Min CC 07/21/1987 CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 21, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL AT 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS AT 7:00 P.M. ON JULY 21, 1987. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. council members present at roll call were Mayor Sam Bauder, Tino Delgado, T.J. Harris, Charlie Jupe and Billie Little. Tex Farnsworth was late due to business . Mr. Farnsworth arrived during the presentation of Item #8. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. '(limit 3 minutes each) No citizens ask to be heard. 5. APPROVE CONSENUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS, JULY 7, 1987. B. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1987. C. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado) made the motion to approve consenus items as presented. All Approved. Motion carried. 6. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE FOR CITY SECRETARY TO ATTEND TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM SEMINAR AT N.T.SU. , DENTON, TEXAS ON AUGUST 13-14, 1987. Tino Delgado (Charlie Jupe) made the motion to approve for Ann Smith, City Secretary, to attend the T.M.C.C. Program Seminar in Denton, Texas on August 13-14, 1987. Voting "Yes" - Charlie Jupe & Tino Delgado. Voting "No" Billie Little and T.J. Harris. Mayor Bauder voted "Yes" to break the 2-2 Tie Vote. Motion carried 3-2. 7. REVIEW BUDGET RECAP THRU JUNE 30, 1987. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM COMPUTER COMMITTEE. No motion presented from the floor. Mayor Bauder suggested that the computer software vendors present give a brief statement of the their proposal and services recommended to the City. Charlie Jupe, Computer Committee member, stated that the City Staff , Mr. T.J. Harris and himself had viewed three systems and would like more time to look at a couple of more systems. Mr. Jupe recommended that the committee be given until August 41 1987 @ 6:00 P.M. , at which time Council could have a workshop for computers and then a recommendation would be made in the near future. Council members agreed to meet in a workshop on August 4, 1987 @ 6:00 P.M. , prior to the regular meeting at 7 :00 P.M. 9. SET AND APPROVE DATES FOR BUDGET WORKSHOPS. Tex Farnsworth (Billie Little) made the motion to set the first 87-88 Budget workshop on Monday, August 3, 1987 @ 7:00 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page -2 I J P.M. in the City Hall . All approved. Motion carried. 10. APPOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT STUDY COMMITTEE. Mayor Bauder recommended that Tex Farnsworth and Tino Delgado be appointed to represent the Council on a Fire Department Study Committee with the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department . The Committee is to report back to the Council in the near future. All Approved. Appointment carried. 11. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS TO CLOSE OUT INACTIVE BANK ACCOUNTS, REFUND ON WATER DEPOSITS, TRANSFER BALANCES TO INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNTS. Charlie Jupe (lino Delgado) motioned to make the following accounting transactions: * A. Close Acct. #900-028 Fed. Sharing Fund $12 ,002.20 to General Fund. B. Cloe #9001027, Rec. Fund $ 98.19 to General Fund. C. Close #9 -583 Tax Escrow $95 .72 to #900-342 D. Close #924-350 Const. Fund $ 46.35 to #921-556. D-L. Close #900-575 League Fund $359.50 to General Fund. E. Move #9-991-074 Sewer I & S to an Interest Bearing Acct. F. Close #900-486 , Cust. Dep. Acct. $1 ,781.97 refund as many deposits as possible and trans. bal . to 900-036. The following are transfers from Capital Improvement Funds to General Fund and Water & Sewer Fund to re-imburse these funds from past approved "Capital Improvement" Purchases. G. Phone & Comm. $5 , 759. to Gen. Fund. H. Utility Shed $7 , 500.00 to Gen. Fund. I . City Truck $1 , 200.00 to Water and Sewer. J. Xerox Copier $4, 999.00 to Gen. Fund. K. Tractor $5 ,800.00 to Water and Sewer. L . Bypass Legal Fees $4, 750. to Gen. Fund. M. Police Vehicles $6 , 680.00 to Gen. Fund. N. Bal . 5 Yr. Plan (Engr. Fee) $4, 150.00 to Gen. Fund. 0. Atty Fees Vaughan Judgement 43 ,991 .64 to Gen. Fund. Voting "Yes" Charlie Jupe, Tino Delgado, T.J. Harris, Tex Farnsworth. Voting "no" Billie Little. Motion carried 4-1 . 12. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE INVESTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ACCOUNTS IN CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. T.J. Harris (Charlie Jupe) motioned to appoint David Walker and Mayor Sam Bauder as agents for the City invest 50% of Capital Improvement Funds in a One (1) year C.D. , 25% of balance in a 180 day C.D. and the remaining, 25% in a N.O.W. account. All approved. Motion carried. 13. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Billie Little ask about the response to the Buffalo Valley Landfill proposal. Ms. LAittle stated that she had attended meetings of the opposition and was concerned that the Council had not responsed since the City had received the State ' s Report. Mayor Bauder stated that Mr. Mullins , City Engineer, had not found any problems with the State' s Report and that the City Council had sent a Resolution to the State last year opposing the proposed landfill . Discussion centered around the "Public Hearing" on the proposed Buffalo Valley Landfill in Schertz on August 11 , 1987 at 9:00 A.M. The Council agreed to move its regular meeting on August 41 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. to the Grange Hall in Cibolo and to place on the agenda discussion of the Public Hearing. The newspaper reporters were ask to help in notifying the citizens of Cibolo to attend and state their wishes. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. Page 3 Tex Farnworth thanked the maintenance crew for removing the stump on the corner of Main Street. Also, Mr. Farnsworth suggested that the Council seriously consider taking down the old water tower. Keith Gilbreath was ask to check into costs to remove the tower. Mr. Farnsworth ask that a meeting between the Council and Rob Sult, Crow Development , in reference to the water loop system. 14. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bauder stated that due to Mr. David Walker, City Administrator, verifying local business reporting sales tax that an increase in the amount of $7,200.00 was received in the June Sales Tax Check from the State Treasurer. 15. ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) made the motion to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. All approved. Motion carried. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANN SMITH, CITY SECRETARY * Due to conflict in information, Item 11A. will not be closed. Disposition of the Item appears in Item # 11 of the August 4, 1987 Agenda. • CITY OF CIBOLO — _ JULY 21, 1 9 8 7 B I L L S T O B E A P P R O V E D TEXAS DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY ( 2) Used DPS Vehicles ' 82 Dodge & ' 85 Dodge $ 6 , 680.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL CIty Hall Phone Bill 92.80 TRI COUNTY OFFICE Office Supplies 130.00 SCHERTZ PUBLIC WORKS Animal Shelter Rental 65 .00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL Police Dept. Phone Bill 55.47 SHADROCK PETROLEUM Gasoline (Police Dept. ) 214.15 SEGUIN GAZETTE Legal Notice Advertisements 63.30 HELPING HAND HDWE Maintenance Supplies 55.10 Toilets - City Hall 102.38 157.48 ACME LBR. CO. Turbans, Skylight Materials , Lumber & hardware for Maintenance Garage. 278.41 VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Re-key Police Chief Office , Dead bolt on Evidence Closet 132.35 U.C. AUTO PARTS Vehicle Maintenance Supplies 30.44 HILBERT IMPLEMENT Mower Belt 9.25 KEITH GILBREATH Re-imbursement for mileage & meals - Class D Water License Course - Marriott - San Antonio 51 .30 G.V.E.C. Repair Lights - replace bulbs (Park) 476.86 i CIBOLO STATE BANK Water & Sewer Bond, Series 77 Coupons 11200.00 ROBERT F. TULLGREN Re-imburse for lumber & supplies to add shelving in evidence Locker 21 .89 COCA-COLA BOTTLING Soft Drinks - City Hall (Pass Thru) 15. 25 Mississippi Tool 45 Street Signs 598.92 SAMUEL 'S GLASS Glass Top for Refinishing Used Accessory Table & Desk for Adm. office 71 .70 S & P COMMUNICATIONS repair Radio - Unit # 284 169.00 RANDOLPH TIRE Repair Flat - Unit #282 7.00 THE EMPORIUM Billy Clubs, Leg Irons & Hand Cuffs ( STEP FUND) 155.70 DIAMOND RITE Paper Towels & Floor Cleaner 61 .75 SCHERTZ AMINAL CLINIC Animal Euthanasia 50.50 BILLS TO BE APPROVED JULY 21, 1987 (Continued) UNIFORMS OF TEXAS Uniforms for #282 & 284 (STEP FUND) $ 284.85 GREEN VALLEY WATER Repairs - 137 Buffalo Trial 134.19 DAVID WALKER Car-:Allowance 50.00 NEGLEY PAINT Paint for Maintenance Shed & Other areas 93.24 SIPPEL' S HARDWARE Maintenance Supplies 32.82 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY ( 2) Water Log Tests 10.00 SHERIFF-GUADALUPE CO. 2 Nights Board--Bill.: 20.00 HARDY, SCHWARTZMAN, BAHAN & JACOBSON July retainer 500.00 HERALD NEWS Legal Notice Advertisements 63.28 G.V.E.C. Water Tower Electricity 17 .71 CITY OF CIBOLO - GENERAL FUND y Transfer due to deposit error 10/6/86 -from Water & Sewer 313.00 CITY OF CIBOLO - WATER & SEWER FUND Transfer due to error 10/9/86 Deposit wrong fund - from Gen. Fund 1 , 782.00 DICKIE WORK CLOTHES Uniform Rental for Public Works 90:00" DR. JODY GREEN, M.D. Tetinus & GGT Shots for Public Works Employees working in raw . sewer repair 60.00 TIM MARCAURELE Uniform Cleaning Allowance 20.00 1 DEBBIE NIEMIETZ " If " 20.00 ROBERT TULLGREN " " " 20.00 THOMAS EQUIPMENT Supplies for Tractor 71.35 CITY OF CIBOLO _- PAYROLL FUND Payroll 7/1 - 7/. 15/87 5 ,954.63 •