Min CC 10/06/1983 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 63 1983 1 . Call to Order: 7:00 Mayor Bill Little 2 . Invocation: Bill Wiederstein _ 3 . Roll Call: All Present 4. Citizens to be Heard: None 5. Consensus Items: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved consensus items be approved as stated. All approved. 6. Approve advertisement for bids for water line extension. Dannie Bishop (Jo Nirider) moved that we place for bids the extension of the water line (12 inch) to Borgfeld Road. All approved. 7. Approve nominee to serve on Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Directors . Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) moved that we nominate Murray Denton to serve on Board of Directors of Guadalupe County Appraisal District. All approved. 8. Items by Mayor/ Councilmembers: None 9 . Items by City Administrator: None 10. Ad:o urnment: 7:10 P.M. BILL LITTLE, MAYOR IVA R - AMACKER, CaY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED OCTOBER 6, 1983 t" UTILITIES City of Cibolo City Hall (W&S) 23.00 Park (W) 102.96 G.V.E.0 CITY HALL 182.96 PARK 20.41 COMM. BLDG 48.22 WHSE. 15.00 $264.59 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION So. Texas Printing Supplies 97.76 Guad. Co. Appraisal Dist. Quarterly Payment 392.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT Uniforms of Texas For: Claude 207.65 Wuest Film 17.18 Wells Communication Battery for Walkie 69.00 So. Texas Printing Supplies 7.10 City of Schertz Dispatch 200.00 City of Schertz Impounding of Animals 15.00 POLICE CAR City of Schertz Gas 277.08 r' Lone Star Gas 64.97 ~" Randolph Tire Center Tire 273.96 American Sign Co. Vinyl Letters for Patrol Cars 22.00 PROFESSIONAL FEES Harvey Hardy (Attorney) 301 .72 WATER & SEWER C.C.M.A. Waste Water Treatment 1 ,679.89 Green Valley Water Supply Co. Purchased Water 527.20 (2 Monthe Schertz Purchased Water meter #1 ---891.48 meter #2 --- 87.54 total 979.02 Green Valley Water Installation of Fire Plug Labor 200.00 Trans Tex Supplies 528.21 Garcia & Wright Cibolo/Green Valley Agreement 79.00 CITY TRUCK Lone Star Gas 92.96 TRACTOR Ewald Tractor Repair Tire 5.35