Min P&Z 06/12/1984 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 C. J. Miller, Chairman 2. ROLL CALL: C.J. Miller, E.C. Wiederstein, Lewis Borgfeld, Ken Nichols, Gerald Thurman, City Administrator - Tommy M. Brooks, (A.J. Martin - absent) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 14, 1984 MEETING: Ken Nichols (Gerald Thurman) moved minutes be approved. All approved. 4. CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION AS APPROPRIATE REGARDING A MASTER PLAN AND/OR A PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTED BY CROW DEVELOPMENT CO. Mr. Haven Stewart, Crow Development Co. and Mr. Neil Fisher, P.F.A. and Associates, presented master plan of new development, entitled Thistle Creek Subdivision, and plan for Unit No. 1 of this subdivision. The developer requested two variances (1) Lot size 60 x 100) and (2) side yard set back (6' ) . Several members of P&Z expressed concern that Ordinance Number 60 had not been amended to conform with current trend toward smaller lot sizes. P&Z questioned developer as to size of homes and type of constr.zction. Mr. Stewart explained that the homes would be 1200 SF minimum, o to 3/4 masonry and be priced .-beginning at $67,000.-- Lewis Borgfeld (Kenneth Nichols) moved that variances be granted as requested. All approved. 6. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 Ken Nichols (Gerald Thurman) moved that meeting adjourn. I-,1�lja C. ILLER, CHAIRMAN CITY SECRETARY •