Min CC 01/20/1983 MINUTES OF THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 20, 1983 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM Mayor Ling 2. INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: All Present 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilmember Jo Nirider (Smith) moved that the minutes of January 6 Regular Meeting and January 17th workshop be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: There were none. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. DESIGNATING THE SEGUIN GAZETTE ENTERPRISE AS NEWSPAPER TO PUBLISH OFFICIAL INFORMATION. There was general conversation by the council about the circulation of various newspapers in the area and which newspaper would provide greater coverage to the area. Councilmember Bill Little stated it would be difficult to determine whether the "Light", "Express, " or "Enterprise" would provide the greater coverage. The City Administrator advised the council that the City Attorney had written that the Enterprise could be designated by the City. Council member Bill Little (Smith) made a motion to approve an ordinance designating the Seguin Gazette Enterprise and the Northeast Hearld-News as official newspapers for the city. All Approved. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Weed and Trash Ordinance: Councilmembers Smith (Niemietz) made a motion to approve the ordinance. All Approved. B. Planning and Zoning Commission Ordinance Councilmembers Niemietz (Little) made a motion to approve the ordinance. All Approved 8. BILLS TO BE PAID: After general questions about various items to be paid, and response provided by the City Administrator, Councilmembers Smith (Nirider) , made a motion to approve the bills. All Approved 9. ITEMS BY COUNCIL AND MAYOR: Councilmember Bill Little asked the City Administrator if an inventory of city property is being made. The Administrator advised that the Police Department is nearly complete on theirs and that other City property will be inventoried also. Councilmember Bill Little also asked that the city purchase a polaroid camera that could be used by the police and fire department. The City Administrator advised that he had already instructed the police chief to purchase one. The Council was in agreement to purchase a camera. Councilmember Niemietz asked who would be responsible for any crop damage that may occur during the street and drainage project. The mayor com- mented that the city has fifty feet easement but it would be appropriate to advise any property owners involved about the work to be done. The City Administrator advised that he would work on that. MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1983 10. CITY ADMINISTRATORS REPORT: The City Administrator reported that he had attended a luncheon meeting with a representative of the Texas Industrial Commission and various city managers from the local area. He advised the council that the meeting was very general in nature and more informative than anything else. 11. ADJOURN: Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:33 PM. C F ED LING.—MAYQW IVA R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED January 20 , 1983 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE : Tri City Insurance Insurance renewal $4 , 035 .00 Hartgraphics Election material 26 . 24 Herald Newspaper Publishing 258 . 65 Contreras Flowers Flowers K. Biser 21 . 00 Tamarac Supplies 8. 91 UTILITIES : Southwestern Bell *658-9900 276 . 07 658-8735 26 . 34 *Installation of new phone for City Administrator CITY TRUCK : G_ O ' S Auto Repair R&R Alt & Regulator 136 . 55 Repair Horn Lone Star #59 Gas 12 . 12 POLICE : L . D . Vanscoy Warrants 7@20 . 00 140 . 00 Reimbursement gas 10 . 00 Mileage 273 @ . 23 62 . 79 as indicated on PO 126 Golden Rule Creations Police Emblems 214 . 16 Lone Star Store Film 23 .00 WATER & SEWER : Garcia & Wright Cibolo ' s Share 27 . 50 Green Valley/Cibolo Water Service Agreement CCMA Sewage Treatment 1 , 000 . 92 •