MAY 16, 19 83
1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little
2 . INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop
3 . ROLL CALL: Bill Wiederstein - Absent.
5. Mr. Buster Cage, Koennecke Accounting Firm, introduced their new Audit
Manager, Paul Neuhoff. The Koennecke Accounting Firm would like to
continue to be the auditors for the City. Mr. Cage stated that he had
read Mr. Brooks' memo on our financial status and it appears that the
city is in good shape financially.
6. Mr. Richard Legere appeared and withdrew his request to use his Mobile
Home as temporary business establishment. He will rebuild his building.
7. Council discussed tentative dates for workshop meetings. It was agreed
to have one firm workshop date on Tuesday following the first Council
Meeting of each month. (i.e .., 1st Council Meeting June 2, 1983 -
workshop June 7, 1983) . Additional workshop meetings may be scheduled
during month as required.
8. Mayor Little requested that Council pass motion (at next regular
meeting) allowing him and Mr. Brooks to negotiate contract with Green
Valley Water Corp. for water for Town Creek Subdivision.
9 . Mr. Brooks informed Council that he had talked with the Mayor of
La Grange about their fight with Entex -over proposed rate increases.
La Grange is hoping to get 40 or 50 cities to join.,them in their
fight. They presently have only 2 or. 3 cities committed. Mr. Brooks
recommended that Cibolo do nothing at this time since the cost would
be prohibitive.
10. Mayor' Little has recommended that we send questionnaire to citizens of
Cibolo asking for their input as to quality of services offered by the
City and asking for their comments and recommendations, if any.
11 . 83-84 Compensation Plan was discussed. Approval recommended.
12 . Items by Mayor/Councilmembers:
a. Mayor: (1) The work crews are doing a good job.
(2) Fire Dept. sausage supper was a success.
(1 )
b. Jo Nirider: We need to construct roof over pavilion so rain would
not interfer with dancing.
(2) "No Thru Traffic" sign on Bee Alley is not stopping
traffic . Mr. Brooks will investigate.
c . Marge Smith: (1 ) Would like motion for updating Resolution 1035
researched to ascertain if Resolution 1060 is
correct. (Reference tape of Regular Meeting
5 May 83)
(2) Questioned monies available and would like
Mr. Anderlitch's percentage figure on money
that should be reserved as "cushion" .
d. Dannie Bishop: Requested that 20 MPH speed limit sign be placed
on Werner Street during street construction,
since many vehicles are speeding.
13 . City Administrator.
• a. Mr. Brooks has ascertained that Parks and Wildlife has some grant
money available. He has requested further information, and he
will research the matter to see if Cibolo is qualified to obtain
a grant. Money could be used for roads, parking lots, security
lights, etc.
b._ Mr. Brooks recommended that consideration be given to more detailed
work on Pfeil St. between S. Main and Wiederstein St. Present plans
call for seal coat only. (Heavy trucks travel this area) . He further
recommended that more extensive work be done. The added work
would cost approximately $8,000.
14. ADJOURNMENT: 8:25 Jo Nirider (Dannie Bishop) moved that meeting be
adjourned. All approved.