD OF TAX ASSESSOR REG. FEE 25.00 EXAMINERS SIPPEL HARDWARE KEYS 3 .16 ^.TTY TRUCK UNIFORMS OF TEXAS SAFETY LIGHT 38.00 STREETS HELPING HAND HARDWARE OIL, KEYS, & CHAIN 9.42 SAW SHARPENED • WATER AND SEWER GARCIA & WRIGHT CIBOLO/GV WATER AGREEMENT 27 .50 FIRST NATIONAL BANK jA.TERWORKS & SEWER SYSTEM REV BUNDS SERIES 1 -10-75 COUPONS-------------- 1605.00 FEE 60.00 1665.00