Min CC 06/02/1987 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR MEET ING 0 F J U N E 2 , 1 9 8 7 THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 2 , 1987 , AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN, CIBOLO, TEXAS. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7 : 12 P .M . 2 . INVOCATION. T .J. Harris presented the invocation . 3 . ROLL CALL. l All members of the Council were present . 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens ask to be heard. 5 . APPROVAL OF CONSENUS ITEMS: A. MINIITES OF MEETING ON MAY 19 , 1987 AT 7 :00 P.M. B. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. T .J . Harris (Tino Delgado) made the motion to approve concenus items , as presented . Motion carried . All approved . 6. ADMINISTER "OATH OF OFFICE" TO ROBERT TULLGREN, CHIEF OF POLICE. Mayor Bauder administered the "Oath of Office" to new Chief of Police Tullgren . 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF MR_ KEITH GILBREATH AS MAINTENANCE OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CITY WATER ORDINANCE. Tex Farnsworth ( Charlie Jupe ) made the motion to appoint Mr . Keith Gilbreath as Maintenance Officer . Motion carried . All approved . 8. APPROVED/DISAPPROVE USE OF 92 GALLON' ROLLAWAY GARBAGE CONTAINERS FOR WEEKLY GARBAGE COLLECTION. Tino Delgado (Tex Farnsworth) made the motion to place 92 gallon containers in the Thistle Creek and Town Creek - Subdivision of a 90 Day Trial Period , with once a week pick-up in these two areas . Motion carried . All approved. 9. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REQUESTED RATE INCREASE FOR GARBAGE PICK-UP BY WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SAN ANTONIO. Tex Farnsworth (T. J . Harris ) made the motion to grant the • increase request by Waste Management to the rate of $6 . 50 per/month for residential pick-up and a ten ( 10% ) percent for commercial garbage pick-up, effective August 1 , 1987 , with the stipulation that a " freeze" in rate would be in effect from August 1 , 1987 until October 1 , 1988 . Motion carried . All approved . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 2 , 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page -2- 10. ADOPT RESOLUTION FOR SIGNATURES ON PAYROLL ACCOUNT IN CIBOLO STATE BANK. Tex Farnsworth (T .J. Harris ) made a motion to include the signature of the City Administrator , David Walker along with either Mayor Bauder , Tex Farnsworth or Billie Little to sign newly established "Payroll Account Checks" drawn on Cibolo State Bank. Motion carried . All approved. 11. ADOPT RESOLUTION FOR SIGNATURES AUTHORIZED TO ENTER SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX AT CIBOLO STATE BANK. Billie Little (T . J . Harris ) made the motion to appoint Charlie Jupe , Sam Bauder , City Secretary Ann Smith , and City Administrator David Walker to dRamine the contents of- the -safety deposit box at Cibolo State Bank. All approved 12 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE 187-88 BUDGET PREPARATION CALENDAR. Tex Farnsworth (Charlie Jupe ) made the motion to approve the Budget Preparation Calendar , as presented . Motion Carried . All approved . 13. AMEND BUDGET ITEM: ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES/SEMINAR FEES. T .J. Harris__ ( Tex Farnsworth ) made motion to disapprove the budget aM4@�dmeht .Mr . Harris stated that he did not agree with moving budgeted funds for the purpose of attending seminars by the council members . Mr . Harris felt that the money should be used for the staff to attend conferences and for courses that they might need to improve their skills . Motion carried . Voting for amendment : Charlie Jupe , Tino Delgado . Voting for disapproval of amendment : Billie Little , Tex Farnsworth , and T .J . Harris . 14. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION ON REPLACEMENT OF MAINTENANCE DEPT. TRACTOR. The Council authorized the City Staff to take formal bids on a new tractor for the public works/maintenance department . All approved . 15 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE BIDDING FOR A NEW PATROL CAR FOR POLICE DEPT. Billie Little (T . J . Harris ) authorized the city staff to formally bid for a new Police Patrol Vehicle . All approved . 16 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder discussed the meeting between the Volunteer Fire Department and Past Mayor Little . Mayor Bauder informed the Council that he would check with the city attorney and others concerned in reference to merging the Fire Department with the City. Mayor Bauder gave the Council a briefing on the progress of the street improvements on Rhea and Elm Streets . The City Staff is taking formal bids on the repair work and will include Indian Creek and Tomahawk for minor repairs . Mayor Bauder told the Council that the Staff had taken quotes ® on a roof for the maintenance garage . The Mayor informed the Council that the City of Selma had donated four ( 4) mobile radios to the City and that we would get estimates on changing the crystals and getting the other necessary equipment to put them in operation . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING June 2, 1987 Page -3- 17 . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL. Mr . Charlie Jupe ask if the city was getting interest on all accounts at Cibolo Bank . He ask Mr . Walker to give a report on the financial investment accounts and a proposal of using the Cities money to arrive at the best interest rate . Mr . Harris had no comment . Mr. Delgado ask about the procedure to get additional speed signs in Thistle Creek . Mr. Delgado also ask when the E-911 would be effective and when the charges would become effective . Mrs . Little ask Mr. Walker to check and see what the difference between the City allowing a $5 , 000 exemption to 65 yrs old and disabled would cost verses the current $3 , 000 exemption . Mr . Farnsworth ask if the City was conducting a special audit at this time . Mayor Bauder answered that the auditors were beginning their contract earlier but no special work was being done . Mr. Farnsworth ask about passengers riding with Patrolman. Chief Tullgren stated that only another officer from one of our neighboring cities would be allowed and that he would request that they be in uniform. Mr . Walker , City Adminstrator , informed the council of the Planning and Zoning Meeting on May 26th and reminded the Council and the fine work these gentleman do for the City . 18. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252 .17 V.T.S.C. , SECTION 2 (e) , WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2 (f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS AND SECTION 2 (g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. The Council convened in executive session at 9 : 07 P .M. 19 . RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY REGARDING EXECUTIVE SESSION. The council reconvened at 9 : 25 P .M . and took the following action : Billie Little (T .J. Harris ) made the motion to employee a half-day bookkeeper for ninety ( 90 ) days to assist with the books and other office duties . Motion carried . All approved. 20 . ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth ( Charlie Jupe ) made the motion to adjourn . Motion carried. All approved . a MAYOR SAM BAUDER ® ATTEST : — 4,71 i ANN SMITH , CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED JUNE 2, 1987 FIXIT SHOP #2 Repair ( 2) Chain Saws $ ; 82. 10 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY Water Log Sample Tests 10.00 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY Office Supplies/Water Dept. 57 .97 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Super Unleaded Gasoline 248. 10 TRUE PERFORMANCE Raditor Hose, clamps, freon 13. 83 THE STATION Low Beam Headlight, bulbs etc. for Police Unit #282 18. 80 UNIVERSAL CITY June, 187 Dispatch Service 300.00 RON FLAKE, ATTY June, 187 Municipal Court Prosecutor 150.00 ROY W. RICHARD, JR. June, 187 Municipal Court Judge 150.00 TML RISK & INS. Statement : Claim Deductible $1, 000.00 Gen. Liability 359. 83 Auto Liability 151 . 33 Law Enforcement 220.08 Errors & Omission 192. 00 Real & Personal 102. 75 Mobile Equipment 1 . 83 2, 027 .82 WUEST' S Custodial Supplies 14.75 EXECUTIVE SERVICE Typewriter Ribbons & Liff-off 47.00 f._ DISCOUNT AUTO SERVICE Water Pump & Ins. 178 Chevy P/U 67 .00 FIREMAN' S FUND INS. Employees Health & Life Ins. 814. 50 ( $368.00 Payroll Deduction) MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS Long Distance Service 10. 86 RAUSHER, PIERCE, REFSNES, INC. Service/Expense (legal ) of $100, 000 Cert. of Obligation, Series 1987 4, 750.00 DAVID D. WALKER Expense/Travel to Austin- Texas Dept. of Community Affairs Conf. 38. 50 DENNIS L. MILLS Refund overpayment traffic fine 10.00 P.B.S. Sign Posts, emblems, hdwe 292 . 66 U. S. POST OFFICE Postage of June, 187 Water Bills 136.00 CIBOLO STATE BANK Coupon, Series 1982 premium 10,450.00 KEITH GILBREATH Expenses/Tuition BOAV School (Adv. $175:00 - diff. due) 21.42