Min CC 03/03/1983 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 3, 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 Mayor Ed Ling 2 . INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 3. ROLL CALL: Mayor Ling, City Administrator Tommy M. Brooks, Councilmembers: Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz, Sig Swenson, Bill Little, Building Inspector Andrew Tolle; City Secretary Iva R. Amacker 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) made motion that minutes of February 17, 1983 Regular Meeting be approved. All approved. 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS TO BE PAID: Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) moved bills be approved for payment . All approved. 6. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 7. OLD BUSINESS: None 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. C.C.M.A. Mr. Tom Weaver, Manager C.C.M.A. made a presentation to the Council as to increase in CCMA expenses that necessitates an increase in charges . They are proposing a charge per customer based on winter average water wage . B. PARK ROAD PAVING Council agreed with City Administrator's recommendation that Council wait until present projects are near completion before any more funds are obligated. C. STREET SHOULDER EXTENSIONS Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made motion that we authorize the city engineer to make changes necessary to widen streets. All1approved. D. AMENDMENT TO EXTENSION POLICY Marge Smith (Bill Little) made motion to approve Amendment No . One to Cibolo Utilities Water and Sewer Line Extension Policy. All'-approved. E. SPRING CLAN-UP WEEK Council agreed to have Spring Clean-Up March 26 thru April 2, 1983. F. AGE 65 EXEMPTION Jo Nirider (Bill Littl-e) moved that the question of Age 65 exemptions be tabled until further study can be made of the subject. Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz, Bill Little voted "AYE." Sig Swenson Voted "NAE'. Motion approved. G.- GREEN VALLEY WATER AGREEMENT Mayor Ling explained that he and Mr. Brooks had attended a meeting at Mr. Harvey Hardy"s office with Green Valley personnel. There are still a number of problems to be worked out before contract can be finalized. 9. ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 P.M. Mayor Ling Z ED LING, MA Y !TA--R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED MARCH 3 , 1983 Utilities : City of Cibolo City Hall Water & Sewer 23 . 00 Park Water 41 . 62 G . V . E .C . City 130 .88 Community Bld . 44. 28 Park 15 .30 Wareshouse 15 . 00 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION : Utex Toner & Developer Copy Machine 70 .00 Iva Amacker Reimbursement Secretaries Luncheon ( Iva & Lynn ) 7 . 61 Seguin Office Supply St Pauls Stamp Works Dog Tags & Receipt Books 46 .00 TRACTOR: Ewald Tractor Co. 1 5 ' Shredder 530 .00 Ewald Tractor Co . Generator 59 .40 Helmut Braune Reimbursement 5 .87 Mertz Tire Service Change Tire 20 .00 Repair Tire 11 . 50 * POLICE : W . E . Marsh 2 pr Hand Cuffs 35 . 00 Seiler Fire Equip . Recharge & Check Fire Extinguisher 15 . 70 L . D . Vanscoy Reimbursement mileage 197 mi @ .23 45 . 31 L . D . Vanscoy 2 Warrants @ 20 . 00 40. 00 (Sandolva & Celaya ) Street & Drainage Project : cont. page 2 Trans-Tex Supply Co . Supplies to relocate Water lines - Santa Clara & Lamar Sts . 167 . 27 Rohan Co. Street Contract 390.00 T & F Work relating to Street contract 3 , 527.49 Brauntes Materials Street Contract 233 . 73 Rohan Co . Street Contract 117 .80 Trans -Tex supply ( 4 invoices ) 972 . 35 PARK : Sippel Hardware Lawnmower 169 . 95 Cibolo Electric Repairs at City Park 42 .00 Helmut Braune Reimbursement Gasoline 7 . 66 CITY TRUCK: Lone Star #59 6 . 00 Page 2 Bills to be approve March 3 , 1983 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES : Harvey L. Hardy Expenses related to Green Valley Water Contract 626 . 90 WATER & SEWER : City of Schertz Purchase Water 1 , 038. 66 T & F Construction Install Water Line to A Pierdolla Property 203 . 75 ,l Police cont . Gasoline 254 .85 Animal Impoundment January 4@ $7 .50 30 . 00 Feb. 3@ $7 . 50 22 . 50 Dispatch Service for March 200 . 00 Guadalupe County Sheriff Board Daniels Canales 10 . 00 •