Min CC 04/07/1987 C I T Y O F C I B 0 L 0 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING April 7 , 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Dannie Bishop called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 p.m. 2 . INVOCATION. Council Member T. J. Harris presented the invocation. 3 . ROLL CALL. Council Members C.R. Jupe, T. J. Harris , Tex Farnsworth, and Mayor Bishop were present . Council Member Fred Niemietz was absent . 4 . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. No citizens requested to be heard. l 5 . APPROVE CONSENSUS ITEMS. A. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH/ 30, 1987 , 7 :00 P.M. B. BILLS TO BE APPROVED. T. J. Harris (C.R. Jupe) moved to approve the Consensus Items . All approved. Motion carried. 6, ACCEPT SEALED ELECTION RETURNS OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 4 , 1987 . Mayor presented the results of the General Election in the sealed envelope he received from Election Judege Fred Wiedner. 7 . PERFORM OFFICIAL CANVASS OF CITY OFFICERS' ELECTION AND ANNOUNCE RESULTS OF SAME. TOTAL VOTES CAST: General votes . . . 228 Absentee 7 Total votes cast . . . . . . . 235 UNUSED BALLOTS : General. . . . . . 246 Absentee . . . . . 18 Specimen . . . 1 Total usused ballots . . . . . 265 Total ballots ordered . . . . . 500 Mayor Bishop read the results of the General Election on April 4 , 1987 . The votes cast were as follows : MAYOR Sam Bauder 129 Tex Farnsworth 100 COUNCIL - PLACE 2 Claude Smith 63 Rebecca Del Toro 70 Billie Little 95 COUNCIL - PLACE 3 Fred Niemietz 110 Justino Delgado 118 WRITE IN VOTES: MAYOR George Lessard 3 Allan Biegert 1 PLACE 2 Mike Maher 1 PLACE Earl Daniel 1 City of Cibolo Regular Council Meeting Minutes April 7, 1987 Page 2 PROPOSITION E-9-1-1 For 139 Against 52 8 . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Council Members made no comments at this time. 9 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Bishop stated he was happy to have had the opportunity to serve on the Council and thanked the citizens for their support. 10 . ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS. Mayor Bishop administered the oath of office to newly elected Mayor Sam Bauder. t` After completing his own oath of office, Mayor Bauder then administered the office of office to Billie Little and Justino Delgado. 11. APPROVE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES CONCERNING DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS BY°.AND FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO. C.R. Jupe (lino Delgado) moved to authorize the signatures of Mayor Bauder_. Council Members Billie Little, Tex Farnsworth and T. J. Harris for designated signatures at Cibolo State Bank. All approved. Motion carried. Motion carried. 12 . ADJOURNMENT. Tex Farnsworth (T. J. Harris ) moved to adjourn. Annie G. B4/shop, May ATTEST: Gladys P eil, eity Secretary i CITY OF CIBOLO B I L LS TO BE APPROVED APRIL 7 , 1987 VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Re-key City Hall $ 96 . 75 RADIO SHACK Cassette Tapes (Council Minutes ) 29 . 88 EXPRESS LUBE Oil Change - Police Unit #284 21. 95 G.V.E.C. Electricity: Park $ 36 . 92 Warehouse 21.25 Comm. Bldg. 19 .51 City Hall 89 . 68 197 . 36 r'?BOLO AUTODDEESEL Repair - Dodge Truck 100 . 00 WASTE MANAGEMENT Garbage Chg. - March' 87 3 , 850 . 86 C.C.M.A. Sewer Chg. - March' 87 3 , 720 . 68 VICTOR CORNELIUS Reflective Stop Signs 85 .41 JULIA J. JEANS Mileage ( Judge ' s Office & Courthouse) 9 . 27 AUTO SHACK Maint . Truck (Anti-freeze, etc) 25 . 70 RICHARD J. HUGHEY Warrants 75 . 00 4-M AUTOMOTIVE Repair Police Unit #282 56 . 95 G.V.E.C. Flood Light Fixtures - Replacement 128 . 00 ACE PLBG. -COMPANY Locks for Election -Boxes 15 .28 SEGUIN-GAZETTE ENTERPRISE Legal Notice Publication 20 . 65 ,ECORDER TIMES Legal Notice Publication 119 . 10 GREEN VALLEY WATER Water Chgs - 1/29-2/27 4 , 596 .88 GREEN VALLEY WATER Repair 2" C. I . Pipe 90 .00 TRI-COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY Office Supplies 15 .44 TML RISK & INSURANCE Property & Liability: Gen. Liability $ 359 . 83 Auto " 151. 33 Law Enforcemnt 220 .08 Errors & Ommission 192 . 00 Real & Personal 102 . 75 Mobile Equipment 1. 83 1, 027 .82 CENTEX COMMUNICATIONS April, ' 87 Voice Pagers 74 . 50 TML RISK & INSURANCE Worker' s Comp. Premium 1, 085 . 25 REMAN' S FUND INS. Employee' s Health Insurance 519 . 00 WOLFE' S NURSERY Shrubs & Flowers ( Recreation Fund) 232 . 62 SCHERTZ ANIMAL HOSPITAL Canine Euthanasia 14 .00 CITY OF CIBOLO BILLS TO BE APPROVED (continued) APRIL 7, 1987 ROY W. RICHARD, JR. Municipal Court Judge 150 . 00 STUBBLEFIELD, BRISTER SCHOOLCRAFT & JACOBS Municipal Court Prosecutors 150 .00 STATE TREASURER March, ' 87 Law Enforcement Officers Standards & Ed. Fund Report 394 .20 STATE TREASURER March, 187 Judical & Court Training Fund Report 395 .10 STATE TREASURER March, ' 87 Comp. to Victims of Crime Fund Report 1, 191. 15 --,STATE TREASURER March, 187 Criminal Justice Planning Fund Report 1, 975 . 50 ALAMO IRON WORKS Gaskets for Water Stor. Tank 22 . 86 CITY OF CIBOLO Water Usage: City Hall $23 . 60 Park 23 . 28 46 .88 CITY OF UNIVERSAL CITY April, ' 87 Dispatch Service 300 .00 PRONTO PRINTING Inspection Forms 53 . 25 40-