Min CC 09/15/1983 CITY OF C='IBO LO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 15 SEPTEMBER 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Bill Little 2 . INVOCATION: Bill _Wiederstein 3. ROLL CALL: All present 4. CONSENSUS ITEMS: Dannie Bishop (Bill Wiederstein) moved that consensus items be approved as listed. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: Mr. Tomy Meek and Mrs . Jo Thurman complained about loose gravel on Meek St . at intersection with FM 78. Mr. Brooks stated that he was aware of the problem and had discussed it with the City Engineer. What they try to do is while the asphalt is still hot, let the loose gravel pack in. Then when all that can be packed in has been packed, then they will come back and sweep away the loose gravel. 6. REVISION TO ORD 60 Ciblo, Creek Municipal Authority wants to establish specific guidelines to have manholes sealed so that run-off water will not go into sewer lines. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved that we approve revised ordinance . All approved. 7. ITEMS BY MAYOR/COUNCILMEMBERS Mayor Little mentioned an item in newspaper regarding approval of subdivision plats. A copy of our attorney's (Mr. H. Hardy) opinion and quoting Attorney General Jim Mattox ruling has been forwarded to Judge Sagebiel. 8. ITEMS BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Brooks informed Council he would be out of town from noon, Friday Sept 16 until Friday, September 23, 1983• 9• Executive session under ART 6252-17, Section 2(g) V.T.C.S. to discuss personnel matters. 10. Reconvene in open session. 11 . No action as result of Executive Session. 12 . ADJOURNMENT: 8:35 P.M. BILL LITTLE, MAYOR —� IVA R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED SEPTEKBER. 15, 1983 UTILITIES SOUT MBTE NI BELL 658-8735 24'.'43 658-9900/1948 10 8.02 132 .15 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL-MART, INC. COPY PAPER 53.90 TAMARA C SUPPLIES 9.10 DIAMOND RITE TOWELS AND TISSUE 28.92 PUBLISHING HERALD NEWSPAPER ORD 313 & PH 188.40 EXPRESS NEWS AD FOR BLDG INSP 53.65 SAFES CITY OF SCBERTZ 4th QTR FY 82-83 PAYMENT 267.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS OF TEXAS FOR: ROB HAWKINS 121 .80 SHERIFF DEPT BOARD 40-00 CITY OF SCHERTz DISPATCH 200.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ IMPOUNDING OF ANIMALS 52 .50 POLICE CAR ROPE GARAGE HOSE ANTIFREEZE, LABOR 29 -64 ROPE GARAGE 79 CHRYSLER - TUNE UP TRANSMISSION 527.89 FRONT END REPAIR ROPE GARAGE 81 FORD - VAC TANK 19 .1.8 CITY OF SCHERTZ GAS 311 .58 LONE STAR #59 GAS 26.16 PARK DIAMOND RITE TOWELS & TISSUE 28.93 STREETS SARGENT SOWELL POSTS & SIGNS 457.82 CITY TRUCK LONE STAR #59 GAS 22 .00 WATER & SENER. SIPPEL HARDWARE SPRAY PAINT TO MARK POLES 35.80 TO IDENTIFY WATER CUT-OFFS HELPING HAND HARDWARE SUPPLIES 4.03 i