Min CC 03/10/1987 - Emergency Certificates of Obligation C I T Y O F C I B 0 L 0 MINUTES OF EMERGENCY SPECIAL MEETING March 10, 1987 1 . CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Dannie G. Bishop called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 p .m. 2 . ROLL CALL . Council Members T .J . Harris, Tex Farnsworth, Fred Niemietz, and Mayor Bishop were present . C .R. Jupe was absent due to business out of town . 3 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE AN AMENDED RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING GIVING NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR $100, 000 .00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING TO THE STATE OF TEXAS THE SHARE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO IN THE PURCHASE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY FOR THE LOOP- 539 BY-PASS FROM THE EASTERN JUNCTION WITH FM 78 AND THE WESTERN JUNCTION WITH FM 78 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE INTENT TO ISSUE . Tex Farnsworth ( Fred Niemietz ) moved to approve-, the -amended resolution authorizing giving Notice of Intent to issue Certificates of Obligation for $100, 000 .00 for the purpose of providing to the State of Texas the share of the City of Cibolo in the purchase of right-of-way property for the Loop 539 By Pass from the eastern junction with FM 78 and the western juction with FM 78 and providing for the publication of the intent to issue . All Appr®ved . 4 . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS . No comments . 5 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. No comments . 6 . ADJOURNMENT . Tex Farnsworth ( Fred Niemietz ) moved to adjourn . All approved . I)ANNIE G . �,XSHOP,' MAYOR GLADYS S! PFEIL, ITY SECRETARY i •