Min CC 04/21/1987 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at- 7:00 _ _., P.M. 2. INVOCATION. T.J. Harris presented the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Council Members Tino Delgado, Billie Little, T.J. Harris and Mayor Sam Bauder were present.. C.R. Jupe and Tex Farnsworth were late due to business reasons. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 minutes) No citizens asked to be heard. 5. APPROVE CONSENSUS ITEMS. A. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 7, 1987. B. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. T.J. Harris (Tino Delgado) moved to approve the consensus items. All approved. Motion carried. 6. . RECOGNITION OF FORMER COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO. Dannie Bishop and Fred Niemietz were not able to attend the meeting. Mayor Bauder moved to table the recognition to the meeting on May 5, 1987 . No vote taken. , 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION CALLED FOR A FREEZE ON HIRING NEW EMPLOYEES. Billie Little (T.J. Harris) moved to approve the resolution. No vote was taken. Tino Delgado moved to table the item until a future meeting with all members present. T.J. Harris stated he would go along with that. Billie Little then agreed. 8. PRESENTATION CONCERNING DIETZ .ROAD BY DON McCRARY OF BAIN McCRARY BAIN ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. Don McCrary representing Mel Adler presented the plans for the -drainage problem for the Adler Property on FM 3009. Mr. McCrary stated that he was not asking for approval of anything but to ask the Council to send a resolution to the State Highway Department. Billie Little asked what happens when more water comes down the new drainage and Mr. McCrary stated there would be an increase of 17% but that it is insignificant. The State has agreed to 20 ft. but the ultimate will be 30 ft: CI'T'Y OF CII301LO 1-� CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Con't) APRIL 21, 1987 The biggest advantage is that Mr. Adler will be able to develop his property. There is no guarantee the State will go with this change in the drainage but indications are that serious consideration will be given. Mr. Gilbreath asked what happens when the land is developed? Will the holding basin along Borgfeld Road be redesigned? Will the water runoff speed up? Mr. McCrary maintained tha the runoff will still be only 17%. Again, Mr. McCrary asked for a resolution or letter to the State Highway Department to investigate this alternative route for the drainage. T.J. Harris (Tino Delgado) moved to send a letter supporting ythe projects. All approved. Motion carried. Mel Adler said they are prepared to move ahead with a shopping center and are in a design stage and 590 lots and a wide road he will need Council help. Mr. Adler said an interst is expressed from various individuals to lease approximately 50% of the shopping center. 9. SELECT MAYOR PRO TEM FOR THE TIME PERIOD OF APRIL, 1987 TO APRIL, 1988. This item moved to a later meeting when a full Council will be present. 10. DISCUSS CONTRACT FOR PROMOTIONAL SERVICES WITH RANDOLPH METROCOM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Billie Little (Tino Delgado) Moved to approve the resolution. All Approved. Motion carried. 11. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION WITHIN THE BEXAR METROPOLITAN 9-1-1 EMERGENCY NETWORK. 1 T.J. Harris (Tino Delgado) moved to approve the resolution. All approved. Motion carried. 12. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE THIRD SATURDAY IN MAY AS THE DATE FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO TO HOLD GENERAL ELECTIONS. Tino Delgado (T.J. Harris) moved to approve the resolution. 13. REVIEW BUDGET. Tino Delgado (T.J. Harris ) moved to table the budget review Until a later date. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. A workshopwith Cage, Neuhoff & Kalkwarf concerning automation of bookkeeping and general information was discussed. It was decided to set up a workshop on Tuesday, April 28, 1987 at 7 :30 P.M. CI'T'Y OF CII301LO R CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Con't) APRIL 21, 1987 AACOG has sent a plan to review concerning a new post office site on FM 1103 across from Buffalo Trail. It was decided there was no conflict with the City. Mayor Bauder had brochures on the roll away 92 gallon garbage containers from Waste Management. Billie Little stated that the large containers would be nice for the newer parts of town with paved or concrete drives. However, for the older section with gravel drives, the containers will not work well. Mr. Delgado state the City of San Antonio is anticipated to be having garbage pick up once and week and the 92 gallon containers are "free" at this time. He felt the City of Cibolo will eventually have to do the same. David Dennis asked Mayor Bauder to read the letter he had given to the Mayor calling attention to -legislation'- to take away the impact fee. The loss of the recovery fee by C.C.M.A. will result in higher processing fees for the present customers. Mr. Dennis urged the Council members to call or send a letter to Mr. Kuempel and Ms. Zaffarini: urging them to vote against the bill . Mayor Bauder read a letter concerning the AACOG workshop on Thursday, May 7„ 1987 at 9:00 A.M. Information of the number attending should be turned in by April 27th. The inspection of the water storage tank is set for April 29th at 2:00 P.M. Maintenance personnel will begin draining the tank on April 23rd. All items for the agenda must be turned by Thursday afternoon. The newcomer guide was discussed. It is updated and printed once a year and all new information needs to be in by April 24th. the cost of $380.00 for a one half page ad was discussed. Billie Little (lino Delgado) moved to disapprove buying additional advertising . 1 15. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL. Mr. Harris and Mr. Delgado had no comment. Billie Little asked what nformat-ion: Mayor Bauder had from the City of Schertz. No information was available. Billie Little asked what information was available regarding putting the well into use through Green Valley Water. No information was available. Building Inspector Keith Gilbreath had no comment at this time. 16. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252.17, V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2(e) , WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS, AND SECTION 2 (g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. THE COUNCIL WILL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS: CITY OF CIDOLO CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Con't) APRIL 21, 1987 A. DISCUSS EMPLOYMENT OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR. B. DISCUSS EMPLOYMENT OF CHIEF OF POLICE. C. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTOR. D. DISCUSS POSSIBLE LAND ACQUISITION OR LEASE. 17. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY REGARDING EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Council reconvened in open session. Tex Farnsworth (C.R. Jupe) moved to accept the resignation of Stubblefield, Brister, Schoolcraft & Jacobs as prosecuting attorneys for the Municipal Court of the City of Cibolo. 18. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR GLADYS S PFEIL, CIT SECRETARY 17-4167 Returns(186) Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 65.014,V T.C.A.,Election Code Pct.No. Authority conducting election (Num.de Pct.) (Autoridad administrando la eleccion) RETURN SHEET C I BOLO ABSENTEE (PAGINA DE DATOS SOBRE Date of Election Type of Election EL RESULTADO DE LA ELECCION) (Fecha de la Eleccion) (Tipo de Eleccion) 4/4/87 GENERAL Name of candidate(or"For"and"Against") Office Sought or Proposition No.of votes received (Nombre del candidato) (o"Afavor de"y"En contra de") (Puesto official solicitado o Proposicion) (Num.de votos recibidos) Sam Bauder Mayor Tex Farnsworth Mayor oo _ Claude Smith Council Member, Place2 6 Is �Q'j7 Q Billie Little Council Member Pl 2 7� / /0 /0 Justino "lino" Delgado Council Member P1. 3 6 13 \ d ' r Q Proposition E-9-1-1" FOR ) ,39 AGAINST '60 Total number of voters who voted as indicated by poll list. (Numero total de votantes que.votaron segun la lista de votantes.) I,the undersigned,the presiding judge for the above described election held at the above designated election precinct,do hereby certify that the above return is a true and correct return for said election. (Yo,el abajo ffirmado juez presidente de la eleccion senalada.arriba que se llevo a cabo en el precinto electoral designado.arriba,por to presente certiffico que los datos de arriba son los resultados verdaderos y correctos de dicha eleccion.) r DATED this the day of 19 . (FECHAIA este dia de '19 ty residing Judge (Juez Presidente) no ere MPLIVe. .rn®v lu VMVCI n®s Aen 11 "lu111rs CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED A P R I L 2 1, 1 9 8 7 FRED W. WIEDNER Election Judge $ 67 .50 VELMA B. SCHULZ Election Clerk 65 .00 MODESTA FLORES Election Clerk 66 . 25 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Gasoline 595 . 25 CITY OF LIVE OAK TML, Region 7 Dinner Meeting Registration: Sam Bauder & wife Charlie Jupe & Wife Justino Delgado & Wife 90 .00 ANNIE BISHOP Pmt . Used Vacuum Cleaner 80 .00 G.V.E.C. Electricity - Water Tower 28 .19 GUADALUPE VALLEY PEACE OFFICERS ASSOC . Membership - T. Marcaurele 3 .00 HELPING HAND HARDWARE Statement - Maintenance Supplies 44 . 65 KEITH GILBREATH Advance Expenditures for Plumbing Examiners Test/Austin 147 . 00 JULIA J. JEANS Re-imbursement mileage _ 7 . 82 ROY W. RICHARD, JR. Judge - Municipal Jury Trial CIty vs F. Subt 150 . 00 SHULER & WOHLT COMPANY Sign for "Niemietz Park" 175 . 00 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES Statement - Public Works Dept . Uniform Rental 57 .45 SCHERTZ PUBLIC WORKS Shelter Rental (stray animals ) 15 .00 WUEST' S GROCERY Cleaning Supplies & Coffee for Election Day 50 . 77 HARTSGRAPHICS, INC Ballots for Election 129 . 00 SIPPEL' S HARDWARE Garden Hoses for Watering Park 591.86 S & P COMMUNICATIONS Electrical Service - Unit #284 121.20 TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Annual Dues 348 . 00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL March, 187 Telephone Bill ( Police) 35 . 10 STUBBLEFIELD, BRISTER, SCHOOLCRAFT & JACOBS Prosecutor - Jury Trial City vs F. Subt 150 . 00 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN, & JACOBSON Retainer - April, ' 87 Legal Service 500 .00 W.H. MULLINS, INC. Statement - 1/29-3/25 Review: Thistle Crk Unit #2 Cimarron - 140 .00 BILLS TO BE APPROVED (continued() April 21, 1987 COCA-COLA BOTTLING Pass Through - Cold Drinks 49 . 21 U.S . POST OFFICE Postage - Water Dept & City Hall 88. 00 COURT JURORS 14 Citizens served for Juror Service (4/11/87 ) @ 6 . 00 ea. 84 . 00