Min CC 04/11/1983 - Special & Workshop MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING.,AND� COUNCIL WORKSHOP APRIL 11 , 1.9€ F' SPECIAL MEETING 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Rev. Halford 3 . ROLL CALL: Mayor Little; City Administrator Tommy M. Brooks; Councilmembers: Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz, Dannie Bishop; City Secretary Iva R. Amacker; City Engineer W. H. Mullins; City Inspector Andrew Tolle. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Article 6252-17, Section 2(g) . B. RECONVENE: Action as result of executive session (1) Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) made the motion that we appoint a Reserve Officer and a part-time Police Officer to serve at no charge to the city. All approved. (2) Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) made a motion that Mr. William Wiederstein be appointed as Councilman to fill the unexpired term of Bill Little. All approved. Mayor Little administered Oath of Office to Mr. Wiederstein. (3) Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) moved that T & F contract be renewed for a year. All approved. 6. SPECIAL MEETING ADJOURNED. WORKSHOP MEETING 1 . Mr. Arvid Darnell expressed the desire to build a 6' privacy fence on the North Side and East Side of his property to screen residents from the Lounge. He is requesting permission to add nine additional trailer spaces. He was advised to bring in a plat showing location of spaces together with certification from Mr. Beautnagel, Guadalupe County Health Officer, granting permission for added septic tanks. 2 . Junk Vehicle Ordinance . Dannie Bishop questioned several points in the Ordinance, specifically - Sec 2(f) which states " . . . becomes thirty five or more years old." Mr. Bishop felt that twenty five would be more realistic and Sec 9 "Vehicle Not to Be Made Operable," Mr. Bishop felt that this was contrary'--!b laws that allow restoration of vehicles purchased as inoperable . Mr. Brooks to send ordinance to city attorney for his comments. 3. The publication of an ordinance setting a charge for returned checks was discussed. 4. Resolution to Guadalupe County Appraisal District. The resolution will be considered at greater length. 5. By Pass. The mayor informed Council that Resolution (dtd 1977) needs to be updated and we need to put a number on the By Pass. Before any definitive action is taken we need to get cost figures . 6. Green Valley Water Contract. Contract expires August 31 , 1983. Alternates are being considered. Mr. Mullins will work out some cost figures for presentation to Council. • 7. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 Mayor Little . BILL LITTLE, MAYOR 1VA R . AMACKER., CR