Min CC 08/11/1983 - Workshop CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP, 11 AUG 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Bill Little 2. ROLL CALL: All present 3. DISCUSS RELOCATION OF POST OFFICE Mayor Little discussed letter from Cibolo Postmaster, Blanche Friensehahn, asking for Council's comments on area designated for relocation of Post Office. Consensus of opinion was that the post office could be conveniently located on FM 1103. 4. BUDGET WORKSHOP The Council agreed to leave Budget as presented. There was some discussion about the 510 cost of living increase included for city personnel. Even though council was in agreement that there would be no cost of living increase at this time,the figures would remain in the budget for redistribution at a later date. Councilman Bishop suggested that 11911 " service be discontinued. The Budget will be presented to council for approval on 1 Sep 83. 5. ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Little explained that he would like to have the council consider having the Planning & Zoning Commission Ordinance amended to change number of members from five to seven. This would allow P&Z to function more effectively. Since we are a growing city we should consider these changes now in order to be ready for the expansion. Further, there needs to be better communication between P&Z and the Council. Mayor Little wo uld like Mr. Brooks to be liaison between P&Z and Council. 6. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 P.M. Mayor Little . BILL LITTLE, MAYOR IVA R . ANACKER, CITY SECRETARY •