Min CC 03/10/1987 - Workshop C I T Y O F C I B 0 L 0 MINUTES. OF_ WORKSHOP.:.MEETING March 10, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Dannie G. Bishop opened the meeting at 7:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL. Council Members Tex Farnsworth, T.J. Harris, Fred Niemietz , and Mayor Bishop were present. C.R. Jupe was absent due to business out of town. 3. COMMENTS BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS CONCERNING PARTICIPATION IN E-911 EMERGENCY NUMBER CALLING REQUIRING AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO THE MONTHLY TELEPHONE BILL OF EACH PHONE. Mayor Bishop called for comments other than those comments made in the Public Hearing concerning E-911. No other comments were made and Mayor Bishop stated that the item will be on the April 4, 1987 ballot for approval or disapproval by the citizens. T- 4. REVIEW MASTER PLAN MAPS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SUBMITTED TO THE COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 17, 1987 BY KEITH PYRON AND LARRY TRAVIS FOR W.H. MULLINS, INC_ Mr. Mullins and Keith Pyron were present to answer questions. Mayor Bishop pointed out ._ the following items: Page 18 - Concerning the rating of R3 and the future need of a smaller lot to accommodate..different -types_-of_buildings. Mayor Bishop did not agree that the population of Cibolo will not be 5,000 by the year 2005. Page 19 - Paragraph 2 Concerning a Task Force. Mayor Bishop believes this would be good for Cibolo. Page 22 - Mayor Bishop pointed out the need for another water storage tank in the future to improve pressure. Page 37 - Present available water is 1,468 gallons per minute. With any future growth more storage will be needed and this is a critical item. Page 40 - Sewer line development - Mayor Bishop expressed that he_did not believe the present sewer lines are large enough to accommodate new development. Mr. Pyron, however, told the Council that the sewer lines are sufficient but the lift station is near capacity and this must be addressed by Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. Page 67 - Mayor Bishop discussed the requirements concerning fire hydrandts. Tex Farnsworth exp.re,ssed_:th6 maps had errors. Most information was taken from information at City Hall. Most map errors are incorrect assumptions and the planning map does not correspond with the City's Zoning Map. Fred Niemietz discussed railroad crossings and the future need for more crossings in the future for better traffic movement. 5. DISCUSS ORDINANCE NUMBER 211 GOVERNING THE CITY UTILITIES SYSTEM, PROVIDING FOR WATER CONNECTIONS, REGULATING THE SUE OF WATER, PROVIDING FOR SERVICE, ETC. Several sections of Ordinance Number 211 were discussed concerning home builders, monthly charges for all user meters, types of pipe that may be used in the Cibolo water system and a general update of the--ordinance. 6. DISCUSS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND ZONING ORDINANCE. REVIEW ORDINANCES FOR _. ERRORS, OMISSIONS AND CONFLICT BETWEEN THE TWO ORDINANCES. The ordinances were discussed. Tex Farnsworth and Building Inspector Keith Gilbreath will work on the Sub-Division and Zoning Ordinances to correct discrepancies and to correlate the two ordinances. City of Cibolo Minutes of Workshop Meeting March 10, 1987 Page 2 7._. _COMMENTS_.BY_ COUNCIL MEMBERS. Discussion covered several items of concern of the Building Inspector. Patio slabs encroachment on rear set back lines. The consensus was that so long as no cover or enclosure on the slab is made no action was needed. 8. COMv=S BY MAYOR. Mayor Bishop had no other conments at this time,. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) moved to adjourn. All approved. pANNIE BISHOP, MAYOR' GLADYS S FEIL, CI7 SECRETARY •