APRIL 18, 1983
1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Tuttle
2 . INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop
3. ROLL CALL: All present
4. Mr. Ken Kroger appeared requesting Council permission to place a mobile
home on the Kroger Greenhouse property to be used as an office and provide
quarters for personnel for added security. A security light is impractical
-inasmuch as some types of flowers require a specific period of total dark-
ness. The question of approval of placing mobile home will be placed on
Agenda for next regular meeting (21 Apr 83) .
5. U.A. Columbia Representative, Mr. Guerra, appeared and was questioned by
Councilmembers about status of plhacpg cable TV in our new subdivisions.
Mr. Guerra was not aware that we/aaproblem in this area. He promised to
investigate and get back with Mr. Brooks.
6. Mr. CP Vaughan and Mr. Mark Vaughan appeared and gave status of their
building projects in this area .
--Building on Buffalo Trail is complete.
i' --Work should begin in about three weeks on water and sewer lines on
Indian Circle and Tomahawk Circle (Behind N. Main) . There will be
22 houses, slightly larger thatn the FTM houses. These will be VA
and FHA approved in the 60 thousand dollar range.
--Building is proceeding on Comanche Circle. Eighteen houses planned.
All sold.
--There will be 35 units on Sioux Circle.
--Phase Two of Cibolo North has not been finalized..
--Plan to build about 60 rental units.
--No plans for Condos property (adjoining Jungle Ind) at this time.
7. The Junk Vehicle Ordinance was sent to City Attorney Harvey Hardy.
No changes recommended. Ordinance to be placed on April 213 1983, Agenda.
8. Civil Defense Program. Mr. Brooks to write letters to Universal City
and Schertz requesting the assistance of'their Civil Defense teams in
an emergency.
9 . The question of whether or not to grant a $3000 /$5000/exemption to
citizens 65 years of age or older was discussed. The matter will be
discussed at April 21 , 1983, Council meeting.
10. Mayor/Councilmember Items:
a. Mr. Little indicated that he had had several complaints from citizens
and yards grown up in weeds. Mr. Brooks is going to get out a
newsletter calling the attention of our citizens to '-._ ordinance
pertaining to keeping weeds and -trash o'It of yards. As a last
9ttempt letters will be sent to individuals who do not comply with
ordinance .
b. Changing workshop/Wae wis discussed.
11. City Administrator Items:
a. CCMA has set charges at 1 .02 per 1 ,000.
b. 500 - 700 housing unit being considered for our ETJ. Project _
depends on financing.
c. Mr. Ehlers has been invited to attend the first workshop in May.
12. Adjournment: 8:25