Min CC 02/17/1983 KlUUTES, OF CJTy dF �WOL5 f L6ULhR. COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 17 , 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7 : 00 PM Mayor Ling 2 . INVOCATION : Mayor Ling si 3 . ROLL CALL Mayor Ling , City Administrator Tom Brooks , Council - members Jo Nirider , Marge Smith , Fred Niemietz , Sig Swenson , Bill Little , City Secretary Iva R. Amacker 4 . Minutes to be approved : Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz ) made a motion that minutes of Feb. 3 , 1983 Regular meetin( and Feb . 14 , 1983 Workshop be approved . All Approved . 5 . BILLS TO BE APPROVED : Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith ) moved that bills be approved for payment . All Approved . 6 . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD : A. Donald Jaeger appeared with comments as follows : 1 . He had not received his water deposit Refund . ( He was informed that check would be mailed to him with March water bill ) 2 . Questioned whether or not drainage on the right hand side of N . Main had been included in presen paving and drainage project . ( Mayor Ling state that water on the left side of N . Main was of primary importance at this time. ) 3 . Pointed out the need for sidewalks on Main St. t protect children walking to school . B . Joe Torchia appeared to protest the item in Ord . 225 that prohibits allowing dogs to bark for more than 3 consecutive minutes . He felt that the time (3 minute was unreasonably short . 7 . NEW BUSINESS : A. GVEC : Mr. Doyle Hines , GVEC , made presentation on Gros Receipts , Tax and Cooperative information . Mr. Hines presented the- Mayor with a check for $5 , 259 . 26 . B . Renewal of Garbage Collection Contract : Bill Litt e Jo Nirider ) move that Gutierrez Garbage Collection Contract be renewed . Bill Little , Jo NiridE Marge Smith , Fred Niemietz voted "Aye. " Sig Swenson voted "Nae . " Motion Passed . C . Schertz , -Cibolo-Universal City ISD : Fred Niemietz (Bill Little ) moved that School District be allowed to use City Hall as polling place for April 2 , 1983 election . All Approved . D . 1983 Audit : Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved that Mr. Tom V . Newton , C . P .A. , be authorized to perform 1983 audit for City of Cibolo . All Approved . E . Historical Building Site : Marge Smith ( Fred Niemietz ) moved that we will provide a site for the old school building ( located at Wiedersi contingent upon details being worked out . All Approve( 8 . MAYOR LING SWORE IN CHRISTOPHER SCHOENER AS POLICE OFFICER : 9 . ADJOURNMENT : 8 : 37P . M. Mayor Ling . ,10 IVA -R. AMACKER , CITY SE-CKtTARY ED LING , R