Min CC 07/31/1984 - Special CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING 31 JULY 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Little 2. INVOCATION: Dannie Bishop 3. ROLL CALL: All present with exception of Councilman Bill Wiederstein. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 5. REVIEW AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION OF FINAL AMENDED BY 83/84 BUDGET AND A PROPOSED FY 84/85 CITY BUDGET. A. Final Amended Budget FY 83/84. -Jo Nirider (Mike Absher) moved that amended budget be approved. All approved. B. Proposed FY 84/85 City Budget. Proposed expenditures were discussed at length by the council. Following are some of the problems discussed. (1) Employee Medical Insurance: The majority of the council expressed approval of providing an opportunity for the employees to have medical insurance; however, the price is extremely high due to the small number of employees presently working for the City of Cibolo. The Council agreed to put $6,000 into the budget for this item and give Mr. Brooks an opportunity to explore the matter further. Three council members voted for inclusion of item, Dannie Bishop abstained. (2) Industrial Development. Mr. Bishop objected to expenditure of $2,000 for advertising. In the ensuing discussion by Council it was decided to leave the $2,000 in the budget. (3)Salaries(cost of living increase) : The proposed budget calls for a 5% cost of living increase to be effective in January 1985. This would be in addition to the regular step increase of 30 that employees normally receive annually. Council vote was as follows: Mike Absher "Yes" ' Jo Nirider "Yes"; Fred Niemietz "No"; Dannie`Bishop "No"; Mayor Little cast the deciding vote "Yes". The item will remain in the budget. . (4) Vehicle Allowance. Jo Nirider (Mike Absher) moved that Mr. Brooks be granted an allowance of $100 each month to compensate in part for gas and other vehicular expenses incurred in performing his many duties. All approved. (Item to be included in FY 84/85 budget. (5) Computer. Consensus of opinion is that we would definitely benefit from use of computer. Mr. Brooks will continue to explore the possibility of renting computer time as opposed to buying complete computer equipment at this time. (6) Capitol Improvements. All capitol improvement items were approved. The addition of a utility shed for storage of city equipment was approved in the amount of $5,000 ($2,500 general .fund/$2,500 water fund) . 6. CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION IN REGARD TO NEW MOBILE HOME PARK/ • MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. Dannie Bishop(Jo Nirider) moved that Mobile Home Park/Mobile Home Subdivision Ordinance be approved. All Approved. Minutes - 31 Jul 84 Sp Mtg - Pg 2 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION IN REGARD TO A GBRA PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT. Mr. Brooks will reply to GBRA stating that is basically correct insofar as Cibolo is concerned. 8. REVIEW AND APPROPRIATE ACTION ON STREET, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR UNIT 1, THISTLE CREEK SUBDIVISION. Dannie Bishop (Mike Absher) moved that street, utility and drainage improvements for Unit 1, Thistle Creek Subdivision be approved. All approved. 9. ADDITIONAL TESTING OF STREETS. Council recently voted to have streets tested to insure that contractor had complied with all provisions of contract. Tests to cost approximately $700.00. RABA-KISTNER Consultants, Inc. submitted a cost estimate of $805 to $745 for testing at seven locations; estimated cost range for testing fourteen locations is $1,100.00 to $1,180.00. Mike Absher (Dannie Bishop) moved that we proceed with the testing to the extent of $1200 provided we can get information as to why asphalt is not adhering to base. All approved. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. Mayor Little. BILL LITTLE MAYOR CITY SECRETARY