Min CC 09/01/1983 MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 1 . 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little 2 . INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3 . ROLL CALL: All present 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: Gilbert Garza, 119 Elm, appeared before the Council to protest actions of persons at A-1 Transmission building. He stated that individuals are working at the shop at all hours, driving dangerously fast on Elm Street and that the situation was generally unsatisfactory. He asked Council for their help in relieving the situation. Mayor Little stated that the matter had already been brought to his attention and that steps would be taken to help alleviate the problem as soon as possible . 5. , Consensus Agenda Items Dannie Bishop (Marge Smith) moved that consensus items be approved. All approved. 6. Amended FY 82-83 Budget Marge Smith (Dannie Bishop) moved that Amended FY 82-83 Budget be approved. All approved. 7. FY 83-84 Budget Dannie Bishop (Bill Wiederstein) moved that the FY 83-84 Budget be approved. All approved. 8. Ordinance Amending Ord 306 (Planning and Zoning Commission Ordinance) Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) moved that Ordinance 316 amending Ordinance 306 (Planning and Zoning Commission Ordinance) changing the number of authorized members from five to seven be approved. All approved. 9 . Items by Mayor and Councilmembers Mayor Little informed Council that he and City Administrator had attended meeting at RAFB concerning building of hospital in Universal city. Dannie Bishop reported on his attendance at TML meeting in Eagle Pass. 10. Items by City Administrator Mr. Brooks reported on his attendance at TCMA meeting in Victoria. 11 . Executive Session - Council went into executive session under provisions of ART 6252-17 Section 2(g) V.T.0 .S . (Personnel) . 12. RECONVENE in open session. 13. No action taken as result of executive session. 14. ADJOURNMENT: 8:50 Mayor Little • BILL LITTLE, MAYOR IVA R . AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED 1 SEPTEMBER 1983 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.00 PAR_ K (W) 77.71 100.74 PUBLISHING S.A. LIGHT AD FOR BLDG INSP (2 Sundays) 91 .08 EXPRESS NEWS AD FOR BLDG INSP (1 Sunday) 44-40 POLICE CAR G-0's AUTO REPAIR R&R BY PASS HOSE 13 .60 LONE STAR #59 GAS 10.00 CITY TRUCK G-0's AUTO REPAIR R&R BATTERY CABLE 37.55 LONE STAR #59 GAS 41.00 PROFESSIONAL FEES HARVEY L. HARDY ATTORNEY 200 .00 WATER & SEvER C.C.M.A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT 1001 .03 T & F REPAIR WATER LEAK APACHE CR 271 -00 MERCANTILE BANK (GUAD. CO. WC & ID) ( 4-15-64) COUPONS DUE 440.00 FEE --LCL-00 X90.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 2,979.02 •