Min CC 07/07/1987 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ON l` JULY 7, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. T.J. Harris presented the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. All members were present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. Mr. Claude George ask when he could expect to get the 92 gallon trash container. Mr. George stated that several businessman and residents outside of the approved trial areas had obtained containers. Mr. George also stated that he surveyed Cibolo before the daily' garbage pick up and found some 124 violations of the garbage ordinance. Mr. Richard Hammel read a statement opposing the proposed Buffalo Valley Landfill and ask the City Council ' s help in opposing the SunTex project. Mr. Hammel invited the Council to the public hearing in Schertz on August 11th at the Community Center. Tex Farnsworth explained that the Council had stated its position several months ago in a resolutin opposing the proposed landfill site. Mayor Bauder informed everyone that a copy of the State Application by SunTex had been received and was in the hands of the City Engineer,' Mr. W.H. Mullins , for review. 5. APPROVE CONSENUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 23, 1987 @ 6:30 P.M. C. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. T.J. Harris (Tex Farnsworth) motioned to approve consenus items as presented. All Approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE INCREASING SIXTY-FIVE (65) & OLDER OR DISABLED TAX EXEMPTION FROM $3,000 to $5,000 FOR 187 TAX ROLL. Billie Little (Tex Farnsworth) motioned to approve increasing the exemption for sixty-five yrs and older or for the disabled from $3,000 to $5 ,000 for the ' 87 Tax Roll . Ayes: Billie Little, Tex Farnsworth, Charlie Jupe & Tino Delgado. Abstaining: T.J. Harris. Motion carried. 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE CONTRACT WITH THE LAW FIRM OF HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN & JACOBSON FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES. Billie Little (T.J. Harris) made the motion to allow the mayor to contract with the firm of Hardy, Schwartzman, Bahan & Jacobson for collection of delinquent taxes for the period of July 7 , 1987 until June, 1988 at the rate of 15%. All approved. Motion carried. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PURCHASING TWO PATROL VEHICLES FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. • Charlie Jupe (T.J. Harris) made the motion to purchase two used patrol vehicles for the Dept. of Public Safety. Mayor Bauder stated that no bids were received from the formal bid for a new vehicle. The two units from D.P.S. will be re-painted and overhauled for the price of $6 ,680. All approved. Motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page -2- 9. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE BID FOR SALE OF SHARP COPIER. Tex Farnsworth (lino Delgado) made the motion to reject all bids for the sale of the Used Sharp Copier and re-advertise. All Approved rejection. Motion carried. 10. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE WAIVE OF FEE FOR PARR USE FOR THE LADIES AUXILIARY FIRE DEPT. TO HAVE THE ANNUAL FIREMAN'S SUPPER ON AUGUST 19, 1987. Billie Little (T.J. Harris) made the- motion, to waive the usual fees for park rental for the Ladies Auxiliary Annual Supper on August 19, 1987. All approved. Motion carried. 11. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE BID FOR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. Billie Little (lino Delgadc) made the motion to accept the bid from S & P Communications for Radio Communication Equipment and purchase the balance of a leased radio (currently leased by Skipp Tullgren) in the total combined amount of $2, 961 .30. All Approved. Motion carried. 12. CONSIDER INCREASING GARBAGE CONTAINER CIRCULATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION. T. J. Harris (Tino Delgado) motioned to survey residents on FM 78 , Lamar Street and Meek Street and authorize the City Administrator to allow garbage containers if the majority of surveyed residents want them. It was agreed that the Council would consider going city wide with the containers at the end of the ninety-day trial period. All Approved. Motion carried. 13. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL. Mr. Charlie Jupe ask David Walker, City Administrator, if the City had been able to consolidate any of the numerous bank accounts. Mr. Walker stated that he and the City Secretary had appointments with the, auditor and bank officers and would have recommendations at the next council meeting. Mr. T.J. Harris had no comments. i Mr. Tino Delgado reported from the T.M.L . Conference in El Paso on June 24-26, 1987. Mr. Delgado stressed that as many council members as could go should attend the T.M.L. Conference in Ft. Worth during October. Also, Mr. Delgado reported on several of the sessions. The new law on taping or transcribing "executive sessions has been approved and council will have to begin following the order of agenda during executive sessions. Also, Mr. Delgado attending sessions on the Tort Reform. Mrs. Billie Little ask about the plans with the merge with the Volunteer Fire Department. Also, Mrs. Little ask about service to the "outside of city limits" once the City is in charge of the fire department. Tex Farnsworth ask several questions concerning the capital improvement plans for the "loop in the water system" . , Mr. Farnsworth ask why the "stump" on the corner of Main and Bee Alley had not been removed. Also, Mr. Farnsworth ask Mr. Walker about the possibility of Community Block Grant funds for future projects. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page —3— f— Mr. Jupe ask to brief the Council of the computers that the committee had tested. Mr. Jupe gave a brief specification of the software and hardware that the committee had viewed and stated that a decision was forthcoming on a recommendation. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder made reference to a fire hydrant on Rhea Street and stated that one would be installed. Mayor Bauder announced that the residents of Thistle Creek was hosting a "Block Party" on August 11th and all Council and City Staff was invited. 15. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little) made the motion to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. All approved. Motion carried. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY i CITY OF CIBOLO fes` BILLS TO BE APPROVED JULY 7, 1987 GIFFORD HILL & CO. Base & Asphalt for Street patches $ 188. 23 SHADROCK PET. Gasoline (Police Dept. ) 254.58 Gasoline (Public Works) 244.47 499.05 MARSHALL-CLEGG File Cabinets & Storage Cabinet for Police Dept. 319.00 THOMAS EQUIPMENT CO. 850 John Deere Tractor 5 ,800.00 GREEN VALLEY WATER 5/1-6/1 Water Charges 5 , 672.56 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY Water Samples Test 10.00 RANDOLPH TIRE CENTER Tire (Chevy Pick up) 67.95 FROST NATIONAL BANK Waterworks & Sewer Bond , Series 1975 1 , 263. 75 SIPPEL HARDWARE Maintenance Supplies 32.82 XEROX CORP. 10 Bin Sorter for Copier 450.00 JO-MAR AUTOMOTIVE Tune up, Carburetor Service Unit # 284 87.85 JO-MAR AUTOMOTIVE Repair Electrical System Unit # 280 91 .33 ENCHANTED COTTAGE Flowers for J. Sippel Funeral 36.50 OLIN CORP. Flares for Police Cars 47.45 CREATIVE TROPHIES Plaque - G. Pfeil & Desk Plate - D. Walker 41 . 25 EMPLOYERS HEALTH INS. Employee Health Coverage (Less Payroll Deduction) 358.50 CITY OF CIBOLO Re-imburse Petty Cash 43.85 W.H. MULLINS, INC. Consultation on ByPass Loop & Street Improvements 157.50 TML RISK & INSURANCE Gen Liability 359.83 Auto Liability 151.33 Law Enforcement 220.08 Errors & Omission 192.00 Real & Personal 102.75 Mobile Equipment 1 .83 1 ,027.82 CITY OF CIBOLO Water - City Hall 26.00 Park 82. 24 108.24 • SCHERTZ-CIBOLO-U.C. ISD (,l ) Used Wocden Executive Desk 25.00 STATE TREASURER 2nd Qtr. Law Enforcement Officers Standards Fund 279.90 Compensation to Victims of Crime Fund 839.70 " Criminal Justice Planning Fund 1 ,413.00 BILLS TO BE APPROVED JULY 7, 1987 PAGE -2- STATE TREASURER Judicial & Court Personnel Training Fund $ 279.00 TEXAS DEPT. OF HEALTH Certification for Grade D- Keith Gilbreath 20.00 SOUTHWEST TEXAS REGIONAL WATER UTILITY SCHOOL Registration for Basic Water, Unit I Course - K. Gilbreath 35.00 CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY June' 87 Sewer Chgs. 3,805.58 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF S.A. June, 187 Garbage Pick-Up 3 ,600.08 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE June Phone Bill (659-9900) 88.90 DAVID D. WALKER Car Allowance 50.00 CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY July, ' 87 Dispatch Service 300.00 RON FLAKE, ATTY. Prosecutor 150.00 ROY W. RICHARD, JR. Judge 150.00 CENTEX COMMUNICATINS Voice Pagers Rental 74.50 TML RISK & INSURANCE Qtr. Workers Compensation 1 ,035.75 HILL COUNTRY WATER Cold Water for dispensor (Pass Thru) 8.50 G.V.E.C. Electricity: Comn . Bldg. 50.30 Whse. 22.01 Park 195.55 City hall 97.76 365.62 MCI Long Distance Service 10.43 SAM' S WHOLESALE CLUB Membership Cards : K. Gilbreath & Ann Smith 20.00 U.S. POSTMASTER Postage for Water Bills , City Hall & Municipal Court 152.40 WESTIN PASO DEL NORTEK Hotel Reservations for TML- E1 Paso --- 279.00 SAM' S WHOLESALE CLUB Office Supplies 102.90 Copier Paper 382.10 Maintenance Sup. 72.47 557 .47 CITY OF CIBOLO- PAYROLL FUND June 16-30, 1987 Payroll 4, 678.00 (Gen. Acct) ifItJune 16-30, 1987 Payroll (Water & Sewer) 780.31 CIBOLO STATE BANK June 1-30, 1987 FICA & WHT 2, 069.98