Min CC 02/17/1987 C I T Y O F C I B 0 L O MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Dannie G. Bishop called the meeting to order at 7 : 04 p.m. 2 . INVOCATION. Council Member T. J. Harris presented the invocation. 3 . ROLL CALL. Council Members Fred Niemietz, T. J. Harris , Charlie Jupe and Mayor Bishop were present . Tex Farnsworth was delayed due to business and arrived during presentation of the comprehensive plan and maps . 4 . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens appeared to be heard. 5 . APPROVE CONSENSUS ITEMS. A. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 3 , 1987 . B. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. T. J. Harris (Charlie Jupe) moved to approve the consensus items . All approved. Motion Carried. 6 . REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE COUNCIL BY EDD G. LEIGH. Mr. Leigh did not appear before the Council and this item was skipped for lack of participation. 7 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE APPOINTING LARRY MOXLEY AN ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Fred Niemietz (T. J. Harris ) moved to appoint Larry Moxley an `Animal Control Officer for the City of Cibolo. All approved. Motion Carried. .t 8. PRESENTATION OF MAPS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING BY KEITH PYRON AND LARRY TRAVIS FOR W.H. MULLINS, INC . Keith Pyron presented the maps and comprehensive plan and advised the Council that in-:=the future, when the City is more developed, additional water supply will be required and must be providd.d to meet the needs of the Community, as well as future deveopment . Larry Travis presented a comprehensive map showing a proposed layout of future streets and how the area could be developed. ;.------- Mr. Travis also pointed out that the plan is flexible and can be changed and adapted to accommodate other proposals of development . Zoning shown on the comprehensive plan maps needed some cor- - -,--re.ctions and Mr. Travis told the Council that the corrections will be made according to the City' s Zoning Map. No action was taken by the Council at this time but will be studied and submitted to Texas Department of Community Affairs for their approval. CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRAURY 17 , 1987 PAGE 2 9 . ESTABLISH TIME AND DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CIITZEN COMMENTS CONCERNING PARTICIPATION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO IN THE EMERGENCY NUMBER 911 CALLING. Tex Farnsworth ( Fred Niemietz:) moved to have a Public Hearing for citizen comments on the proposed participation in E-911 calling on March 10 , 1987 at 7 :00 p.m. with a workshop for the Council following the Public Hearing. All approved. Motion Carried. 10 . ESTABLISH TIME AND DATE FOR WORKSHOP TO .DISCUSS_SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE CONCERNING C-1; C-2; and C-3 CATEGORIES FOR ZERO PROPERTY LINE AND TO STUDY MAPS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ETC. The workshop established for March 10, 1987 will include the study of the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance to correct errors and conflicts between the two ordinances . 11. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS . Mr. Jupe, Mr. Harris , and Mr. Niemietz had no comments . Mr. Farnsworth asked whethe.r.�.any action had been taken con= cerning the basket ball goal placed on City property. Mayor Bishop replied that a letter had been prepared and will be sent to the petitioners as well as the owner of the goal placed on Rawe Street. A copy of the letter from our legal counsel will be.=_.included with the City' s letter. 12 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bishop stated that Mr. Leigh is satisfied and withdraws his request for Commercial Zoning. Mr. Leigh has been informed that if he conducts business at his home on Borgfeld Road he will have to apply for Commercial Zoning. 13 . THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PRO- VISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252-17 , V.T.C.S. , SECTION 2(e) WHICH MAY _ INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2( f ) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS : AND SECTION 2 ( g) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. The Council did not enter executive session. 14 . RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY REGARDING THE EXECUTIVE SESSION. No action needed. 15 . ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Fred Niemietz ) moved to adjourn. All approved. .Dannie G. Bishop, Mayor` Gladys Pfeil, ity Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED FEBRUARY 17 , 1987 RICHARD J. HUGHEY Warrants $ 150 . 00 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING Office Supplies 15 .55 WUEST=_SUPERMARKET Custodial Supplies 13 . 65 G.V.E.C. Water Tower Electric Bill 20..20 ARNOLD MOOS CO. Repair Heating Unit/City Hall 84 . 80 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Oil & Grease 69 . 36 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Unlead Gasoline 272 . 00 GREEN VALLEY WATER Water Chgs . 12/1-1/5/87 1,448. 69 EXPRESS LUBE & OIL Service Unit # 280 21.95 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN & JACOBSON February 187 Retainer 500 . 00 TEX FARNSWORTH Mileage - TML Conf . /Austin 27 .37 CITY OF CIBOLO Water Dep. final Bill -120 Comanche 15 . 65 LANCE VINCENT Refund water deposit-120 Comanche 14 . 35 FACTORY SALES Emblems for Police Dept . 191. 16 DEBBIE CIELENCKI Car Wash Re=imbursement 2 .00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL Feb. ' 87 Phone Bill ( Police Dept . ) 38 . 26 K-MART Film for Police Dept . 30 . 72 TEXAS STATE BOARD OF PLUMBING EXAMINERS Examination Fee for Keith Gilbreath, Bldg. Official 25 .00 •