Min CC 06/07/1983 - Workshop CITY OF CIBO LO COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING 7 JUNE 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: Mayor Little; Councilmembers: Jo Nirider, Fred Niemietz, Dannie Bishop, Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith - Absent) ; City Administrator Tom M. Brooks; City Secretary Iva R. Amacker; City Financial Advisor Tom Anderlitch) 4. MEET WITH MR . TOM ANDER.LITCH, CITY-FINANCIAL ADVISOR "Jo Nirider: What Mrs. Smith is concerned about, one of the questions she wanted to ask you, now we are involved with our streets and drainage and we are involved with water - isn't there a rule of thumb or perhaps even a state law that a city can't obligate itself. Don't they have to keep a certain percentage of reserve. What is that percentage? What amount would that be of our city funds. Our reserve funds, are we in a position to even consider the by-pass? Mr. Anderlitch: Josie let me explain it to you as I Understand the question. We are talking about the general fund and water and sewer fund which are our two basic sources of income here, besides your sales tax and other things here which cannot be pledged for payment of debt. The state law assumes that the city each year will have a balanced budget. By that I mean that you will sit dos%n and adopt your budget which will show where your income is coming from, where your expenses are going, and the end result is that you either breakeven or have a surplus. If you are a well managed city, as this city has been for many years, this city has always maintained reserve funds, adequate reserve funds. The law does not prescribe for the general fund that you have a reserve fund. Historically, this city has always maintained a reserve fund in the general fund. Here again this was a matter of practice rather than of law. The law does not mandate that you do this. Now let me get into the question of the reserve fund. How much money should be maintained? In the water works and sewer system fund, they all say that the city should have one years principal and interest requirements in reserve minimum. Now anything you want to have over 'and above that you may do . That again is up to the I Council, those funds, any of those funds in the water and sewer fund are, available to the city at any time to go in and use (The above is a direct excerpt of conversation with Mr. Anderlitch taken from tape of 7 June 1983 Meeting) 5. CONSIDER A BOY SCOUT TROOP BEING ORGANIZED IN THE CITY. Mr. Brooks informed the Council that the City could encourage the formation of a Boy Scout Troop and offer a meeting placeat park under same conditions that other youth organizations are allowed to use park and park building but the City cannot sponsor the troop. 6. GRANT APPLICATION WITH STATE PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPT. There will be a Public Hearing at 6:30 on June 16, 1983 to allow public to offer their opinion on the proposed grant application. It would cover paving of park road and present parking lot and construction of three additional parking lots. The City would share cost with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept 50-50. • Tbrkshop Meeting - 7 June 83, page 2 7. DISCUSS COLOR FOR CITY POLICE VEHICLE. At the 16 June 1983 Meeting the Council will endeavor to establish a policy as to color or police car, appropriate arm patch, etc. 8. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 Mayor Little BILL LITTLE, MAYOR CITY OF CIBOLO IVA R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY •