Min CC 03/27/1984 - Workshop CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MARCH 27, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM Mayor Bill Little 2. ROLL CALL: All present. 3. VISITOR: Mike Absher 4. THE PURPOSE OF THE WORKSHOP WAS TO DISCUSS WATER SUPPLY FOR CITY OF CIBOLO. A. Mr. Tom Brooks, City Administrator, presented brochure setting forth some of the facts, costs and problems to be incurred in reaching the city owned water well. B. Plan developed by City of Schertz offering water to the City of Cibolo was discussed. There will be a joint meeting between Cibolo and Schertz on March 28, 1984. Both plans were discussed in depth. No decisions can be made until the matter is thoroughly researched. 5. ADJOURNMENT: 7:50 PM Mayor Little. SILL LI E, MAYOR 4-zLI CITY SECRETARY •