Min CC 05/05/1987 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 5, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder call the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. T.J. Harris presented the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Council Members Charlie Jupe, T.J. Harris, Tino Delgado, Tex Farnsworth, Billie Little and Mayor Sam Bauder were present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. ` (limit 3 minutes) No citizens asked to be heard. 5. APPROVE CONSENSUS ITEMS. A. MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1987 MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. B. MINUTES OF APRIL 28, 1987 WORKSHOP AT 7:30 P.M. C. MINUTES OF APRIL 28, 1987 EMERGENCY MEETING AT 8:21 P.M. D. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. ;.' T.J. Harris (Charlie Jupe) moved to approve the consensus items with the addition of the word "entire" added to paragraph #3, Page 2 of Item B. All approved. Motion carried. 6. RECOGNITION OF FORMER COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR THEIR SERVICE TO CITY OF CIBOLO. Mayor Bauder presented Dannie Bishop with a plaque of appreciation for his service to the City of Cibolo as council member and mayor. Fred Niemietz was not present. 7. SELECT MAYOR PRO TEM FOR THE TIME PERIOD OF APRIL, 1987 TO MAY, 1988. T.H. Harris (Tex Farnsworth) moved to appoint Charlie Jupe, Mayor Pro Tem for the period of May, 1987 to May, 1988. All approved. Motion carried. 8. PRESENTATION BY MR. HENRY GUTIERREZ, WASTE MANAGEMENT • OF S.A. , ON GARBAGE COLLECTIONS AND USE OF THE ROLLAWAY GARBAGE CONTAINERS. 1 of 4 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Cont'd) MAY 5, 1987 Mr. Henry Gutierrez demonstrated the 92 Gallon Rollaway Garbage Container. Mr. Gutierrez stated that use of the system would need to involve the whole city or at least a concentrated area (subdivision) . The cost, due to once a week pick-up rather than the present twice a week, would remain the same. The Council each voiced concern over the once of week pick-up. Various statements and concerns were expressed by the Council; however, the consensus was that it was necessary. Mr. Delgado mentioned that he had contacted each resident in Thistle Creek and with the exception of a few residents' not home, everyone was in favor of the Rollaway Container and once a week pick up. Mr. Harris recommended that the matter be placed on the May 19th agenda for further consideration. 9. RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CONCERNING REQUEST FROM MORTON HOMES TO GRANT A VARIANCE ON FRONT SETBACK OF LOT 15, BLK 4, 326 HORNBEAN LANE AND LOT 13, BLK , 3, 318 HORNBEAN LANE IN THE THISTLE CREEK DEV. , UNIT 1-B SUBDIVISION. Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little) moved to accept the recommendation, as presented, from the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the discussion, - the Council authorized Keith Gilbreath, Bldg. Official, to draft a requirement for deterrent on variances in the future. T.J. Harris opposed. Charlie Jupe, Tex Farnsworth, Billie Little, Tino Delgado approved. Motion carried. 10. REVIEW BUDGET AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The Council reviewed a Financial Report for period October 1, 1986 thru March 31, 1987 . Discussion was item by item. It was agreed that after the review and the April Financial Report reviewed that the Council would look at amendments of various items. Tex Farnsworth expressed concern in the decline of Sales Tax Revenues. Street improvements and repairs were discussed and agreed that priority should be given. 11. DISCUSSION/NECESSARY ACTION ON ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE FOR CITY STAFFING POLICY. Tex Farnsworth discussed his concern over not being informed prior to employment of a public works employee and granting of salary increases for present employees. Mayor Bauder stated that under the present ordinance, the City Administrator had the authority to hire and due to not having an administrator at that time, he was authorized under State Statues to hire needed personnel . Councilman Farnsworth, in light of item #12 on the agenda, withdrew his presentation. 2 of 4 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Con'td) MAY 5, 1987 12_ APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RESOLUTIONS CALLING FOR A FREEZE ON HIRING NEW EMPLOYEES & TERMINATIONS OF CITY STAFF. Billie Little (Tex Farnsworth) moved to approve the resolution, as presented. Charlie Jupe and Tino Delgado opposed. Little, Farnsworth and T.J. Harris approved. Motion carried. . 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder read a letter from the Schertz City Council inviting Cibolo Council to join them in a Joint Meeting to discuss E.T.J. of the joining cities on Wednesday, May 13, 1987 at 7 :00 P.M. at the Schertz City Hall. 14. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Billie Little ask if workorders were being maintained for the public works department. Keith Gilbreath assured the Council that workorders were kept daily. Mrs. Little also ask if the employees handling money were bonded. Mayor Bauder stated that he would check into it. 15. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252-17, V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2(e) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS; AND SECTION 2(g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. THE COUNCIL WILL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS: A. EMPLOYMENT OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR. B. EMPLOYMENT OF CHIEF OF POLICE. C. HIRING OF CITY PROSECUTOR. D. APPOINTMENT OF CITY SECRETARY & TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. The Council convened in executive session at 9: 22 P.M. 16. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY REGARDING EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Council returned from executive session at 10:42 P.M. The following action was taken: Mayor Bauder recommended hiring David Walker as City Administrator. Charlie Jupe (Tino Delgado) moved to accept the recommendation. Billie Little and Tex Farnsworth opposed. Delgado, Jupe and T.J. Harris approved. Motion carried. 3 of 4 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Con't) MAY 5, 1987 Mayor Bauder recommending employment of Robert "Skipp" Tullgren as Chief of Police. Billie Little (Tex Farnsworth) moved to accept. All approved. Motion carried. Mayor Bauder recommended to table until May 19, 1987 meeting '-the hiring of a Municipal Prosecutor. Mayor Bauder recommended to appoint Ann Smith, City Secretary and Tax Assessor-Collector. Charlie Jupe (T.J. Harris) moved to accept the recommendation. All approved. Motion carried. 17. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe) moved to adjourn. All approved. Motion carried. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY 4 of 4 CITY OF CIBOI.O B--I--L L S TO BE APPROVED M A Y 5 , 1 9 8 7 XEROX CORP. Purchase Xerox 1038 ( Inc:_ One Yr. Service Cont . ) $ 4 , 999 . 00 CITY OF CIBOLO Water - City Hall 23 . 60 Water - Park 72 . 86 96 .46 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLKS. CERTIFICATION PROG. 187 Supplement to TML Manual 10 .00 CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY May, ' 87 Dispatch Service 300 . 00 ROY W. RICHARD, JR. Municipal Court Judge 150 . 00 STUBBLEFIELD, BRISTER, SCHOOLCRAFT & JACOBS Municipal Court Prosecutor 150 . 00 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ Uniform Allowance 20 . 00 Car Wash . 50 20 . 50 TIM MAUCAURELE Uniform Allowance 5 .00 GLADYS PFEIL Car Allowance 50 . 00 HILL COUNTRY SPRING WATER OF TEXAS Pass Through - Water Cooler for City Hall 24 . 50 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS Long Distance Service 18 .48 W.H. MULLINS, INC Insp. Service 5/1-12/31/86 400 . 00 Subdivision Review _ 1/2-12/31/86 140 . 00 540 . 00 W.H. MULLINS, INC. Past due Inv. 9/84 thru 5/8/86 11, 241. 71 ^� SOUTHWESTERN BELL April, ' 87 Telephone bill CIty Hall( - 658-9900 87 . 51 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Unlead gasoline 202 . 75 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Office Supplies 51.45 TRI-COUNTY OFFICE Office Supplies 43 . 89 XEROX CORP. Copy Machines Supplies 152 . 15 JULIA J. JEANS Re-imburse for Mileage 3 . 68 RANDOLPH METROCOM Membership Fee (as per Council action 4/21/87 ) 150 . 00 SIPPEL HARDWARE Maintenance Supplies 29 . 69 ACE PLUMBING Water Dept . Repair Supplies 8 . 36 PARENTY TIRES Mount tire for backhoe 6 . 00 CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED (Con' t ) MAY---5 ,, 1987 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY Testing Water Samples 10 .00 U.S. POST OFFICE Postage for May, 187:%Water Bills 60 . 90 GREEN VALLEY WATER Water Consumption 2/27-4/1 3, 681. 39 GREEN VALLEY WATER Repairs - April Statement 518 . 33 'S & P COMMUNICATIONS Inst. Siren ( #284 ) "Step Fund" 215 .15 THE EMPORIUM Handcuffs for Officers "Step" 143 . 80 1 ENCHANTED COTTAGE Flowers - for Staff of Nat ' l r Secretary Day "Step" 45 .00 4-M AUTOMOTIVE Rewire Lights - #284 28.00 TOMMY BROWN PRINTING Office .Supplies' 30 .48 ANYTIME SERVICE CO. Repair toilets at City Park 63 . 70 CREATIVE TROPHIES Desk Plates for new Council & Plaques for retiring Council 145 . 70 HARTS GRAPHICS INC. Freight chgs . omitted from. Inv. for election :bal'lot-s 1.80 RICHARD J. HUGHEY Court Bailiff - Jury Trial 13 . 93 C,.C.M.A. Sewer Connect Fees (13 @ 500':00 ea) 6 , 500 . 00 CIBOLO STATE BANK' Cert. of Obligation Int. Coupons 645 .00 KEITH GILBREATH Travel & Expenses attend B.O.A.T.- IV School 80 . 00 Registration Fee 100 . 00 180 .00 CIBOLO STATE BANK Time Warrant Interest 55 . 00 FIREMAN' S FUND INS. Employees Health Coverage 509 .00 WASTE MANAGEMENT Collections April, ' 87 Garbage 3, 997 . 76 C.C.M.A. Sewer 3, 888.88 G.V.E.C. Electricity: Park 43 .06 Tn7hs e 18. 77 City Hall 78 .84- Comm Bldg. 44 .13 184 . 80 TEXAS EMP+DOYMENT COMMISION Unemployment Taxes 1st Quarter 304.20