Min CC 06/28/2016 - Workshop �-A °� ora 0 c_ �r o rsxPs "CNJ of Choice" City Council Workshop CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. MAIN June 28, 2016 5:30 PM Minutes 1. Call to Order—Workshop was called to order by Mayor Dunn at 5:38pm. 2. Roll Call — Council Present — Mayor Dunn, Councilwoman Schultz, Councilman Garrett,- Councilwoman arrett,Councilwoman Gebhardt, and Councilman Weber; Council Absent: Councilman Russell, Councilman Hogue and Councilman Doty; Staff Present: City Manager Herrera, City Secretary Cimics, IT Director Badu, EDC Director Luft, Engineering & Planning Director Klein, Public Works Director Fousse, City Planner Gonzalez, ED Assistant McVey and City Managers Assistant Rogers. 3. Discussion/Presentation A. Discussion/Presentation from Halff and Associates on the Cibolo Comprehensive Master Plan Update and FM 78 Corridor Plan Mid-Point Briefing. Halff and Associates went over the Comprehensive Master Plan Updates & FM 78 Corridor Plan. An overview of plan chapters and recommendations to-date were briefed. Some of the items that were discussed were Cibolo's historical and projected population and the demographics in Cibolo by age, education and travel time to work. Public engagement was briefed with stakeholder listening sessions, City Council and P&Z briefings and workshops along with two open house and public hearings for the public to attend. Halff went over the survey on how satisfied citizens were with Cibolo, to including traffic, roads, walking trails, safety, etc. Halff will continue their briefing at a'later date due to the start of the regular Council Meeting. 4. Adjournment - Councilman Garrett made the motion to adjourn the Workshop at 6:25pm. Motion was seconded by Councilman Weber. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 4 to 0. PAS D ND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF JULY 2016 CiAllen Dunn Mayor Attest, _ Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary 1