Min CC 03/03/1987 C I T Y O F C I B O L O MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 3, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Dannie G. Bishop called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. INVOCATION. T.J. Harris presented the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Council Members present were T.J. Harris, C.R. Jupe, Tex Farnsworth, Fred Niemietz and Mayor Bishop were present. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (Limit 3 minutes) Steve Liparato thanked the Mayor and City Council for listening to the petition from Thistle Creek and asked for a little more time before removing the basketball goal. Mayor Bishop advised that the goal must be removed as per our legal advice. Clemens Dylla asked that something be done about the grass, weeds and junk cars in his neighborhood. He did not feel he should have to come to the Council with this problem. Discussion also centered on the issuing of traffic citations with the request that a warning be given on the first violation. 5. APPROVE CONSENSUS ITEMS. A. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M. B. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. T.J. Harris (Tex Farnsworth) moved to approve the consensus items. ;, All approved. NEW BUSINESS: 6. RECOGNITION OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY BY BILL LITTLE AS COUNCIL MEMBER AND MAYOR. 1 Mayor Dannie Bishop presented a plaque to Bill Little in recognition of dedicated service to the City of Cibolo as Councilman and Mayor from April 1982 until February 1986 presented by the City Council and the Citizens of Cibolo. Mr, Little thanked all and expressed his -appreciation for the recognition. 7. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REQUEST BY ROBERT L. SULT, JR. OF TRAMMEL CROW COMPANY TO REPLAT UNIT 2 FROM 134 LOTS INTO 138 LOTS. Fred._Niemietz (Tex Farnsworth-) .moved to table_ this .item at the ,request.-rof. Mr. Sult pending a new,,request concerning this subdivision. All approved. 8. DISCUSS EXTENSION OF WATER LINE FROM MAIN TANK LINE TO THISTLE CREEK TO FORM LOOPED SYSTEM. The "looped system" was discussed and cost was discussed concerning the oversized request of the City of Cibolo. This will be discussed at the next meeting. ) • 9. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REVISED FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL GUIDELINES. T. J. Harris (C. R. Jupe) moved to approve the F1Qcd Plain Ordinance. All approved. City of Cibolo Minutes of Regular Council Meeting March 3, 1987 Page .2 10. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE ORDINANCE GIVING -NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR $175,000.00. Tex Farnsworth (Fred Niemietz.)_ moved to correct the amount of Certificates of Obligation to $100,000.00 and to approve issuing the publication of the Notice of Intent. All approved. Motion carried. 11. DISCUSS ORDINANCE NUMBER 211 GOVERNING THE CITY UTILITIES SYSTEM, PROVIDING FOR WATER CONNECTIONS, REGULATING THE USE OF WATER, PROVIDING FOR SERVICE, ETC. Tex Farnsworth ( T.J. Harris) moved to put Ordinance 211 on the workshop since discussion indicated more work was needed to revise the ordinance. All approve. Motion carried. 12. 'COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. C.R. Jupe presented the letter from Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD concerning the area located in Bexar County that wants to detach and join the Judson School District. 4 � T.J. Harris had no comment: Fred Niemietz discussed the railroad permit needed by the Cimarron Sub-division. Also Mr. Niemietz suggested enforcing the ordinance requiring the proper garbage cans to be used. The Spring Cleanup was set for March 12,13,14, and 15. Mr. Gutierrez will be notified to have the dumpsters available for those days. Tex Farnsworth joined Mr. Niemietz concerning the enforcement of garbage containers. Mr. Farnsworth called attention to the need to appoint a Flood Plain Administrator. It was agreed the Building Inspector,_.,.Keith Gilbreath should take the responsibility of the Flood Plain Administrator. Mr. Farnsworth also urged the public to attend the Public Hearing concerning E-911 Emergency Number Calling. 13. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bishop also stressed the use of proper garbage containers and the Public Hearing on March 10, 1987. 14. THE CITY COUNCIL MAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252-17, V.T.C.S., SECTION 2(e) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF LITIGATION: SECTION 2(f) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTS; AND SECTION 2(g) WH1CH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL. The Council entered executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation and personnel. 15. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY REGARDING EXECUTIVE SESSION. Fred Niemietz (Tex Farnsworth) moved to accept the resignation of Chief of Police Hugo W. Ackermann effective March 15, 1987. All approved. Motion carried. 16. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (Fred Niemietz) moved to adjourn. All approved. DANNIE G. BISHOP, MAYOR GLADYS S. PFEIL, 5PY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED MARCH 3 , 1987 HUGO ACKERMAN Re-imbursement for auto repair in Austin $ 26 . 95 HERALD NEWSPAPER Classified Ad for Employment 19 ..00 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES February Statement/Uniform Rental 56 . 76 SCHERTZ PUBLIC WORKS Shelter Rental 15 . 00 RANDOLPH TIRE Repair - Unit #282 80 .51 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Feb. , ' 87 Phone Bill ( Police Dept ) 94 .19 SEGUIN GAZETTE ENTERPRISE Legal Notice Publication 15 . 35 G.V.E.C. Park 32 . 70 Community Bldg. 49 . 13 City Hall 111.44 Whse 21.83 215 . 10 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING COMPANY Municipal Court Envelopes 263 . 70 KEITH GILBREATH Travel & Expenses for BOA I-II Bldg. Insp. School 2/17-2/20 83 .43 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY Water Sample Tests 10 .00 TOMMY BROWN PRINTING Office Supplies 68'.50 WUEST=S GRO. Custodial Supplies 5 .28 T SLIMP OIL Supplies for Street Repair 72 . 60 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Postage for March Water Bills 60 . 90 ACME LBR. COMPANY Lumber 18 .96 SARGENT-SOWELL (4 ) Stop Signs/Pet Receipt Books 186 . 50 EXPRESS OIL & LUBE Change Oil, Filter, & Grease # 282 27 .90 HARTSGRAPHICS Election Supplies 88 .30 TRUE PERFORMANCE Oil Filter & Wrench for Pick-up 12 .23 G-O' S AUTO REP.AIR:F' State Inspection - Unit # 282 7 . 75 ACE PLUMBING Warehouse/Custodial Supplies 21.49 S & P COMMUNICATION Speaker, transistors , repair siren and installation - Unit #284 405 . 39 • S & P COMMUNICATION Install light bar & service - Unit # 284 ( Step) 668 . 00