Min CC 04/17/1984 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 17, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: All present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None. 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENSUS ITEMS: Dannie Bishop (Bill Wiederstein) made the motion that consensus items be approved as stated. All approved. 6. CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION IN REGARDS TO CONSIDERING A POSSIBLE CONSOLIDATION AND MERGER OF THE CITIES OF CIBOLO AND SCHERTZ. Mayor Little stated that he had been approached by several citizens and asked about the possibility of a merger with Schertz. He further stated that he would like to get the opinion of the individual counci]members on the possible merger. Jo Nirider: "There may be some advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. The most important thing is that I was elected by the people of Cibolo and I will be listening to their input if any of you would like to call and let me know how you feel about it. I feel that at this time the most important thing for Cibolo is water and that we need to unite our effort on this necessity and not be side-tracked by other issues." Marge Smith: "I am going to be going off the council and I would just like to comment. I would not say that I'm for it or against it at moment. I think some research would have to be done; we would have to see if it would be to our advantage financially or in any way at all. I know we are growing very fast and something has to be done as far as our water is concerned, which I know everyone is aware of. So all I can say on this issue right now is just that we could look into it and find out what our citizens would want." Fred Niemietz: "I'm not going to beat_ -around the bush about nothing, my answer is a flat "No"!" Dannie Bishop: "I think that research on this issue costs money which could be used more vitally in other areas of Cibolo. I think Texas law provides adequate measures for the voters of the town to place a petition before the Council to put it on the agenda and have it voted __upon if they so desire rather than be the unnamed individuals. As of right now and -lack of any comments by leading citizens to me personally, I would vote against it." Bill Wiederstein: "I think we need to look at it. I was not on the Council at the time it was considered before, it was just before I came on the Council. At that time I was against it. But I would like to go back and look at the studies. I know there was a study done. There was quite a bit of money spent at that time for engineering firms(,-etc.- - to see what the feasibility would be and cost to each of the two cities involved. Those costs would have changed now because expenditures made by each city have changed during that time.and we have different facilities. I guess we are talking about economy of size on one hand and maintaining our own identity on the other. I guess that's the issue but it is not going to be decided here tonight." • Dannie Bishop (Fred Niemietz) made a motion that the matter be tabled. All approved. 7, ACCEPTANCE OF BALLOTS: City Secretary presented ballot information as follows: 500 ballots were ordered. 10 ballots were reserved for absentee balloting. 3 absentee votes were cast. 2 absentee ballots by mail were not returned in time to count. 5 absentee ballots (unused) were turned over to election judge. All ballots were accounted for. 8. CANVAS ELECTION RESULTS AND DECLARE RESULTS. VOTES WERE AS FOLLOWS: Bill Wiederstein 105 Place 1 Mike Absher 102 Place 4 Josie C. Nirider 59 Place 5 Gregory Watson 55 Leroy Amacker 2 Marvin Remmler 2 Mayor Little called attention to the fact that two people has voted who were not eligible to vote in the city. Those two votes were discounted. _Inasmuch as they did not change results of the election no action was taken. Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) moved that Canvas of Election be accepted. All approved. 9. Mayor Little presented departing councilmember Marge Smith with plaque and flowers thanking her for ten years of dedicated service. 10. SWEARING IN NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Little administered Oath of Office to Bill Wiederstein Place 1 Mike Absher Place 4 Josie Nirider Place 5 11. Mayor Little informed the council that we are going to have a workshop on April 24, 1984, on water. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) moved that meeting adjourn. All approved. (7:45 PM) BILL LITTLE, MAYOR CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED APRIL 17, 1984 UTILITIES Southwestern Bell 658-8735 24.94 658-9900/1948 87.27 112.21 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE TML Dues 295.00 UTEX Toner and Developer 80.00 for copy machine Hartgraphics Election Supplies 21.36 Crystal Paging Beeper Monthly Chg. 14.00 PUBLISHING Herald Newspaper Publishing Public hearing 59. .70 and election notices San Antonio Light Ad for policeman 35.44 Express News Ad for policeman 23, 65 POLICE DEPARTMENT Sheriff Guadalupe Co. Board Bill 30.00 POLICE CAR Southwest Signal Co. Light bars for police vehicle 399.00 Lone Star Store #59 Gas 47.72 STREETS Flasher Equipment Co. City Limit Signs 120.00 TRACTOR T & P Repair Repairs 75.40 Lone Star Store #59 Gas & Oil 42.50 Parenty Tire Tire repair 19.70 WATER AND SEWER • W. H. Mullins Preparation of City Water 1,480.60 System Map W. H. Mullins Inspection of Industrial 75.00 Park Sewer Line Lone Star S _r Gas - City Truck 60.50