Min CC 10/02/1984 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 2, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Bill Little 2. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 3. ROLL CALL: All present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: C. P. Vaughan and Mark Vaughan deferred comment to ITEM 8. 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENSUS ITEMS: Dannie Bishop (Jo Nirider) moved that consensus items be approved as presented. All approved. 6. APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATION WITH THE GREATER RANDOLPH AREA CHAMBER OF COMM ERCE. Dannie Bishop (Fred Niemietz) moved to continue association with The Greater Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce. Bill Wiederstein abstained, all others approved. Motion carried. _ * 7. APPROVAL OR APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PROPOSED FY 84/85 BUDGET. Dannie Bishop (Jo Nirider) moved to disapprove on general princi- pals the FY 84/85 Budget of Guadalupe County Appraisal District. The motion was approved by Jo Nirider, Fred Niemietz, and Dannie Bishop. Bill Wiederstien and Mike -==voted "no." Motion carried by majority vote. ABSHER ** 8. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR SIX LEAF SUBDIVISION. C. P. Vaughan and Mark Vaughan presented the final plat for the Six Leaf Park Subdivision. Dannie Bishop moved to table decision on the plat until next week for more time to study the plat and the problem of easement. The motion did not receive a second and failed. Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) moved to approve the plat as is with 30 ft. easement. Motion carried. /DANNIE BISHOP DISAPPROVED. ALL OTHERS APPROVED. 9. ITEMS BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS. Fred Niemietz reported playground equipment has been ordered and lights installed at the Park. 10. COUNCIL WENT INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252-17, V.T.C.S. , SECTIONS 2(f) AND 2(g) . 11. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION. *** 12. RESULTS OF EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Purchase of two (2) acres of land from Lewis C. Borgfeld. (1) Jo Nirider (Dannie Bishop) moved to approve an ordinance manifesting the contract with Lewis C. Borgfeld to buy two (2) acres of land for the construction of non-elevated water storage tanks and to accept a gift from Lewis C. Borgfeld for three (3) water pipeline easements for use in connection therewith; authorizing the expenditure of $20,000.00 for the purchase of the two (2) acres of land; and authorizing the acceptance of deeds and grants thereto and an agreement with Lewis C. Borgfeld regarding the construction of said • water'-storage tanks. Council members Jo Nirider, Fred Niemietz, Mike �, and Dannie Bishop voted in approval of the motion. Bill Wiederstein abstained. Motion carried. Pg 2, Reg Council Meeting, 2 Oct. 84 B. Resignation of City Administrator. Dannie Bishop (Bill Wiederstein) moved to accept the resignation of City Administrator Tommy M. Brooks. All council members voted in approval. Motion carried. **** ADJOURIV.^'IENT: Mike mis e-moved to adjourn.- 9:15 P.M. BILL LITIT9, MAYOR ACTING CITY SECTARY CORRECTIONS MADE AS ENTERED IN MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 1984 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: *ITEM #7: Corrected spelling of ABSHER. **ITEM #8: Dannie Bishop Disapproved. All others approved. ***ITEM #12: Corrected spelling of ABSHER. ****Pg. 2-ITEM #12: Corrected item number to read #13; Corrected spelling of ABSHER. • BILLS TO BE APPROVED OCTOBER 2, 1984 UTILITIES City of Cibolo City Hall (W&S) 23.00 Park (W) 201.50 PUBLISHING GENERAL ADS Seguin Gazette Secretary Ad 23.25 S.S. Light 18.16 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION Tri-County Supplies 43.10 UTEX Supplies 150.00 POLICE DEPAMENT - Crystal Clear Comm. Beeper for Chief 158.88 Wuest Film 26.97 POLICE CAR True Performance - Valve Kleen 4.76 Lone Star Store Gas 18.00 MAINTENANCE DEPT Cibolo Self Serve Ice 7.59 The Station Ice 5.50 TRACTOR Parenty Tires Repair Tire 14.50 WATER AND SEWER MARS Supplies 18.47 Lone Star Store Gas-Truck 42.00 The Station Gas-Truck 20.50 City of Schertz Purchased Water 4371.18 i PG. 2 - Bills To Be Approved October 2, 1984 UTILITIES GVEC City Hall (Elect) 195.52 GVEC Park 84.45 GVEC Comm Bldg. 39.38 GVEC Warehouse 15.00 PUBLISHING EXPRESS NEWS CORP. Ad 14.40 OFFICE &ADMINISTRATION Harvey L. Hardy Legal 1,161.89 Creative Trophies Penn Set/Iva 12.19 POLICE CAR Sippel Hardware Oil 14.28 STREETS Sippel Hardware Supplies 26.51 PARK Sippel Hardware Supplies 6.57 WAREHOUSE Sippel Hardware Supplies 4.04 WATER AND SEWER City of Schertz Purchased Water 7.47 COMA Wastewater Treatment 2,290.05 Sippel Hardware City Truck - Oil, etc. 18.94 Sippel Hardware Supplies for Water 39.31 • I