Min CC 08/07/1984 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Bill Little 2. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 3. ROLL CALL: All present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 5. CONSENSUS ITEMS: Jo Nirider (Mike Absher) moved that consensus items be approved. All approved. 6. PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETING WITH MR. LYNN MILLIGAN CONCERNING TWO PROPOSED SUBDIVISIONS AND A SEWER LINE EXTENSION AND TAKE ACTION AS APPROPRIATE. A. Mr. Lynn Milligan, engineer, presented information on a mobile home subdivision to be located on FM 78 approximately 1.7 miles from Cibolo City Limits. The subdivision is being constructed by U.S. Homes of manufactured homes. Mr. Glenn Westrum, Planning Consultant presented data pertaining to lot size, size of homes, etc. The developer is requesting permission to run sewer line from subdivision, construct 2 lift stations and tie on to Cibolo's sewer system at Timber Tech. He was informed that while the City Council would not rule out the possibility that this could be accomplished, before it could even be considered seriously,the matter would have to be discussed with our City Engineer Mr. W. H. Mullins and Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. Permission was withheld until further study can be made. In the meantime, plats must be submitted to City Engineer, P&Zand then again to Council for approval/disapproval. B. Plans were presented for a Mobile Home Subdivision to be located on FM 3009 and Dietz Road. Construction is scheduled to begin immediately after approval. The Mobile Home Sub- division will be a planned subdivision in the manner of California Mobile Home Subdivisions. Plans must be submitted to P&Z, prior to submission to Council for final action. The property will be annexed by Cibolo at request of owner. 7. ACCEPT APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY MR. AND MRS. RALPH BETTCHER AND APPROVE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TIME AND DATES FOR ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARINGS. Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) moved that we accept application and approve ordinance establishing time and dates for annexation public hearings. All approved. 8. APPROVE ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 60(SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE) ESTABLISHING LOCATION OF FIRE HYDRANTS. Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) moved that Ordinance amending Ordinance 60 establishing location of fire hydrants be approved. All approved. 9. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A PROPOSED RATE INCREASE BY ENTEX. • Bill Wiedewrstein (Jo Nirider) moved that Entex proposed rate increase be tabled. Jo Nirider, Fred Niemietz, Dannie Bishop, Bill Wiederstein voted "FOR" Mike Absher - Abstained. Motion carried. Page 2, Minutes 7 Aug 1984 10. ITEMS BY MAYOR/COUNCILMEMBERS: Councilmember Dannie Bishop tald council of his tour to LaGrange to visit GVEC facilities. It was a very interesting trip and he urged other council members to take the trip if they have an opportunity. 11. THE COUNCIL WENT INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252-17, V.T.C.S. , SECTION 2 (f) and 2(g) . 12. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION. 13. A. PERSONNEL POLICY. Dannie Bishop (Bill Wiederstein) made a motion that that portion of Personnel Policy be changed discontinuing the 3% annual anniversary raise and be replaced by "that on each employees annual anniversary each employee will receive a cost of living raise based upon the Council approved cost of living rate determined at the annual budget hearings. Jo Nirider, Dannie Bishop, Bill Wiederstein, Make Absher voted "For" the motion, Fred Niemietz voted Against. Motion carried. B. PERSONNEL CHANGE-FROM WORKER TO SUPERVISOR. Dannie Bishop (Fred Niemietz) Moved that we appoint a utilities supervisor and place Mr. Larry Luksik in that position. 14. ADJOURNMENT: 11:10 Mayor Little y,,A�-'j�, . BILL LITTLE, MAYOR ng:�� CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED AUGUST 7, 1984 UTILITIES G.V.E.C. -City Hall 130.83 Park 166.22 Whse 15.00 Comm Bldg 31.88 343:93 CITY OF CIBOLO City Hall (W&S) 23.00 Park (W) 121.42 144.42 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION SO. TEXAS PRINTING Supplies 120.84 CRYSTAL CLEAR COMM. Beeper 14.00 LOPC Supplies 33.94 TRI-CITY INSURANCE CM 51923766 357.00 TRI COUNTY OFFICE EQUIPMENT Supplies 172.90 POLICE DEPT CITY OF SCHERTZ Dispatch 200.00 Impoundment 7.50 H-P PRINTING Nameplates 16.95 SOUTHWEST SIGNAL Flashlite switch & Bulb 16.80 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. HASP, Pad Lock, etc. 13.40 POLICE CAR CITY OF SCHERTZ Gas 322.34 LONE STAR STORE Gas 79.50 PROFESSIONAL HARVEY L. HARDY Attorney at Law 445.73 MUNICIPAL COURT SO. TEXAS PRINTING Receipt Books (2 ea) 54.00 SO. TEXAS PRINTING Docket Envelopes 239.00 PARK R-D ELECTRIC Breakers for Lights 155.70 CIBOLO LUMBER Supplies 45.74 AYERS DISTRIBUTING CO. Paper Towels 30.30 LONE STAR STORE Gas 9.60 STREETS SIPPEL HARDWARE Qt Oil 1.89 SARGENT-SOWELL Reflective Tape 66.24 CIBOLO LUMBER Supplies 132.70 LONE STAR STORE Gas 2.40 WAREHOUSE CIBOLO LUMBER CO Supplies 64.72 • SIPPEL HARDWARE Supplies 16.39 SIPPEL HARDWARE First Aid Kit 4.99 Pg 2 -Bills to be Approved, 7 Aug 84 WATER AND SEWER TRANS-TEX Supplies 148.77 C.C.M.A. Wastewater Treatment 1,885.33 MARS Supplies 168.84 SIPPEL HARDWARE Supplies 14.28 CITY OF SCHERTZ Purchased Water 4,114.77 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Water Cards, Clerical Supplies 108.45 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. Supplies 99.13 ACE PLUMBING Supplies 11.50 LONE STAR STORE Gas 29.50 RANDOLPH TIRE CENTER INC. Tire, wheel balance, valve etc 100.15 •