Min CC 05/19/1987 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY OF CIBOLO MAY 19, 1987 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 19 , 1987 , AT 7 : 00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN CIBOLO,. TEXAS. THE AGENDA WAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 P .M. 2 . INVOCATION . T .J. Harris presented the invocation . 3. ROLL CALL. Council Members Charlie Jupe , T . J. Harris , Tino Delgado , Billie Little and Mayor Sam Bauder were present . Tex Farnsworth was absent . 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (limit 3 minutes each) No citizens ask to be heard. 5. APPROVE CONSENUS ITEMS : A. MINUTES ON MAY 5 , 1987 MEETING AT 7 :00 P.M. B. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. C. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL, 1987. Billie Little ( T. J. Harris ) moved to approve the consensus items . Aye : Tino Delgado , T .J. Harris , Charlie Jupe . No : Billie Little . Motion carried . 6. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PROCLAMATION DECLARING MAY 18-25 , 1987 AS "TEXAS BUCKLE-UP WEEK" . Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado ) moved to approve the proclamation for May 18-25 , 1987 as "Texas Buckle-Up Week" . All approved . Motion carried. 7 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PROCLAMATION DECLARING MAY, 1987 AS "WATER AWARENESS MONTH" . Tino Delgado (Charlie Jupe ) moved to approve the proclamation declaring May, 1987 at "Water Awareness Month" . All approved. Motion carried . 8. APPOINT COMPUTER EVALUATION COMMITTEE. Mayor Bauder recommendated Charlie Jupe and T .J. Harris to serve as the Computer Evaluation Committee and to seek Hardware and Software acceptable to the needs of City Hall and report back to the Council . All Approved. 9 . DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED RATE INCREASE ON GARBAGE PICK-UP FROM WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SAN ANTONIO. It was recommended by Mayor Bauder that the action/discussion be tabled until a workshop could be scheduled . All agreed that a workshop could take place at 6 : 00 P .M. , June 2 , 1987 prior to the regular meeting . Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado) motioned to table . All approved . (� 10 . DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON USE OF 92 GALLON ROLLAWAY GARBAGE CONTAINER FOR USE IN WEEKLY GARBAGE PICK-IIP BY WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SAN ANTONIO. Mayor Bauder recommended to table the same as Item # 9 . Tino Delgado ( Billie Little ) motioned to table until the June 2 , 1987 6 : 00 P .M. Workshop. All approved . CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ( con ' t ) MAY 19 , 1987 11. APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATE(S) TO THE T.M.L. ANNUAL CONFERENCE FOR MAYORS AND COUNCILMEMBERS ON JUNE 25-28, 1987 IN EL PASO, TEXAS. Tino Delgado ( Charlie Jupe ) motioned to appoint delegates to the TML Conference in El Paso . Mr . Harris expressed concern over " if the taxpayers would reap benefits equal to the cost of sending delegates" . Mayor Bauder expressed that there was funds in several budget accounts that could be transferred if all members of the council wished to attend. Mr . Delgado , Mr. Jupe and Mayor Bauder express wished to attend . Approving : Charlie Jupe and Tino Delgado . Opposing : T . J . Harris and Billie Little . Tied vote . Mayor Bauder broke tie by voting "Yes" . Motion carried . 12. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF COURT BAILIFF. Charlie Jupe ( lino Delgado) motioned to accept the resignation of Richard Hughey as bailiff and warrant officer effective May 19 , 1987 . Motion carried . All approved . 13 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder stated that the City Secretary would be advertising in the newspaper for bids to sell the old Sharp Copier . Also , the Mayor informed the Council that the Employee Blanket Bond had expired in October , 1986 and had not been renewed . It was the consenus to seek a new Employee ' s Blanket Bond thru TML Risk and Insurance . Mayor Bauder brought to the Councils attention that two new bank accounts , one Payroll Account - $1 , 500 . 00 and one Capital Recovery Water Improvements - $98 , 000 approved by the council in the minutes of December 16 , 1986 , had never been opened at the Cibolo Bank . Auditor Steve Cage advised that it was okay to open the accounts at this time but for public records the minutes should reflect the delay . 14. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Council member Billie Little questioned past pay raises and the employment of the city aflfiiinistrator . Mrs . Little expressed concern that she felt we had violated our Policy Manual . Mayor Bauder contended that he had consulted the City Attorney , Mr . Harvey Hardy and felt that no laws or polices had been violated . Mrs . Little requested , in writing , the questions ask by Mayor Bauder and the replies by Mr. Hardy, Attorney. Mayor Bauder said he would provide them. T . J . Harris expressed concern also about using our Policy Manual as it reads . Charlie Jupe noted that their was a typo in the Financial Report : Insurance should be ( -613 ) not ( -6131 ) . Tino Delgado had no comments . ® S a , 2 of 3 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ( con ' t ) May 19 , 1987 15. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECIITIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252 .17 , V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2(e) WHICH MAY INCLIIDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2 (f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTACTS; AND SECTION 2(g) WHICH MAY INCLIIDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. THE COUNCIL WILL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS: A. HIRING OF CITY PROSECUTOR. The Council went into executive session at 8 : 00 P .M. 16. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY REGARDING EXECIITIVE SESSION. The Council reconvened at 8 : 19 P .M. Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado) motioned to approved the annual contract with David D. Walker , City Administrator . All Approved. Motion carried. T . J. Harris (Charlie' Jupe ) motioned to appoint Mr . Ron Flake , Attorney as Municipal Court Prosecutor for the City of Cibolo . All approved. Motion carried . 17. ADJOURNMENT. Charlie Jupe (Tino Delgado) moved to adjourn. All approved . Motion carried. -vv\ MAYOR SAM BAUDER � ~ ATTEST : ANN SMITH , CITY SECRETARY 3 of 3 CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED M A Y 1 9, 1 9 8 7 TAMARAC OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 22. 52 G-O' S GARAGE State Inspection (79 Chevy P/U) 7.75 ACE PLBG. & HDWE PVC Connections 2. 32 SCHLATHER' S INC. Insecticide-for Park 58.75 SIPPELTS HDWE Wiper Blades & Supplies 13. 19 HELPING HAND HARDWARE Maintenance Supplies 133.51 AQUA UTILITY SUPPLY Gauges, Meter Box, Washers 170. 17 TRANS TEX SUPPLY Supplies for Repair Water Line 93. 15 TRI COUNTY OFFICE Office Supplies - Municipal Court 22. 35 PRONTO PRINTING CO. Business Cards - Police Dept. 61 .90 ACME LBR. COMPANY Lumber - Park Benches Repair 79.08 SOUTHWESTERN BELL May, 187 Phone Bill (658-9900) 91 . 16 KEITH GILBREATH Re-imburse Mileage for Inspections 20.64 BILL LITTLE Council Attendance 6/17/87-4/7/87 92.00 FRED NIEMIETZ Council Attendance 6/17/86-4/7/87 138.00 DANNIE BISHOP Council Attendance 6/17/86-4/7/87 122.00 TEX FARNSWORTH Council Attendance 6/17/86-4/7/87 119.00 CHARLIE. JUPE Council Attendance 6/17/86-4/7/87 102.00 T.J. HARRIS Council Attendance 6/17/86-4/7/87 143.00 r SHADROCK PETROLEUM Gasoline - Police Dept. 202.75 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL (4) Canine Euthasia 10. 50 SOUTHERN BLDG. CODE Annual Membership Dues 40. 00 KEITH GILBREATH Registration Fee & Expenses for BOAT V Inspection School (Final) 175.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL May, 187 Phone Bill (569-1999) 34.38 CENTEX COMMUNICATIONS May' 87 Statement - Voice Pagers 74. 50 HARDY, SCHWARTMAN, BAHAN, & JACOBSON May, 187 Retainer & Cost Advances 517 . 39 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES - April, 187 Statement - Uniforms 74.43 G.V.E.C. May, 187 Water Tower Electric 27.05•• W.H. MULLINS, INC. Inspection Storage Tank 75.00 CIBOLO STATE BANK Establish Petty Cash Fund 50.00