Min CC 04/03/1984 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 3, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: All present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None. 5. VISITORS: Mr. Gary Weaver Mike Absher 6. APPROVAL OF CONSENSUS ITEMS: Dannie Bishop (Fred Niemietz) moved that consensus items be approved as written. All approved. i 7. CONSIDER FOR APPROVAL PARTICIPATION IN THE GREATER RANDOLPH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INDUSTRIAL GUIDE PUBLICATION. j Mr. Gary Weaver appeared and explained that the Chamber of Commerce is asking all the cities in our local area to contribute $1,000.00 each toward this publication. The $1,000.00 will cover distribution. The sale of advertising will support the publication. There will be a concerted effort on the part of the Chamber of Commerce to see that distribution is made to the right parties; i.e. people who may be looking for an area to locate/relocate their business. i Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved that Cibolo participate in the Greater j Randolph--Chamber of Commerce Industrial Guide Publication. All approved. 8. CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION ON A UTILITY MAINTENCE CONTRACT WITH ANDREW TOLLE. Fred Niemietz (Bill Wiederstein) moved that contract to cover period April 16, 1984 to April 15, 1985 as: presented by Mr. Tolle be accepted. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved that meeting be adjourned. All approved. BILL L TTLE, MAYOR I i i CITY SECRETARY I I I I I i BILLS TO BE PAID AAPRIL 3, 1984 I UTILITIES _ _City of Cibolo City Park (W) 55 .90 City Hall (W&S) 23 .00 78 . 90 Guadalupe Valley Electric Co-op. City Hall 94 . 12 Com. Bldg 41.87 Park 15 .30 Whse 15 . 00 166. 29 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE I Radio Shack Cassette Tapes & Batteries 34 . 38 So. Texas Printing Co. Supplies 9 . 95 Tri County Office Supplies 4 . 20 Tri City Insurance TMF 64344409 40. 00 ELECTION EXPENSES Hartgraphics Ballots ( 500 minimum order) 65 .01 OFFICE EQUIPMENT/IMP. So. Tex Printing Typewriter 590 . 75 PROFESSIONAL FEES Harvey L. Hardy Attorney at law 350. 00 POLICE OFFICE SUPPLIES So. Tex Printing Pages for Court Docket Book 130 .93 CITY HALL Sippel Hardware Floodlights 13.07 PARK Cibolo Lumber Co Paint 59 .80 Sippel Hardware Supplies to repair restrooms 6 . 64 ANIMAL CONTROL SA-SO Dog Net Complete 29 . 70 Schlathers Inc Dog Food 11. 79 WATER & SEWER City of Schertz Purchased water 2289 .63 So. Texas Printing 2 receipt books 54 . 00 Trans Tex Adj . for return of equ-ip. 3 . 68 T &F Install 4 water services at 161. 00 Alpha (This bill will be passed to ALPHA) C.C.M.A. Wastewater treatment 1, 755 ._68 •