Min CC 08/03/1987 - Budget Workshop CITY OF CIBOLO MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP AUGUST 3, 1987 @ 7:00 P.M. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A BUDGET WORKSHOP AT THE CIBOLO CITY HALL, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS AT 7:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 3, 1987. THE FOLLOWING AGENDA WAS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the 87-88 Budget Workshop to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION. Mr. T.J. Harris gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL. Members present were Mayor Bauder, T.J . Harris, Tino Delgado, Billie Little, Tex Farnsworth. Absent: Mr. Charlie Jupe due to business . Staff Members present: Mr. David Walker, Keith Gilbreath, Chief Tullgren and Ann Smith. 4. DISCUSSION OF 1987-88 BUDGET. Department supervisors and staff presented their respective sections on the 87-88 Proposed Budget. Total proposed expenditures were as follows: Mayor & Council $ 5 ,400. Administrative 106,950. Law Enf. & Municipal Court 138 , 595 . Public Works 289,316. Bldg . Inspection 24,843 . Fire Protectin 8 ,688. t Debt Services 119 ,833 . TOTAL: $ 693 ,565 . Due to the 1987 Re-appraisals , tax rolls have not been certified by the appraisal district at this time. Mr . Mike Morris , G.C.A.D. , stated in the media that rolls should be ready to certify late August or September. Excluding revenues from ad valorum taxes, the anticipated revenues are $ 511 ,355 . Mayor Bauder stated that this was just the presentati;on,of the proposed budget and that council should take this and study and another workshop would be scheduled soon. 5. ADJOURNMENT. • Tex Farnsworth (T.J. Harris) made the motion to adjourn at 10:3.0 P.M. All approved. MAYOR SAM BAUDER ATTE T: A14N SMITH, CITY SECRETARY