Min CC 07/21/1983 CITY OF CIBOIO MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL 21 July 19 83 _ --------=-------------------------------------------------------------=----- 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: All present 4. CONSENSUS ITEMS: Dannie Bishop (Marge Smith) moved minutes of 7 Jul 83 Regular Meeting, 14 Jul 83 Special Meeting, 14 Jul 83 Workshop and bills to be paid be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. AUTHORIZE INSTA LIATION OF FIRE HYDRANT - TIMBER TECH Mr. Brooks met with Timber Tech people and they are pleased to have the fire hydrant. Green Valley Water Corp. has an 811, water line on Country Lane and they have authorized us to put in the fire hydrant. Our city people can install the fire hydrant or we can have Green Valley install it . Cost wo uld be approximately $1200 to $1500. Both Mr. Brooks and Green Valley Water Corp. recognize that it would be best for the fire hydrant to be located on site. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved that we authorize the installation of fire hydrant at Timber Tech according to city specifications. Mr. Brooks authorized to work out details. All approved. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET 83-84 Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) moved that September 1 , 1983 be set as date of Public Hearing for Budget for FY 83-84. All approved. 8. TML ACTION SOUTHWESTERN TELEPHONE RATE HIKE TML has asked that we contribute 40 per capita to help in-the-fight against the Southwestern Telephone Rate Hike. Fred Niemietz (Bill Wiederstein) moved that we send TML $21 .96 as our contribution toward their fight against Southwestern Bell telephone rate hike. All approved. 9. GREEN VALLEY WATER CONTRACT Mayor Little reported that our attorney and engineer are working on contract and that it will- be completed very soon.. 10. FAGNANI MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION Insufficient data provided Mr. Mullins by Fagnani et al. Flans will be submitted to Council at later date. 11 . ITEMS BY MAYOR/COUNCILMEMBERS: Mr. Niemietz reported that the Recreation Dept. paid $600.00 for barbeque grills. They are presently being installed. 12. ITEMS BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR: A. Reference Grant Application Parks and Wildlife. Personnel of Parks and Wildlife will be coming in Monday for an on-site inspection of our park. B. Mr. Brooks inspected Council table that City of Windcrest is offering for sale . He will submit bid. C. Developers are expected to come in within next week or so about 110 acre tract where they hope to build 600 to 800 houses. Another organization proposes to build industrial site and apartment_ complex. CITY OF CIBOID PUBLIC HEARING 21 JULY 19 83 THE PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS TO ALLOW THE PUBLIC TO CONSIDER THE EXPENDITURE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 P.M. Mayor Little 2. ROLL CALL: All present 3. Mayor Little asked if anyone had any comments to make regarding expenditure of revenue sharing funds. No suggestions were forthcoming. 4. ADJOURNMENT: 6:15 P.M. Mayor Little. BILL LITTLE, MAYOR IVA R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY • CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED 4 AUGUST 1983 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (W&S) 23 .00 PARK (W) 79 .69 102.69 G.V.E.C. CITY 139 .78 PARK 108.73 COM. BLDG. 46.06 WHSE 15.00 309 .57 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION UTEX SERVICE AGREEMENT 150.00 8/21/83 to 8/21/81 POLICE DEPT CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCH 200.00 IMPOUND 15-00 215.00 POLICE CAR CITY OF SCHERTZ GAS 378.68 WELLS COMMUNICATIONS PARTS & REWIRE RADIO 124.33 CIBOLO SELF SERVE TIRE REPAIR 9 .00 LONE STAR STORE GAS 61 .69 CITY TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS 1.2 .80 G-0's AUTO REPAIR REPAIR REGULATOR 41 -10 G-0's AUTO REPAIR R&R DASH TO INSTALL 176.74 GAUGES, ETC CITY TRACTOR CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS 25.00 G-0's AUTO REPAIR TOW IN TRACTOR, INSTALL 30.00 PLUGS & POINTS STREETS CIBOLO LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 54.64 PARK CIBOLO LUMBER, CO SUPPLIES 27.90 WATER & SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 2,976.06 . GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY PURCHASED WATER 209.45 C.C.M.A. WASTE WATER TREATMENT 13285-93 BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 21 JULY 1983 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-9900/198 91 .00 658-8735 21 .33 -- 115.33 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION TOMMY M. BROOKS REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES 7.68 WUESTS CLEANING SUPPLIES 5.85 HERALD NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING ORDINANCE 14-40 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING INC. SUPPLIES 10.22 POLICE UNIFORMS OF TEXAS 2 ea SHIRTS & PANTS 215.80 VANSCOY & WELLS TOMMY M. BROOKS REIMBURSEMENT FILM FOR CAMERA 17 .69 SHERIFF, GUADALUPE COUNTY BOARD BILL 40.00 POLICE CAR WA.YNE VANSCOY REIMBURSEMENT FOR PARTS FOR 34.71 POLICE CAR PARK SIPPEL HARDWARE DOLLY & PRUNER 17.87 AYERS DISTRIBUTING PLASTIC BAGS 12 .45 STREET & DRAINAGE SOUTHWESTERN LABORATORIES IN-PLACE DENSITY 291 .50 PBS INC BARRACADES 52 .33 WATER & SEWER. GARCIA & WRIGHT CIBOLO/GREEN VALLEY AGREEMENT 220 .00 TRI COUNTY OFFICE EQUIP WATER CARDS 56.90 P/T CCMA SEWER CONNECTION FEES 1 ,000.00 Vaughan's Ofc and 104 Com Cr •