Min P&Z 08/14/1984 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 14, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Chairman Jeff Miller 2. ROLL CALL Chairman Jeff Miller Absent: E.C. Wiederstein A.J. Martin Ken Nichols Lewis Borgfeld --Sam Bauder Gerald Thurman 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Gerald Thurman (Sam Bauder) moved minutes be approved as written. All approved. 4. SANTA CLARA HEIGHTS Mr. Lynn Milligan, engineer, presented plat of proposed Santa Clara Heights Subdivision. Subdivision consists of approximately 32 acres, along FM 78, approximately 1.7 miles outside Cibolo City Limits. The developer is asking permission to extend the sewer line, which presently ends at Timber Tech, to this property. Discussion between Mr. Milligan and Mr. Mullins, Cibolo City Engineer) has ascertained that the line would probably be adequate to take care of the wastewater generated by this subdivision. The question of cost of maintenance of required lift stations is still being explored and approval cannot be---- granted e--granted until all avenues have been explored. Houses in this development would be manufactured and brought to site and placed on foundations. They would be VA/FHA approved loans, 900 to 1400 SF floor space, several in the 38 to 39 thousand dollar bracket with most houses in the low 40 thousand dollar cost bracket. Developer requested variance on lot size from 6000 ft required size to 4200 ft. A.J-. Martin: moved that variance be granted. Due to lack of second for motion, motion was tabled. 5. NORTHERN OAKS SUBDIVISION Mobile Home Subdivision. 200 acre project along FM 3009 and Dietz Road. Frontage on FM 3009 would be zoned commercial and have planned strip shopping center. * The develoer d tk1e followingc nts• The park iT to e P`built on li.neso planned California mobile home ** parks. s�yicryL:tiae-ra -a:i7rr-�-adhered7-t-o-.-- (1) Mobile homes must be certain size and age. (2) Two car off street parking. (3) Designated areas one for families with children and one for adults only. (4) Park will have caretaker, landscaping, swimming pool, putting green etc. Developer requested variance on lot size from 5000 SF to 4500SF. A.J. Martin (Sam Bauder) moved that variance be granted. Jeff Miller, A.J. Martin, Sam Bauder, Gerald Thurman voted "FOR"; Lewis Borgfeld abstained. Motion carried. 6. ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 PM. Chairman Jeff Miller JEF CHAI * Sentence added per correction of minutes at 11 Sep 84 meeting. ** Sentence eleted rrectiop of minutes at 11 Sep 84 meeting. z CITY SECRETARY