Min CC 12/01/1983 CITY OF CIBOLO MINU'T'ES .OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 1- DECEMBER 1983 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little 2 . INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 3. ROLL CALL: Dannie Bishop --absent. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: Bill Wiederstein (Fred Niemietz) made motion that consensus items be approved. All approved. 6. APPROVAL OF PIANS FOR EXTENSION OF WATER LINE ALONG NORTH MAIN ST. Water line to extend from Indian Circle along FM 1103 to N. Main St . Cross under FM 1103 and extend along N. Main St . to Borgfeld Rd. Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) made a motion that we approve plans for water line . All approved. 7 . ITEMS BY MAYOR/COUNCILKR4BER.S MAYOR LITTLE: A. Mayor would like Mr. Brooks to attend Dec 16 meeting on water in Edwards Acquifer. B. Mayor Little stated that he is interested in getting a committee formed in RandolphAreawith a view to obtaining surface water for our area. C. CVFD has received a new 1,000 gallon per minute pumper. The Fire Depart is justly proud of this pumper. COUNCIIMEMBER JO NIRIDER: Councilmember Nirider expressed her displeasure with the water collecting at Schlather St and North Main during recent rains. This was an area that had been addressed during the recent paving and drainage project. Evidently it needs to be corrected. She suggested bringing the problem to the attention of our engineer. OOUNCILMEMBER FRED NIEMIETZ: Work is being done at park to replace decayed boards in Community Building getting it ready to paint . Further, Mr . Niemietz would like Mr. Brooks to look into Bingo Tax refund and perhaps prepare an Ordinance. 8. CITY AIMINISTRA'TOR ITEMS: Mr. Brooks reported that the developers who recently appeared before P&Z sre still proceeding on developments . We should have formal annexation request very soon. 9 . ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved meeting adjourn. 7:16 P.M. All approved. r d LL LITTLE, MAYOR CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED 1 DECEMBER 1983 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOTO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.00 PARK 66.17 89.17 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL 87 .11 COMM. BLDG 41 -00 PARK 20.05 WHSE 15.58 164.34 EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT CIAUDE J. GEORGE REIMBURSEMENT CHAMBER OF 2.80 COMMERCE MEETING PARK CIBOIO LUMBER CO. MATERIAL FOR REPAIRS 150.96 SIPPEL HARDWARE SUPPLIES 18.18 S'T'REETS CIBOIO LUMBER CO . SUPPLIES 36.60 PROFESSIONAL FEES HARVEY L. HARDY ATTORNEY 75.00 ANIMAL CONTROL FRED NIEMIETZ REIMBURSEMENT GLOVES 5.00 FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER WATER AND SEWER. CIBOLO LUMBER CO. SUPPLIES 8.15 POLICE DEPARTMENT SIPPEL HARDWARE CRYSTALS 13.75 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ELECTION LAW SEMINAR PRE-SEMINAR SESSION 40.00 TW DAY SEMINAR 95.00 (IVA R. AMA CHER) WATER & SEWER T & F CONSTRUCTION CO . Check new water system 14.00 Pull copper at Buffalo 375.76 Repair Leak at North Main 33.00 Work with Southwestern Bell on Industrial Park water leak 88.00 40 54o.76 *To be billed to Southwestern Bell