Min CC 05/05/1983 MINUTES OF CITY OF CIBOLO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MAY 5, 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: All present 4. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Dannie Bishop) made motion that minutes of May 2, 1983, workshop and April 21 , 1983 regular meeting be approved. All approved. 5. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Fred Niemietz, (Jo Nirider) made motion bills be approved for paymnet. All approved. 6. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: a . Mr. Frank Reich thanked Mr. Brooks for putting the "No Smoking" in council before the Council. b. Mrs . Ruby Flugrath appeared in favor of "No Smoking" in council. c . Mrs. Sandy Bauder appeared to inquire status of water for Town Creek Subdivision. d. Dave Davis, Chairman of the Board; Mr. Charles Bellamy, Exaulted Ruler and Mr. Horace Scott, Treasurer of Randolph Area Elks Lodge 2160 appeared to present $500.00 to help defray cost of flack jackets and flash lights for Cibolo Police Department . 7. By-Pass . Mayor Little went on record that he would like for the council to pass a resolution to go ahead with the by-pass. Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) "I make a motion that we pass a new resolution to update the 1977 Resolution. However Mr. Brooks wants to word it." Dannie Bishop: "Tell the state to go ahead with Public Hearing." Jo Nirider: "Will this not obligate the City. It is my understanding that the City had to have the money up front ." Marge Smith: "We have all been assured that all this is going to do is get the state to have a ,public hearing. Is that what we are talking about actually'" "What did Mr. Anderlitch say, he's our financial advisor." Jo Nirider: "Ask that financial advisor give us his opinion." Bill Wiederstein: "Keep in mind the delay in time, it will be about two years. If we don't have money then we don't do it. I would like to hear what citizens have to say about the by-pass." Mayor: "This resolution will authorizr state to go ahead with Public Hearing." After further discussion the Council voted "to update Resolution 1035, dated May 1977, authorizing State to proceed with plans for Cibolo Loop 539•" All approved. The next step will be to get State to set up Public Hearing. 8. Water Line Extension. Fred Niemietz (Bill Wiederstein) moved that consideration of Water Line Extension be tabled. A11 approved. Bill Wiederstein (Fred Niemietz) moved the item of the Council authorizing negotiations by Mayor and Mr. Brooks with Green Valley Water Corp. be placed on agenda for next Council meeting. All approved. 9 . Consider acquisition of property and installation of sidewalk. Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) moved to table this until we have time to get comparison costs. All approved. 10. Establish No Smoking in Council. Jo Nirider (Dannie Bishop) moved that we designate the public area of the Cibolo City Hall as "No Smoking" area, that we purchase a container to be placed by the door for disposal of cigarettes and prominently display No Smoking Signs. Council members to be given ten minute break during meetings. All approved 11 . Ad in Industrial Guide. Chamber of Commerce magazine soliciting ads. $ 00.00 cheapest ad. Mr. Brooks recommended that no action be taken at this time . Bill Wiederstein (Jo Nirider) moved that we table this item. All approved. 12 . Mayor/Councilmember items: Mayor: Jungle Industries is coming in. They are fine people very community oriented. Over a period of time there should be about a 1 ,000 jobs available. They are bringing in there top people and everyone else will be hired locally. Bill Wiederstein: They are hoping to bring in related industries which will provide more jobs. Marge Smith: Put change of workshop meeting date on Agenda for workshop. 13 . City Administrator: 1 . A committee has be established in the Randolph Area involved with SAFES ambulance future plans. They are looking for a representative. If one of the Council would like to participate let me know. Until that time, I will attend the meetings. 2. Area Emergency Management. Committee reviewing status and plans. Meetings are on Monday afternoons. 14. ADJOURNMIlVTr 8:35 Mayor Little . /" BILL LITTLE, MAYOR 4� IVA R. ANACKER, MITY SECRETARY Members of Council thanked Mr. Davis and membersof Elks Lodge for their genereous donation to the Cibolo Police Department. • BILLS TO BE APPROVED 5 MAY 1983 UTILITIES: CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL WATER & SEWER 23.00 PARK WATER 32.50 55.50 G.V.E.C. PARK 158.69 CITY HALL 72.46 COMMUNITY BLDG. 44.54 WAREHOUSE 15.00 260.69 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION: SEGUIN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 45.14 CONTRERAS FLOWERS & GIFTS FLOWERS-COUNCILMAN SIG SWENSONS MOTHER 28.00 TEXAS SURPLUS OFFICE FURNITURE 211.20 POLICE: CONOCO TIRE REPAIR 4.50 ENTENMANN-ROVIN CO. BADGES(one badge paid for) 123.40 WAYNE VANSCOY REIMBURSMENT MILEAGE & MEDICINE 94.67 TAMARAC OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.16 RADIO SHACK DUAL AUTO SWITCH 4.99 TRUE VALUE(SIPPEL) KEYS 3.16 CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 329.27 ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT 7.50 DISPATCH SERVICE FRO MAY 200.00 536.77 PARK: TRUE VALUE(SIPPEL) REDWOOD OIL STAIN 13.98 WUESTS CLEANING PRODUCTS 8.18 DIAMOND-RITE PAPER GOODS 57.95 ACE PLUMBING VACUUM BREAKER 3.98 TRUCK: CONOCO GASOLINE 69.50 TRACTOR: CONOCO GASOLINE 15.20 EWALD FORD TRACTOR TRACTOR REPAIRS 488.87 • LAWN MOWER: CONOCO GASOLINE 42.50 STREET CONTRACT: PBS INC. BARRICADES 3/4 to 4/1 139.20 PAGE 2 OF MAY 5, 1983 BILLS STREET CONTRACT CONT: ROHAN SUPPLIES 30.30 HELPING HAND HARDWARE SUPPLIES 4.17 ALAMO IRON WORKS SUPPLIES 47.52 T & F CONSTRUCTION REPAIR WATER LEAK 63.25 T & F CONSTRUCTION REPAIR DAMAGE TO WATER 100.25 ** SEWER BY ENTEX T & F CONSTRUCTION LABOR 2,596.48 EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL 477.50 3,073.98 WATER AND SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ WATER 1,931.33 T & F CONSTRUCTION REPLACING VALVES LABOR 1,459.38 EQUIPMENT 209.63 1,669.01 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HARVEY HARDY 275.00 r * Will be billed to contractor ** Will be billed to Entex