Min CC 11/03/1983 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1983 1 . CALL 'TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: Bill Wiederstein - Absent 4. CITIZENS TO BE BEARD: None 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: Dannie Bishop (Marge Smith) made a motion that consensus items be approved as listed. All approved. 6. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION CASTING VOTES FOR NOMINEE TO SERVE ON THE GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Inasmuch as our current nominee, Murray Denton, did not receive sufficient support -,from local organizations to insure election to Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Directors, the possibility of casting our vote, for Dick Howe, nominee of the Schertz Cibolo Universal City independant School District, was discussed. In the discussion Councilmember Marge Smith indicated that she would prefer to continue to support the nomination of Murray Denton. Dannie Bishop (Fred Niemietz) made motion that we approve resolution casting votes for Dick Howe as nominee for City of Cibolo to serve on the Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Directors. Fred Fiemietz, Dannie Bishop and Jo Nirider voted "FOR", Marge Smith oiced'�`NO% -Motion=carried. 7. APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATIONS a . Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) made motion that we approve Proclamation recognizing Nov 14-18, 1983 as Community Education Week. All approved. b. Fred .Niemietz (Marge Smith) made motion that we approve proclamation designating the month of November 1983 as Chemical People Month. All approved. - 8. APPROVAL OF INSURANCE POLICY. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) I make a motion to approve acceptance of insurance policies for Public Officials and Employees Liability Insurance and for Police Liability Insurance. All approved. 9. Executive Session under provisions of ART 6252-17., Section 2(g) V.T.C.S. to discuss personnel •matters . 10. Reconvene in Open Session 11 . Action as result of Executive Session a . - Dannie Bishop (Marge Smith) I make a motion that we terminate Mr. Ed Kneupper as Judge of Cibolo Municipal Court. All approved. b. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) I make a motion we approve ordinance appointing Noy W. Richard Jr. as Judge of Cibolo Municipal Court . All approved. c. Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) made a motion that we approve Ordinance establishing position of City Prosecutor. All approved. • d. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) make a motion that we appoint Robert A. Raetzsch as City Prosecutor. All approved. 12. ADJOURNMENT: 8:05 P.M. BILL LITT , MAYOR BILIS TO BE APPROVED NOVEMBER 3, 1983 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY (W&S) 23 .00 PARK (W) 8.37 81 -37 G.V.E.C. COM. BLDG 59.28 PARK 39.19 WHSE 15.00 CIT Y HALL 125.69 239.16 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION UNI UNITYEg RVIt�g ELECTION LAW SUPPLEMENT 15.00 WUE ST S SUPPLIES 9 .60 SO. TEXAS PRINTING "SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE & BOOKKEEPER 75.97 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. TAPE 1 .35 STREETS CIBOLO LUMBER CO. SUPPLIES 56.65 PARK INGRAM READYMIX SLABS FOR PICNIC TABLES 184.25 SIPPLE HARDWARE TRASH CANS 25.47 WAREHOUSE CIBOLO LUMBER CO. BOLTS, ETC 5.23 SIPPEL HARDWARE 66.17 CITY TRUCK LONE STAR STORE GAS & OIL 36.70 BUILDING INSPECTOR SUPPLIES SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CODE BOOBS 66.50 PROFESSIONAL FEES HARVEY L. HARDY ATTORNEY 201 .62 POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCH 200.00 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING CLASP ENVELOPES & ROLODEX 16.71 POLICE CAR CITY OF SCHERTZ GAS 332.30 LONE STAR STORE OIL & GAS ADDITIVE 2.59 ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT CITY OF SCHERTZ 6 ANIMALS 45.00 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2 CATS RABIES QUANANTINE 53.00 WATER & SET Fa CIBOLO LUMBER CO. SUPPLIES 52.13 • CIBOLO LUMBER CO . FIRE PLUG METER 18.75 C.C.M.A. WASTE WATER TREATMENT 1 ,528.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASID WATER 1 ,483-11