Min CC 09/29/1983 1 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - 29 SEPTEMBER 1983 1 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Bill Little 2 . INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3 . ROLL CALL: All present 4. CIT IZ ENS TO BE HEARD: NONE 5, WATER LINE EXPANSION Mr. W. H. Mullins presented a map with various routes for water lines and their estimated cost. He explained that the map was conceptual and could be revised at any time . His concept was to lay out lines in a logical manner that would eventually bring water from our well site to the City of Cibolo . We may have a problem with Green Valley Tnhter Supply, Inc. in that they have a "Certificate of Convenience" and we do not. Mr. Brooks hay, been gathering information so that we can apply for a Certificate of Convenience for Cibolo . One thing in our favor is tha fact that Green Valley Water Supply, Inc. does not have the capacity to supply water for fire protection for areas of concentrated urban development. Mr. Brooks informed the Council that the City of Schertz is installing a twelve (12) inch line running from FM 3009 parallel with Green Valley Road to support a new development going in at that location. For approximately $40,000 the City of CJbo.lo=could tap on to the Schertz line and run the line another 12,000 feet to Cibolo's ETJ. 6. MR. EWERS - STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Mr. Ehlers presented map of proposed loop on FM 78 around Cibolo. The loop would begin at point across from Pfeil Street and curve around to join FM 78 again at Haeckerville Road. It would entail widening FM 78 from Dietz Creek to point at Pfeil St . Right -of -way on loop would be financed on 90/10 basis (State 90%/City 10%) . The city would pay for curbs and gutters from Dietz Creek to Pfeil St (approximately 4,800 ft . @ $6.00 per ft) and purchase out-right 31-2 acres of ROW. The state would widen bridge at Dietz Creek. After approval by State a public hearing will be held giving citizens - the opportunity to give their views . 7. WIDEN FM 1 103 Nor. Ehlers informed the Council that in order to get work done on FM 1103 it will be necessary for them to go to Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court and have Commissioner's Court request the state to widen and straighten FM 1103. 8® TAKE ACTION ON WATER AND SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Mr. Brooks presented contracts with City of Schertz whereby Schertz would give us assistance as required in maintaining our water and sewer lines. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) moved we accept the water and sewer maintenance contract with City of Schertz. All approved. 9. PRIORITIES The members of the City Council presented their priorities for the City. (See attachment to Minutes) Mr. Little pointed out that we have made a commitment to people of Town Creek to get water to them and we need to start a water line in that direction. In addition to priorities presented by ODuncil Mr. Tolle brought up the fact that North Main Street is in need of repair at this time. Page 2 Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved that we extend the water line from Indian Circle right on FM 1103 to North Main, then proceed north to Borgfeld Road and secondly, that we join Schertz line and extend line parallel along Green Valley Road to our ETJ. All approved - 10. The Council went into executive session under provisions of ART 6252-17, Section 2(g) V.T.C .S . (Personnel matters) . i 11 . Reconvene in opern session. 12 . Action as result of executive session: P&Z A. Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) make the motion that/members be accepted as to place and term expiration date as shown. All approved. Termination Date Place 1 E.C. Wiederstein 10/1/85 2 Kenneth Nichols 10/1/84 3 Gerald Thurman 10/1/85 4 Lewis Borgfeld 10/1/84 5 Jeff Miller 10/1/85 B. Voting for two new P&Z members as follows: Mike Absher 4 votes Ryan Faulk 2 " A.J. Martin 4 Dannie Bishop (Fred Niemietz) moved that the new members be assigned places as follows: Mike Absher - Place 6 (Term expires 10/1/810 and A.J. Martin - Place 7 (Term expires 10/1/85) . All approved. 13 . ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved meeting adjourn at 10:00 P.M. All approved. 1- �`- BILL LITTLE, MAYOR IVA R. ANACKER, CITY SECRETARY i ATTACHMENT TO MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1983 SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF C- IBOLO PRIORITIES LIST Jo Nirider: Water Widen FM 1103 P&Z Map Updated Update Ordinances eliminating those that are outdated Sidewalk to Wiederstein School Office Furniture Hike and Bike Trail from Cibolo to Schertz (Future planning) Marge Smith: Water More playground equipment P&Z Map update Enlarge Slab and put up roof House numbering Sidewalk for Wiederstein Widen FM 1103 Office Equipment Extend Main St Updating ordinances Upgrade Utility Warehouse Street Sweeper Re-apply for Grant for Park Fred Niemietz: Water Well Tool Box FM 78 Loop Water Extension Lawnmower Backhoe Fire Truck (Fire Dept) Enlarge Recreation Bldg and Parking Lots Sidewalk for city on Main St Park Driveway Dannie Bishop: Consider drainage problems Make arrangements to bring in people who have plans for development in this area Decide in which area we want our business area to grow Joint meeting with Planning and Zoning Combination back hoe and front end loader Upgrade Permit System to control all contractual work air conditioning, electrical etc . Bill Wiederstein: Water to Town Creek Establish some capital improvement fund - plan to have money available when we need it Survey of fire protection - see that fire protection is available to old section of town as well as new developments . Put money aside for street repairs as required FM 78 By Pass `- Feasibility study of putting sewer collection lines from Wiederstein Street to Dietz Creek New P&Z Map - Projected new roads and streets (Need to look at overall picture)